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Created December 29, 2013 21:24
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#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
#define REP(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); ++i)
#define TRACE(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl
typedef long long llint;
const int MAXNODE = 1e5 + 123;
const int inf = 1e9;
mt19937 mt;
struct Treap {
struct Node {
int key;
int l, r, p;
mt19937::result_type rank;
Node() { key = -1; l = r = p = 0; rank = mt(); }
} data[MAXNODE];
int key_to_ref[MAXNODE];
int data_mem; // data[0] is a dummy
int root;
Treap() { data_mem = 1; clear(); }
void clear() {
root = data_mem++;
Node& nov = data[root];
nov.key = 0;
key_to_ref[0] = root;
void set_l(int up, int down) {
data[up].l = down;
data[down].p = up;
void set_r(int up, int down) {
data[up].r = down;
data[down].p = up;
void rotate(int up, int down) {
int p = data[up].p;
if (data[up].l == down) {
set_l(up, data[down].r);
set_r(down, up);
} else if (data[up].r == down) {
set_r(up, data[down].l);
set_l(down, up);
} else assert(false);
if (p == 0) { root = down; data[down].p = 0; }
else if (data[p].l == up) set_l(p, down);
else if (data[p].r == up) set_r(p, down);
else assert(false);
void repair(int ptr) {
while (data[ptr].p != 0 && data[ptr].rank < data[data[ptr].p].rank) {
rotate(data[ptr].p, ptr);
int insert(int key, int after) {
int up = key_to_ref[after];
int nov_ind = data_mem++;
key_to_ref[key] = nov_ind;
Node& nov = data[nov_ind];
nov.key = key;
if (data[up].r == 0) {
set_r(up, nov_ind);
} else {
int a = 0;
int b = data[up].r;
while (b != 0) {
a = b;
b = data[b].l;
set_l(a, nov_ind);
return nov_ind;
void print_out(vector<int>& V, int ptr) {
if (ptr == 0) return;
print_out(V, data[ptr].l);
print_out(V, data[ptr].r);
struct Tournament {
struct Node {
set<int> all;
map<int, int> any; // except all
int n, offset;
vector<Node> data;
Tournament(int n) : n(n) {
for (offset = 1; offset < n; offset *= 2);
int L, R, Val;
int down_query(int x, int xl, int xr) {
if (R <= xl || xr <= L) return +inf;
if (L <= xl && xr <= R) {
int ret = +inf;
if (!data[x].all.empty()) ret = min(ret, *data[x].all.begin());
if (!data[x].any.empty()) {
assert(data[x].any.begin()->second > 0); /// !!!
ret = min(ret, data[x].any.begin()->first);
return ret;
int ret = min(down_query(2*x, xl, (xl+xr)/2),
down_query(2*x+1, (xl+xr)/2, xr));
if (!data[x].all.empty()) ret = min(ret, *data[x].all.begin());
return ret;
int query(int l, int r) {
L = l; R = r;
return down_query(1, 0, offset);
void erase_all(int x) {
assert(x < 2*offset);
if (data[x].all.erase(Val)) return; // sve smo ih makli odavde
if (data[x].any.erase(Val) == 0) return; // nema ga ovdje1
void down_insert(int x, int xl, int xr, int sz) {
if (R <= xl || xr <= L) return;
if (L <= xl && xr <= R) {
data[x].all.insert(Val); // ne bi smjelo nista biti ispod toga
assert(data[x].any.count(Val) == 0); // !!!
int inter = min(xr, R) - max(xl, L);
if ((data[x].any[Val] += inter) == sz) {
erase_all(2*x); // x nije list
// if (x == 112 && data[2*x+1].all.count(Val)
} else {
down_insert(2*x, xl, (xl+xr)/2, sz / 2);
down_insert(2*x+1, (xl+xr)/2, xr, sz / 2);
void insert(int l, int r, int val) {
L = l; R = r; Val = val;
down_insert(1, 0, offset, offset);
void down_erase(int x, int xl, int xr, int sz) {
if (R <= xl || xr <= L) return;
if (L <= xl && xr <= R) {
assert(data[x].all.count(Val) == 1);
int inter = min(xr, R) - max(xl, L);
if (data[x].all.count(Val)) { // all -> any
assert(sz - inter > 0);
data[x].any[Val] = sz - inter;
} else {
assert(data[x].any[Val] >= inter); // !!!
if ((data[x].any[Val] -= inter) == 0) {
down_erase(2*x, xl, (xl+xr)/2, sz / 2);
down_erase(2*x+1, (xl+xr)/2, xr, sz / 2);
void erase(int l, int r, int val) {
L = l; R = r; Val = val;
down_erase(1, 0, offset, offset);
void test_tree() { test_tree(1, offset); }
map<int, int> test_tree(int x, int sz) {
map<int, int> ret;
if (sz > 1) {
map<int, int> A = test_tree(2*x, sz/2);
map<int, int> B = test_tree(2*x+1, sz/2);
for (auto p : A) ret[p.first] += p.second;
for (auto p : B) ret[p.first] += p.second;
// printf("x = %d sz = %d\n", x, sz);
// printf("A = "); for (auto p : A) printf("(%d,%d) ", p.first, p.second); putchar('\n');
// printf("B = "); for (auto p : B) printf("(%d,%d) ", p.first, p.second); putchar('\n');
// printf("ALL = "); for (auto p : data[x].all) printf("%d ", p); putchar('\n');
// printf("ret = "); for (auto p : ret) printf("(%d,%d) ", p.first, p.second); putchar('\n');
// printf("any = "); for (auto p : data[x].any) printf("(%d,%d) ", p.first, p.second); putchar('\n');
for (auto it = ret.begin(); it != ret.end(); ) {
if (it->second == sz) {
} else {
for (auto val : data[x].all) {
assert(data[x].any.count(val) == 0);
assert(ret.count(val) == 0);
assert(ret == data[x].any);
for (auto val : data[x].all) ret[val] += sz;
} else {
// printf("x = %d sz = %d\n", x, sz);
// printf("all = "); for (auto p : data[x].all) printf("%d ", p); putchar('\n');
// printf("any = "); for (auto p : data[x].any) printf("(%d,%d) ", p.first, p.second); putchar('\n');
// TRACE(offset);
for (int val : data[x].all) ret[val] = sz;
return ret;
int main_tour() {
// int main() {
mt19937 mt;
const int n = 200;
const int maxval = 2;
int inset[maxval][n] = {{0}};
Tournament Tset(n);
REP(iter, 123123) {
int val = mt() % maxval;
char c = mt() % 2 ? 'I' : 'E';
int c_set = (c == 'I') ? 1 : 0;
vector<pair<int, int> > intervals;
int first = -1;
REP(i, n) {
if (first == -1 && inset[val][i] != c_set) first = i;
if (first != -1 && (i+1 == n || inset[val][i+1] == c_set)) {
intervals.push_back(make_pair(first, i+1));
first = -1;
if (intervals.size() == 0) { puts("PASS"); continue; }
pair<int, int> p = intervals[mt() % intervals.size()];
int L = mt() % (p.second-p.first) + p.first; // [0, 2)
int R = mt() % (p.second-p.first) + p.first;
if (L > R) swap(L, R);
p.first = L; p.second = R+1;
printf("%c %d [%d, %d)\n", c, val, p.first, p.second);
if (c == 'I') Tset.insert(p.first, p.second, val);
else Tset.erase(p.first, p.second, val);
REP(i, p.second-p.first) {
assert(inset[val][p.first+i] == (c_set^1));
inset[val][p.first+i] = c_set;
// queryji
int L = mt() % n;
int R = mt() % n;
if (L > R) swap(R, L); ++R;
int brute = +inf;
for (int i = L; i < R; ++i) REP(j, maxval) if (inset[j][i]) brute = min(brute, j);
int ret = Tset.query(L, R);
printf("[%d, %d) brute = %d ret = %d\n", L, R, brute, ret);
assert(brute == ret);
return 0;
int main_intervali() {
//int main() {
const int n = 2000;
bool used[n]; memset(used, 0, sizeof used);
map<int, set<pair<int, char> > > int_to_S;
REP(iter, 20000) {
char c = mt() % 2 ? 'I' : 'E';
int x; for (; used[x = mt()%n]; );
int val = mt() % 1;
auto &S = int_to_S[val];
auto it = S.insert(make_pair(x, c)).first;
char prije = 'E';
if (it != S.begin()) {
prije = it->second;
int poslije_pos = n;
if (it != S.end()) {
poslije_pos = it->first;
printf("%c %d %d\n", c, x, val);
if (c != prije) {
printf("--> %c [%d, %d)\n", c, x, poslije_pos);
return 0;
//int main(void)
int main_order()
vector<int> V = {0};
Treap orderT;
mt19937 mt;
REP(iter, 12312) {
int key = iter + 1;
int after = mt() % (iter+1);
orderT.insert(key, after);
V.insert(find(V.begin(), V.end(), after) + 1, key);
vector<int> order;
orderT.print_out(order, orderT.root);
assert(V == order);
return 0;
//int main_all() {
int main() {
const int MAXOPER = 1e5 + 123;
int n_oper; scanf("%d", &n_oper);
Treap order;
char inpC[MAXOPER];
int inpVal[MAXOPER];
REP(iter, n_oper) {
char c; int after; scanf(" %c %d", &c, &after);
inpC[iter] = c;
if (c == 'I' || c == 'E') {
scanf("%d", inpVal+iter);
order.insert(iter+1, after);
vector<int> orderV; order.print_out(orderV, order.root);
static int event_to_pos[MAXOPER];
REP(i, (int)orderV.size()) {
event_to_pos[orderV[i]] = i;
map<int, set<pair<int, char> > > int_to_S;
Tournament Tset(orderV.size());
REP(iter, n_oper) {
char c = inpC[iter];
int val = inpVal[iter];
int x = event_to_pos[iter+1];
if (c == 'I' || c == 'E') {
auto &S = int_to_S[val];
auto it = S.insert(make_pair(x, c)).first;
char prije = 'E';
if (it != S.begin()) {
prije = it->second;
int poslije_pos = (int)orderV.size();
if (it != S.end()) {
poslije_pos = it->first;
if (c != prije) {
if (c == 'I') {
Tset.insert(x, poslije_pos, val);
} else if (c == 'E') {
Tset.erase(x, poslije_pos, val);
} else {
int ret = Tset.query(0, x);
if (ret >= inf) printf("empty\n");
else printf("%d\n", ret);
return 0;
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