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Last active April 11, 2017 08:22
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ViewModels with parents / children
<require from="my-comp"></require>
<h1>Parents, children and viewmodels</h1>
<li repeat.for="n of nodes">
<compose view-model="my-comp" model.bind="n"></compose>
<li repeat.for="i of n.items">
<compose view-model="my-comp" model.bind="i"></compose>
import { bindable, observable } from 'aurelia-framework'
export class App {
nodes = this.initNodes();
initNodes() {
let c1_1 = { title: 'Node 1.1', value: 17 };
let n1 = { title: 'Node 1', items: [ c1_1 ]};
c1_1.parentNodeModel = n1;
let c2_1 = { title: 'Node 2.1', value: 2 };
let c2_2 = { title: 'Node 2.2', value: 3 };
let n2 = { title: 'Node 2', items: [ c2_1, c2_2 ]};
c2_1.parentNodeModel = n2;
c2_2.parentNodeModel = n2;
let nodes = [ n1, n2 ];
return nodes;
<!doctype html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<body aurelia-app>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<span style="font-family:Lucida Console Regular;">
title: '${model.title}', ${model.value}&euro; <button if.bind="!hasChildren" click.delegate="inc()">inc</button>
import { inject, BindingEngine, Disposable } from 'aurelia-framework'
export class MyComp {
model = null;
hasChildren = false;
childSubs = [];
bindingEngine = null;
constructor(bindingEngine) {
this.bindingEngine = bindingEngine;
activate(model) {
this.model = model;
this.title = model.title;
this.hasChildren = ((model.items) && (model.items.length) && (model.items.length > 0));
attached() {
if (this.hasChildren) {
for (let c of this.model.items) {
let sub = this.bindingEngine.propertyObserver(c, 'value').subscribe(() => this.recalcChildrenSum());
console.debug(`'${this.title}'' is monitoring ${this.childSubs.length} child/ren`);
detached() {
if ((this.childSubs) && (this.childSubs.length > 0)) {
for (let sub of this.childSubs) {
this.childSubs = null;
inc() {
if (!this.model.value) return; // we do not have a value
this.model.value += 1;
recalcChildrenSum() {
let sum = 0;
for (let c of this.model.items) {
if (c.value) {
sum += c.value;
this.model.value = sum;
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