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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Animation with complex tranformation 1/Z - t
Conformal animations with MoviePy and Scikit Image, after user u/spel3o on Reddit.
Reddit discussion:
Original gif:
Gif produced by this script:
import numpy as np # for numerical computations
from skimage import transform # for the transformation
import moviepy.editor as mpy # for the animation (Video/GIF)
from urllib import urlretrieve # to download the image
def apply_transformation_to_image(image, complex_fun, t):
""" Applies the conformal tranformation complex_fun(z,t)
to the given image (z=0 at the center of the image)."""
def map_coordinates(xy):
center = np.mean(xy, axis=0)
xc, yc = (xy - center).T
new_z = complex_fun(xc+yc*1j, t)
return np.column_stack([new_z.real, new_z.imag]) + center
new_image = transform.warp(image, map_coordinates, mode='reflect')
return (255*new_image).astype("uint8")
def make_clip(clip, complex_fun):
""" Makes a MoviePy clip which can be written to a GIF"""
def transfo(gf, t):
return apply_transformation_to_image(gf(t),complex_fun,t)
return clip.fl( transfo )
# Downlad the picture
# Create the animated clip
# The next two lines could be written like this to use an animated clip as a basis
#~ clip = mpy.VideoFileClip("my_video_clip.mp4").resize(width=400)
#~ D = clip.duration # duration in seconds
clip = mpy.ImageClip("falling_man.jpg").resize(width=400)
D = 3 # duration in seconds
complex_fun = lambda z,t : clip.w*(300/z - 2*t/D) # our complex transfo.
final_clip = make_clip(clip, complex_fun).set_duration(D)
# Write a GIF
final_clip.write_gif("falling_conformal.gif", fps=20)
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