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Created June 12, 2014 17:26
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Curse cheatsheet (ncurses, pdcurses etc)
//// General stuffs ////
initscr(); // "start curses"
endwin() ; // "end curses"
//// Windowing ////
WINDOW* window = newwin(height, width, startY, startX)
//// Draw ///
* Most functions have up to 4 variant
* function, mvfunction, wfunction, mvwfunction
* function applies the function to the current cursor position in "stdscr"
* mvfunction moves the cursor the given position in "stdscr"
* wfunction applies the function to the current cursor position in the given window.
* mvw just do both
/// addch - add a character
mvaddch(int y,int x,char)
waddch(WINDOW*, char)
mvwaddch(WINDOW*, int y, int x, char)
/// printw - print word (mv, w, mvw)
/// hline - draw a horizontal line (mv, w, mvw)
hline(char, length)
/// vline - draw a vertical line (mv, w, mvw)
wline(char, length)
/// attron / attroff - attribute on / off (w)
///// Attribute list ////////
A_NORMAL Normal display (no highlight)
A_STANDOUT Best highlighting mode of the terminal.
A_UNDERLINE Underlining
A_REVERSE Reverse video
A_BLINK Blinking
A_DIM Half bright
A_BOLD Extra bright or bold
A_PROTECT Protected mode
A_INVIS Invisible or blank mode
A_ALTCHARSET Alternate character set
A_CHARTEXT Bit-mask to extract a character
COLOR_PAIR(n) Color-pair number n
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