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Created June 14, 2016 14:29
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Simple quad tree for searching points inside polygon
import json
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from shapely.geometry import Point, box as Box
class _Quad(object):
def __init__(self, quad_tree, parent):
self.quad_tree = quad_tree
self.parent = parent
self.quads = None
self.items = [] = None
self.x_range = [None, None]
self.y_range = [None, None]
def add_item(self, point, data):
# as item is being added, calculate what are the range for the x and y
if self.x_range[0] is None or point.x < self.x_range[0]:
self.x_range[0] = point.x
if self.y_range[0] is None or point.y < self.y_range[0]:
self.y_range[0] = point.y
if self.x_range[1] is None or point.x > self.x_range[1]:
self.x_range[1] = point.x
if self.y_range[1] is None or point.y > self.y_range[1]:
self.y_range[1] = point.y
self.items.append((point, data))
def find_items(self, polygon, out):
# if no intersections with my bounding box, return immediately
if not
return out
# if the polygon contains the whole bounding box, just add all my items
if polygon.contains(
return out
# if there is no sub quads, just compare all items in this quad
if not self.quads:
for item in self.items:
if polygon.contains(item[0]):
# search sub quads
for quad in self.quads:
quad.find_items(polygon, out)
return out
def traverse(self, level, pre_func=None, post_func=None):
level the current level in this traversal
pre_func function to run before calling the traverse in the sub quads
post_func function to run after calling the traverse in the sub quads
if pre_func:
pre_func(self, level)
if self.quads is not None:
for quad in self.quads:
quad.traverse(level+1, pre_func=pre_func, post_func=post_func)
if post_func:
post_func(self, level)
def finalize(self, buffer_bound):
"""finalize this quad to create all the sub quads for this quads recursively
# 1. create my own bounding box
bound = [self.x_range[0], self.y_range[0], self.x_range[1], self.y_range[1]]
bound[0] -= buffer_bound
bound[1] -= buffer_bound
bound[2] += buffer_bound
bound[3] += buffer_bound = Box(*bound)
# 2. if met threshold, split into smaller quads
if len(self.items) >= self.quad_tree.threshold:
mid_x = bound[0] + ((bound[2] - bound[0])/2)
mid_y = bound[1] + ((bound[3] - bound[1])/2)
self.quads = []
for b in ([bound[0], bound[1], mid_x, mid_y],
[mid_x, bound[1], bound[2], mid_y],
[bound[0], mid_y, mid_x, bound[3]],
[mid_x, mid_y, bound[2], bound[3]]):
# make each box slightly bigger
b[0] -= buffer_bound
b[1] -= buffer_bound
b[2] += buffer_bound
b[3] += buffer_bound
quad = _Quad(self.quad_tree, self)
quad.temp_box = Box(*b)
# 3. add items to quads
for point, data in self.items:
target_quad = None
for quad in self.quads:
if quad.temp_box.contains(point):
target_quad = quad
target_quad.add_item(point, data)
# 4. finalize all the sub quads
for ind, quad in enumerate(self.quads):
if len(quad.items) == 0:
self.quads[ind] = None
del quad.temp_box
# clean up empty quads
self.quads = [ q for q in self.quads if q is not None ]
del self.x_range
del self.y_range
class QuadTree(object):
The role of this wrapper is to convert x, y into shapely's point and
list of points into polygon
To use this for coordinates, x should be treated as "lng" and y should be
treated as "lat" although it doesn't really make a different
data = [ (2, 4, "abc"), (3, 6, "def"), ....]
quad_tree = QuadTree()
for d in data:
results = quad_tree.find_items([(0, 0), ...])
def __init__(self, threshold=40):
bound [x, y, x, y]
threshold the number of item before it will be divided into quads
self.threshold = threshold
self.root_quad = _Quad(self, None)
def add_item(self, x, y, data):
self.root_quad.add_item(Point(x, y), data)
def find_items(self, polygon):
polygon list of points for this polygon
list of items, each item is (Point, data)
out = []
polygon = Polygon(polygon)
self.root_quad.find_items(polygon, out)
return out
def traverse(self, pre_func=None, post_func=None):
self.root_quad.traverse(1, pre_func=pre_func, post_func=post_func)
def finalize(self, buffer_bound=0.0000000001):
buffer_bound buffer added to the bound
this is necessary for dealing with coordinates
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