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Last active July 4, 2017 12:54
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Batch cursor for motor
import tornado.gen
import motor
Deals with cursor timeout in case it happens while looping.
Only use this if you ARE DAMN sure that the data don't change while you are iterating.
class BatchCursor(object):
def __init__(self, batch_collection, query, sort=None, buffered_limit=1000):
self.batch_collection = batch_collection
self.query = query
self.skip = 0
self._sort = sort
self.limit = buffered_limit
self.cursor = None
def fetch_next(self):
has_next = (yield self.cursor.fetch_next) if self.cursor else False
if not has_next:
self.cursor = self.batch_collection.motor_collection.find(self.query)
if self.sort:
self.cursor = self.cursor.sort(self._sort)
self.cursor = self.cursor.skip(self.skip).limit(self.limit)
self.skip += self.limit
has_next = yield self.cursor.fetch_next
return has_next
return has_next
def next_object(self):
return self.cursor.next_object() if self.cursor is not None else None
def sort(self, sort):
self._sort = sort
return self
class BatchCollection(object):
def __init__(self, motor_collection):
self.motor_collection = motor_collection
def find(self, query=None):
query = query or {}
return BatchCursor(self, query)
def run():
mongo_client = motor.MotorClient("mongodb://localhost/library").get_default_database()
cursor = BatchCollection(mongo_client["books"]).find().sort((("_id", -1), ))
clusters = []
while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
c = cursor.next_object()
if len(clusters) > 1000:
cursor2 = mongo_client["books"].find().sort((("_id", -1), ))
clusters2 = []
while (yield cursor2.fetch_next):
c = cursor2.next_object()
if len(clusters2) > 1000:
equals = [ a[0] == a[1] for a in zip(clusters, clusters2) ]
if __name__ == "__main__":
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