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Last active December 2, 2022 00:53
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Simple passwords file synchronizer using Rclone
# Important note:
# If you don't synchronize but then edit the other file,
# the newer modification time on the second file edited
# will cause data to be overridden.
# The solution would be to merge manually
# (Database --> Merge from database).
## Configuration ##
# Name of your remote storage as defined in Rclone
# Name and locations of the passwords file
# Compose full path to local and remote database files
# Alias import and export commands and make them available within the functions
alias passwords_export="rclone copy $LOCAL_PATH $DRIVE_NAME:$REMOTE_LOCATION"
alias passwords_import="rclone copy $DRIVE_NAME:$REMOTE_PATH $LOCAL_LOCATION"
shopt -s expand_aliases
function format_datetime_from_string ()
echo `date -d "$1" +"%F %T.%3N"`
# Parse local passwords file modification time using the stat command
function get_local_passwords_mtime ()
local string=`stat -c %y $LOCAL_PATH | cut -d ' ' -f 1,2;`
echo `format_datetime_from_string "$string"`
# Parse remote passwords file modification time using Rclone's lsl command
# See:
function get_remote_passwords_mtime ()
output=`rclone lsl $DRIVE_NAME:$REMOTE_PATH 2>/dev/null`
if [ $? -eq 3 ]; then
unset output
return 1
local string=`echo "$output" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3,4;`
echo `format_datetime_from_string "$string"`
unset output
return 0
function sync_passwords ()
# Storing the values so they can be used for printing and then conversion
local human_readable_local_mtime=`get_local_passwords_mtime`
human_readable_remote_mtime=`get_remote_passwords_mtime 2>/dev/null`
# In case there is no remote yet
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
printf "No remote passwords database found!\n"
printf "Exporting...\t"
printf "Done!\n"
return 0
# Printing modification times to the user
printf "Local passwords file modification time:\t\t$human_readable_local_mtime\n"
printf "Remote passwords file modification time:\t$human_readable_remote_mtime\n"
# The conversion is required for the comparison in the following if statement
local_mtime_in_seconds_since_epoch=$(date -d "$human_readable_local_mtime" +%s)
remote_mtime_in_seconds_since_epoch=$(date -d "$human_readable_remote_mtime" +%s)
unset human_readable_remote_mtime
# Handle local being newer than remote
if [ "$local_mtime_in_seconds_since_epoch" -gt "$remote_mtime_in_seconds_since_epoch" ]; then
printf "Local passwords file found to be newer than remote!\n"
printf "Exporting...\t"
printf "Done!\n"
return 0
# Handle remote being newer than local
elif [ "$local_mtime_in_seconds_since_epoch" -lt "$remote_mtime_in_seconds_since_epoch" ]; then
printf "Local passwords file found to be older than remote!\n"
printf "Importing...\t"
printf "Done!\n"
return 0
printf "Password files are synchronized.\n"
return 0
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