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Getting ready with Wordpress
1. Open CDM as Administrator
2. Type: setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\xampp\php" /m
3. Close and reopen CMD as administrator
4. For test type: php -v
5. Type setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\xampp\mysql\bin" /m
6. For test type: mysql -V
1. Create folder C:\xampp\wp-cli
2. Download wp-cli via CMD: curl -O
3. Create file wp.bat and type:
php "c:/wp-cli/wp-cli.phar" %*
4. In CMD set env variable: setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\xampp\wp-cli" /m
5. Reopen CMD and for test type wp --info
1. download last wordpress: wp core download --locale=pl_PL
2. loggin into mysql: mysql -u root -p
3. create database: create database db_name default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci;
4. Chcek if db exist: show databases;
5. Close mysql CTRL+C
6. Change connection settings: wp core config --dbhost=localhost --dbname=db_name --dbuser=root --dbpass=
1. (xampp) Add to file C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf lines:
<VirtualHost yoursite.local>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/yoursite.local"
ServerName yoursite.local
ErrorLog "logs/yoursite.local-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/yoursite.local-access.log" common
2. (windows) Add to file c:\windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts line: yoursite.local
3. Remember to restart xampp
type in cmd: wp core install --url=yoursite.local --title="Blog Title" --admin_name=admin_username --admin_password=password
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