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Created June 20, 2017 23:45
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  • Save Zren/8515913f9de052e4f219700fb2c0525a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Zren/8515913f9de052e4f219700fb2c0525a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import QtQuick 2.5
Item {
id: root
width: 720
height: 480
property Item currentImage: imageB
property Item otherImage: imageA
property bool ready: false
property int fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
readonly property var wallpapers: [
readonly property int wallpaperIndex: 0
readonly property string modelImage: wallpapers[wallpaperIndex]
Timer {
interval: 5000
running: true
repeat: true
onTriggered: wallpaperIndex = (wallpaperIndex + 1) % wallpapers.length
onModelImageChanged: {
console.log('onModelImageChanged', modelImage)
function fadeWallpaper() {
if (!ready && width > 0 && height > 0) { // shell startup, setup immediately
currentImage.sourceSize = Qt.size(root.width, root.height)
currentImage.source = modelImage
ready = true
fadeAnim.running = false
currentImage.source = modelImage
currentImage.sourceSize = Qt.size(root.width, root.height)
// Prevent source size change when image has just been setup anyway
currentImage.opacity = 0
otherImage.z = 0
currentImage.z = 1
// only cross-fade if the new image could be smaller than the old one
fadeOtherAnimator.enabled = Qt.binding(function() {
console.log('fadeOtherAnimator.enabled in fadeWallpaper', currentImage.paintedWidth, otherImage.paintedWidth, currentImage.paintedHeight, otherImage.paintedHeight)
return currentImage.paintedWidth < otherImage.paintedWidth || currentImage.paintedHeight < otherImage.paintedHeight
// Alleviate stuttering by waiting with the fade animation until the image is loaded (or failed to)
fadeAnim.running = Qt.binding(function() {
console.log('fadeAnim.running in fadeWallpaper', currentImage.status, otherImage.status)
return currentImage.status !== Image.Loading && otherImage.status !== Image.Loading
function swapImages() {
if (currentImage == imageA) {
console.log('swapImages imageA=>imageB', imageB.source)
currentImage = imageB
otherImage = imageA
} else {
console.log('swapImages imageB=>imageA', imageA.source)
currentImage = imageA
otherImage = imageB
Timer {
id: sourceSizeTimer
interval: 1000 // always delay reloading the image even when animations are turned off
onTriggered: fadeSourceSize()
function fadeSourceSize() {
if (currentImage.sourceSize === Qt.size(root.width, root.height)) {
fadeAnim.running = false
currentImage.sourceSize = Qt.size(root.width, root.height)
currentImage.opacity = 0
currentImage.source = otherImage.source
otherImage.z = 0
currentImage.z = 1
fadeOtherAnimator.enabled = false // the image size didn't change, avoid cross-dissolve
fadeAnim.running = Qt.binding(function() {
console.log('fadeAnim.running in fadeSourceSize', currentImage.status, otherImage.status)
return currentImage.status !== Image.Loading && otherImage.status !== Image.Loading
SequentialAnimation {
id: fadeAnim
running: false
ParallelAnimation {
OpacityAnimator {
target: currentImage
from: 0
to: 1
duration: fadeOtherAnimator.duration
OpacityAnimator {
id: fadeOtherAnimator
property bool enabled: true
target: otherImage
from: 1
// cannot disable an animation individually, so we just fade from 1 to 1
to: enabled ? 0 : 1
//use configured duration if animations are enabled
duration: 1000
ScriptAction {
script: {
otherImage.fillMode = fillMode;
otherImage.source = "";
Rectangle {
id: backgroundColor
anchors.fill: parent
visible: ready && (currentImage.status === Image.Ready || otherImage.status === Image.Ready)
color: "black"
Behavior on color {
ColorAnimation { duration: 400 }
Image {
id: imageA
anchors.fill: parent
asynchronous: true
cache: false
fillMode: root.fillMode
autoTransform: true //new API in Qt 5.5, do not backport into Plasma 5.4.
Image {
id: imageB
anchors.fill: parent
asynchronous: true
cache: false
fillMode: root.fillMode
autoTransform: true //new API in Qt 5.5, do not backport into Plasma 5.4.
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