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Created February 11, 2018 08:38
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import sys, os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString, Tag
import re
def bringToFront(arr, value):
i = arr.index(value)
arr.insert(0, arr.pop(i))
except ValueError:
pass # Not in the list
def bringAllToFront(arr, keys):
for key in reversed(keys):
bringToFront(arr, key)
def sortedAttrs(el):
keys = el.attrs.keys()
keys = sorted(keys)
bringAllToFront(keys, [
for key in keys:
yield key, el.attrs[key]
def dent(indent):
return " " * indent
def nl(indent):
return "\n" + dent(indent)
def renderTag(el, indent=0):
# s += (" " * indent)
# print(dent(indent),, type(el))
if type(el) == Tag or type(el) == BeautifulSoup:
if == 'metadata':
return "" # Skip it (it has annoying namespaces and we don't need it anyways)
s = ""
s += "<" +
for key, value in sortedAttrs(el):
s += nl(indent+1) + " " + str(key) + "=\"" + str(value) + "\""
childrenStr = ""
childCount = 0
for child in el.children:
childStr = renderTag(child, indent+1)
if len(childStr) > 0:
childrenStr += nl(indent+1) + childStr
childCount += 1
if childCount == 0:
s += " /"
s += ">"
s += childrenStr
if childCount > 0:
s += nl(indent) + "</" + + ">"
return s
elif type(el) == NavigableString:
s = str(el)
if s.strip() == '':
return ""
# print("LOG", s)
return s
print("ERROR", type(el), el)
return ""
def renderSvg(svg):
s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n'
s += renderTag(svg)
return s
def parseArgs(s):
left = s.index('(') + 1
right = s.index(')')
s = s[left:right]
# print(s)
tokens = s.split(',')
args = map(float, tokens)
args = list(args)
# print(args)
return args
def transformChildren(parent, func, *args):
for el in parent.children:
if type(el) == Tag:
# print('\t', el)
func(el, *args)
def roundIfNeeded(a):
return a
b = round(a)
if a < b and b <= a + 0.01:
return b # a ~= 0.99
elif a - 0.01 <= b and b <= a:
return b # a ~= 1.01
return a
def applyTranslate(el, dx, dy):
if == 'rect':
applyTranslateToRect(el, dx, dy)
raise Exception("Cannot applyTranslate to <{}>".format(
def formatNumber(x):
if type(x) == float:
s = str(x)
a,b = s.split('.')
if len(b) > 3: # significance >3
s = "{:.3f}".format(x)
return s
return s
return str(x)
def applyTranslateToRect(el, dx, dy):
x = float(el["x"])
y = float(el["y"])
x += dx
y += dy
# print("\t\t({}, {}) => ({}, {})".format(el["x"], el["y"], x, y))
x = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(x))
y = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(y))
# print("\t\t({}, {}) => ({}, {})".format(el["x"], el["y"], x, y))
el["x"] = x
el["y"] = y
def applyMatrix(el, a, b, c, d, e, f):
if == 'rect':
applyMatrixToRect(el, a, b, c, d, e, f)
elif == 'path':
applyMatrixToPath(el, a, b, c, d, e, f)
raise Exception("Cannot applyMatrix to <{}>".format(
def applyMatrixToRect(el, a, b, c, d, e, f):
x1 = float(el["x"])
y1 = float(el["y"])
w1 = float(el["width"])
h1 = float(el["height"])
x2 = x1 + w1
y2 = y1 + h1
print("\t\t({}, {}, {}, {})".format(el["x"], el["y"], el["width"], el["height"]))
x3, y3 = applyMatrixToPoint(x1, y1, a, b, c, d, e, f)
x4, y4 = applyMatrixToPoint(x2, y2, a, b, c, d, e, f)
w2 = x4 - x3
h2 = y4 - y3
print("\t\t\t=> ({}, {}, {}, {})".format(x3, y3, w2, h2))
if w2 < 0:
x3 = x4
# x3 += w2
w2 *= -1
if h2 < 0:
y3 = y4
# y3 += h2
h2 *= -1
x3 = roundIfNeeded(x3)
y3 = roundIfNeeded(y3)
w2 = roundIfNeeded(w2)
h2 = roundIfNeeded(h2)
print("\t\t\t=> ({}, {}, {}, {})".format(x3, y3, w2, h2))
el["x"] = formatNumber(x3)
el["y"] = formatNumber(y3)
el["width"] = formatNumber(w2)
el["height"] = formatNumber(h2)
def applyScaleToRect(el, sx, sy):
applyMatrixToRect(el, sx, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0)
# def applyMatrixToPoint(x1, y1, a, b, c, d, e, f):
# x1 = float(x1)
# y1 = float(y1)
# #
# x2 = a*x1 + c*y1 + e
# y2 = b*x1 + d*y1 + f
# x2 = roundIfNeeded(x2)
# y2 = roundIfNeeded(y2)
# x2 = formatNumber(x2)
# y2 = formatNumber(y2)
# # print("\t\t({}, {}) => ({}, {})".format(x1, y1, x2, y2))
# return x2, y2
def applyMatrixToPoint(x1, y1, a, b, c, d, e, f):
x2 = a*x1 + c*y1 + e
y2 = b*x1 + d*y1 + f
return x2, y2
def applyMatrixToPath(el, a, b, c, d, e, f):
# print("matrix({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})".format(a, b, c, d, e, f))
path = el['d']
path = path.replace(',', ' ')
tokens = path.split(' ')
out = []
lastCommand = ''
command = ''
tokenIter = iter(tokens)
commandUseCount = 0
arcX1 = 0
arcY1 = 0
arcX2 = 0
arcY2 = 0
for token in tokenIter:
# print('\t\t' + token)
if token in ['m', 'l', 'h', 'v', 'z', 'c', 's', 'q', 't', 'a']:
commandUseCount = 0
lastCommand = command
command = token
if command == 'z': # Close Path
commandUseCount += 1
if command == 'm' or command == 'l':
# Move To x,y
# Line to x,y
x = token
y = next(tokenIter)
x1 = float(x)
y1 = float(y)
if commandUseCount == 1:
# Remember original x,y positions
arcX1 = x1
arcY1 = y1
elif commandUseCount >= 2:
# x,y is delta dx,dy
x1 = arcX1 + x1
y1 = arcY1 + y1
arcX1 = x1
arcY1 = y1
x2, y2 = applyMatrixToPoint(x1, y1, a, b, c, d, e, f)
if commandUseCount == 1:
# Remember matrixed x,y positions
arcX2 = x2
arcY2 = y2
x2 = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(x2))
y2 = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(y2))
commandStr = "{} {},{}".format(command, x2, y2)
elif commandUseCount >= 2:
# Generate matrixed delta dx,dy
dx = x2 - arcX2
dy = y2 - arcY2
dx = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(dx))
dy = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(dy))
arcX2 = x2
arcY2 = y2
commandStr = "{},{}".format(dx, dy)
print("\t\t[{}] ({},{}) => ({})".format(command, x, y, commandStr))
elif command == 'h': # Horizontal to x
raise Exception("Implement path h/v")
elif command == 'v': # Vertical to y
raise Exception("Implement path h/v")
elif command == 'z': # Close Path
raise Exception('Close Path does not use arguments')
elif command == 'c': # Cubic Bezier curve to
# C x1 y1, x2 y2, x y
raise Exception("Implement path Bezier Curves")
elif command == 's': # Continue Cubic Bezier curve
# S x2 y2, x y
raise Exception("Implement path Bezier Curves")
elif command == 'q': # Quadratic Bezier curve
# Q x1 y1, x y
raise Exception("Implement path Bezier Curves")
elif command == 't': # Continue Quadratic Bezier curve
# T x y
raise Exception("Implement path Bezier Curves")
elif command == 'a': # Arc to
# A rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y
# a 4.5,4.5 0 0 0 -4.5,4.5
rx = token
ry = next(tokenIter)
xAxisRotation = next(tokenIter)
largeArcFlag = next(tokenIter)
sweepFlag = next(tokenIter)
x = next(tokenIter)
y = next(tokenIter)
rx1 = float(rx)
ry1 = float(ry)
x1 = float(x)
y1 = float(y)
if commandUseCount >= 2 or lastCommand == 'm':
# x,y is delta dx,dy
x1 = arcX1 + x1
y1 = arcY1 + y1
arcX1 = x1
arcY1 = y1
else: # commandUseCount == 1
# Remember original x,y positions
arcX1 = x1
arcY1 = y1
# pass
# rx2, ry2 = applyMatrixToPoint(rx1, ry1, a, b, c, d, e, f)
rx2 = a*rx1 + c*ry1
ry2 = b*rx1 + d*ry1
# rx2 = a*rx1
# ry2 = d*ry1
x2, y2 = applyMatrixToPoint(x1, y1, a, b, c, d, e, f)
if rx2 < 0:
rx2 *= -1
x2 -= rx2 * 2
if ry2 < 0:
ry2 *= -1
y2 -= ry2 * 2
if commandUseCount >= 2 or lastCommand == 'm':
# Generate matrixed delta dx,dy
dx = x2 - arcX2
dy = y2 - arcY2
dx = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(dx))
dy = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(dy))
rx2 = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(rx2))
ry2 = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(ry2))
arcX2 = x2
arcY2 = y2
commandStr = "{},{} {} {} {} {},{}".format(rx2, ry2, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, dx, dy)
else: # commandUseCount == 1
# Remember matrixed x,y positions
arcX2 = x2
arcY2 = y2
x2 = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(x2))
y2 = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(y2))
rx2 = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(rx2))
ry2 = formatNumber(roundIfNeeded(ry2))
commandStr = "{},{} {} {} {} {},{}".format(rx2, ry2, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, x2, y2)
if lastCommand != 'a':
commandStr = 'a ' + commandStr
# print("\t\t({},{} ... {},{}) => ({})".format(rx, ry, x, y, commandStr))
print("\t\t[a] ({},{}) => ({})".format(x, y, commandStr))
# raise Exception("Implement path Arc to")
el['d'] = ' '.join(out)
def removeGroupTransforms(svg):
for g in svg.find_all('g'):
transform = g.attrs.get('transform')
# print(transform)
# TODO: Support multiple functions in 1 tag.
if transform is None or transform.strip() == '':
elif 'translate(' in transform:
# translateChildren()
args = parseArgs(transform)
transformChildren(g, applyTranslate, *args)
del g.attrs['transform']
elif 'matrix(' in transform:
# translateChildren()
args = parseArgs(transform)
transformChildren(g, applyMatrix, *args)
del g.attrs['transform']
raise Exception('Unsupported transform', transform)
def removeRectTransforms(svg):
for rect in svg.find_all('rect'):
# print(rect)
transform = rect.attrs.get('transform')
# print(transform)
# TODO: Support multiple functions in 1 tag.
if transform is None or transform.strip() == '':
elif 'scale(' in transform:
args = parseArgs(transform)
applyScaleToRect(rect, *args)
del rect.attrs['transform']
elif 'matrix(' in transform:
args = parseArgs(transform)
applyMatrixToRect(rect, *args)
del rect.attrs['transform']
raise Exception('Unsupported transform', transform)
def removeTransforms(svg):
inSvgPath = '_templates/tasks-outside.svg'
outSvgPath = 'test.svg'
with open(inSvgPath, 'r') as fin:
soup = BeautifulSoup(fin, 'xml')
svg = soup.find('svg')
s = renderSvg(svg)
# print(s)
with open(outSvgPath, 'w') as fout:
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