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Last active April 20, 2021 07:40
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NQueens Counter Solution
object Solution extends App {
def totalNQueens(N: Int): Int = {
type Board = Array[Array[Boolean]]
def putQueen(board: Board, row: Int, col: Int): Unit = board(row)(col) = true
def removeQueen(board: Board, row: Int, col: Int): Unit = board(row)(col) = false
def isValid(board: Board, row: Int, col: Int): Boolean = {
val checkCol = (0 until row).forall(currRow => board(currRow)(col) == false )
val checkLeftDiagonal = ((row to 0 by -1) zip (col to 0 by -1)).forall { case (currRow, currCol) => board(currRow)(currCol) == false }
val checkRightDiagonal = ((row to 0 by -1) zip (col until N)).forall { case (currRow, currCol) => board(currRow)(currCol) == false }
checkCol && checkLeftDiagonal && checkRightDiagonal
def countQueenPlacements(board: Board, row: Int)(soFarPlaces: Int): Int = {
def isFinished = { soFarPlaces == N }
if(isFinished) 1
else {
var solutions = 0
(0 until N).foreach { col =>
if(isValid(board, row, col)) {
putQueen(board, row, col)
solutions += countQueenPlacements(board, row + 1)(soFarPlaces + 1)
removeQueen(board, row, col)
countQueenPlacements(Array.tabulate(N, N)((_, _) => false), 0)(0)
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