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Last active November 4, 2017 12:25
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Fuel stations import in the UK
2 "tags_changed.brand": "BP -> Shell",
3 "tags_changed.brand": "Esso -> Shell",
3 "tags_changed.brand": "Jet -> Shell",
1 "tags_changed.brand": "Murco -> Shell",
1 "tags_changed.brand": "Red House Garage -> Shell",
1 "tags_changed.brand": "Texaco -> Shell",
16 "tags_changed.brand": "Total -> Shell",
1 "tags_changed.brand": "Tove Service Station -> Shell",
9 "tags_changed.brand": "shell -> Shell",
1 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "05:00-22:00 -> Mo-Su 05:00-22:00",
2 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "06:00-22:00 -> Mo-Su 06:00-22:00",
1 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "06:30-23:00 -> Mo-Su 06:30-22:00",
1 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "24 -> 24/7",
1 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "24/7 -> Mo-Sa 06:00-22:00; Su 07:00-21:00",
1 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "24/7 -> Mo-Su 06:00-23:00",
1 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "24/7 -> Mo-Su 07:00-22:00",
1 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00 -> 24/7",
1 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "Mo-Sa 06:30-22:00;Su 08:00-19:00 -> Mo-Sa 06:30-22:00; Su 07:00-20:00",
1 "tags_changed.opening_hours": "Mo-Su 07:00-23:00 -> Mo-Sa 07:00-23:00; Su 08:00-21:00",
1 "": "+44 (0)1332 794127 -> +44 78 8007 8248",
1 "": "+44 1766 512934 -> +44 1766 510920",
1 "": "+44 2380 552612 -> +44 23 8055 2612",
1 "": "+44 2392 413810 -> +44 23 9241 3810",
1 "": "+44 2392 693995 -> +44 23 9269 3995",
1 "": "+441329845431 -> +44 1329 845431",
1 "": "+441428724169 -> +44 1428 724169",
1 "": "+442086070900 -> +44 20 8744 0174",
1 "": "+442088940700 -> +44 20 8894 0700",
1 "": "+442392372014 -> +44 23 9237 2014",
1 "": "01606 305890 -> +44 1606 882194",
1 "": "01606 590561 -> +44 1606 590561",
1 "": "02083482719 -> +44 20 8348 2719",
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import json
import codecs
import re
from collections import defaultdict
source = 'Navads'
dataset_id = 'navads_shell'
query = [('amenity', 'fuel')]
master_tags = ('brand', 'phone', 'opening_hours')
max_distance = 50
max_request_boxes = 3
def dataset(fileobj):
def format_phone(ph):
if ph and len(ph) == 13 and ph[:3] == '+44':
if (ph[3] == '1' and ph[4] != '1' and ph[5] != '1') or ph[3:7] == '7624':
return ' '.join([ph[:3], ph[3:7], ph[7:]])
elif ph[3] in ('1', '3', '8', '9'):
return ' '.join([ph[:3], ph[3:6], ph[6:9], ph[9:]])
return ' '.join([ph[:3], ph[3:5], ph[5:9], ph[9:]])
return ph
def make_wd_ranges(r):
wd = ['Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'Su']
res = wd[r[0]]
in_range = False
for i in range(1, len(r)+1):
if i < len(r) and r[i] == r[i-1] + 1:
in_range = True
if in_range:
res += '-' + wd[r[i-1]]
in_range = False
if i < len(r):
res += ',' + wd[r[i]]
return res
def parse_hours(h):
if not h:
return None
WD = {x: i for i, x in enumerate([
days = defaultdict(list)
for d in h.split(';'):
parts = re.findall(r'([A-Z]+)=([0-9:-]+)', d)
if len(set([p[0] for p in parts])) != 1:
raise Exception('Parts format fail: {}'.format(d))
days[','.join([p[1] for p in parts])].append(WD[parts[0][0]])
res = []
for time, wd in sorted(days.items(), key=lambda x: min(x[1])):
res.append(' '.join([make_wd_ranges(wd), time]))
if res[0] == 'Mo-Su 00:00-23:59':
return '24/7'
return '; '.join(res).replace('23:59', '24:00')
source = json.load(codecs.getreader('utf-8-sig')(fileobj))
data = []
for el in source['Locations']:
if not el['location']:
coords = [float(x) for x in el['location'].split(',')]
tags = {
'amenity': 'fuel',
'brand': el['name'],
'addr:postcode': el['address_zip'] or None,
'phone': format_phone('+'+str(el['phone'])),
'opening_hours': parse_hours(el['daily_hours']),
if (el['address_street'] and el['address_number'] and
not'^([ABCDM]\d+|Junction)', el['address_street']) and
'Ln' not in el['address_street'] and 'A' not in el['address_number']):
tags['addr:street'] = el['address_street']
tags['addr:housenumber'] = el['address_number']
data.append(SourcePoint(el['place_id'], coords[0], coords[1], tags))
return data
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