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Zura Guerra ZuraGuerra

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  • I am zuraguerra on github.
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Sé que no es algo personal :) Sólo esperaría una actitud más madura que feedback en tono tóxico de líderes de opinión de la comunidad. En su posición de gente con experiencia validada por la masa, es más fácil que sus comentarios nos suman en la confusión: desde pensar que en verdad uno no se ha “ganado” el “derecho” a dar charlas hasta torcer la noción del verdadero espíritu de las comunidades (que es compartir). Ustedes tres y demás doers son la cara de la tecnología en México: pueden ser la diferencia entre que alguien se sienta animado a aprender o que se quede con un mal sabor de boca.
No siento que tenga que ver primordialmente con género, trata del rigor técnico contra la “improvisación” de charlas. (Juicio que dependió en este caso de asumir que yo daría una charla rigurosamente *técnica* [y de ser el caso, que la daría sacada de la nada y *mal*].)
La verdad es que mis ganas por hacer cosas se ven (fueled) por este tipo de situaciones: me doy cuenta del gran trabajo que necesitamos hacer para crear
ZuraGuerra / spanish.ex
Last active February 2, 2017 00:01
Usage: `Spanish.PastTense.conjugate(subject, verb_on_infinitive)`
defmodule Spanish.PastTense do
alias Spanish.Participle
import String, only: [capitalize: 1]
@to_have %{"yo" => "he",
"tú" => "has",
"él" => "ha", # same for "ella"
"nosotros" => "hemos",
"ustedes" => "han"} # same for "ellos" and "ellas"
@singular_exceptions ["ella", "eso"]
ZuraGuerra / deluxe-client.log
Created October 28, 2016 00:43
iOS build error
Check dependencies
Write auxiliary files
write-file /Users/zu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Deluxe-cznaokwwjygtbkchxmtdgdbvkneq/Build/Intermediates/
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/zu/deluxe-client/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch/Deluxe-Prefix-chfpgvibwbgmjtdmduxemtbcbdik
Twitter / pending - who to follow
Books / pending
Elixir in Action
My Little Elixir and OTP
Programming Elixir
# Eval ["empty", "true", "empty", "empty", "true"]
defmodule ListRecursion do
def list_to_bool(["empty", "true" | tail]), do: [true] ++ list_to_bool(tail)
def list_to_bool(["empty", "empty" | tail]), do: [false] ++ list_to_bool(["empty" | tail])
def list_to_bool([]), do: []
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate --to 20160304040730
(Para evitar las que indexan tablas que aún no existen.)
ZuraGuerra / credo.log
Created April 15, 2016 14:03
Credo log - Lexi
Software Design
┃ [D] ↓ Nested modules could be aliased at the top of the invoking module.
┃ apps/bibliotheca/node_modules/phoenix_html/lib/phoenix_html/format.ex:54:6 (Phoenix.HTML.Format.wrap_paragraph)
┃ [D] ↓ Nested modules could be aliased at the top of the invoking module.
┃ apps/bibliotheca/web/controllers/profile_controller.ex:91:13 (Bibliotheca.ProfileController.close_account)
┃ [D] ↓ Nested modules could be aliased at the top of the invoking module.
┃ apps/bibliotheca/node_modules/phoenix_html/lib/phoenix_html/tag.ex:90:9 (Phoenix.HTML.Tag.attr_escape)
┃ [D] ↓ Nested modules could be aliased at the top of the invoking module.
┃ apps/bibliotheca/node_modules/phoenix_html/lib/phoenix_html/tag.ex:88:9 (Phoenix.HTML.Tag.attr_escape)
Basically, I'm at a hackathon about mobility: a nonprofit gathered data about the irregular bus system in Mexico City and we are creating apps to show that info. Our project is a gamificated app about calculating the best route for the user taking into account traffic and the intersection between routes (here, you can freely get off the bus at any traffic light and the congestion is a huge problem).
Sooo, they gave us a weird API and first we needed to make any sense of it. Specifically, we used Neo4j to get the intersections between the routes and the best choices by price and time, Elasticsearch to get nearby points to a certain location and Postgres to save the users and other game mechanics (we ditched MongoDB some minutes ago, apparently :P).
Aaaand the languages were just the ones we are better at, but, for example, the Phoenix generators gained us a lot of time and we found a Python project that helped a lot too.
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