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Created October 5, 2023 17:36
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Ebitengine: FSR port
package main
import (
// Port of AMD FidelityFX: Super Resolution based on a shadertoy port:
const (
ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight = 1920, 1080
var (
fsr0Src = []byte(
//kage:unit pixels
package main
/* EASU stage
* This takes a reduced resolution source, and scales it up while preserving detail.
* Updates:
* stretch definition fixed. Thanks nehon for the bug report!
func FsrEasuCF(p vec2) vec3 {
origin, size := imageSrcRegionOnTexture()
return imageSrc0UnsafeAt(p*size + origin).rgb
/**** EASU ****/
func FsrEasuCon() (vec4, vec4, vec4, vec4) {
srcSize := imageSrc0Size()
dstSize := imageDstSize()
// Output integer position to a pixel position in viewport.
con0 := vec4(
// Viewport pixel position to normalized image space.
// This is used to get upper-left of 'F' tap.
con1 := vec4(1, 1, 1, -1) / srcSize.xyxy
// Centers of gather4, first offset from upper-left of 'F'.
// +---+---+
// | | |
// +--(0)--+
// | b | c |
// +---F---+---+---+
// | e | f | g | h |
// +--(1)--+--(2)--+
// | i | j | k | l |
// +---+---+---+---+
// | n | o |
// +--(3)--+
// | | |
// +---+---+
// These are from (0) instead of 'F'.
con2 := vec4(-1, 2, 1, 2) / srcSize.xyxy
con3 := vec4(0, 4, 0, 0) / srcSize.xyxy
return con0, con1, con2, con3
// Filtering for a given tap for the scalar.
func FsrEasuTapF(aC vec3, aW float, off, dir, len vec2, lob, clp float, c vec3) (vec3, float) {
// Tap color.
// Rotate offset by direction.
v := vec2(dot(off, dir), dot(off, vec2(-dir.y, dir.x)))
// Anisotropy.
v *= len
// Compute distance^2.
d2 := min(dot(v, v), clp)
// Limit to the window as at corner, 2 taps can easily be outside.
// Approximation of lancos2 without sin() or rcp(), or sqrt() to get x.
// (25/16 * (2/5 * x^2 - 1)^2 - (25/16 - 1)) * (1/4 * x^2 - 1)^2
// |_______________________________________| |_______________|
// base window
// The general form of the 'base' is,
// (a*(b*x^2-1)^2-(a-1))
// Where 'a=1/(2*b-b^2)' and 'b' moves around the negative lobe.
wB := .4*d2 - 1.
wA := lob*d2 - 1.
wB *= wB
wA *= wA
wB = 1.5625*wB - .5625
w := wB * wA
// Do weighted average.
aC += c * w
aW += w
return aC, aW
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accumulate direction and length.
func FsrEasuSetF(dir vec2, len, w, lA, lB, lC, lD, lE float) (vec2, float) {
// Direction is the '+' diff.
// a
// b c d
// e
// Then takes magnitude from abs average of both sides of 'c'.
// Length converts gradient reversal to 0, smoothly to non-reversal at 1, shaped, then adding horz and vert terms.
lenX := max(abs(lD-lC), abs(lC-lB))
dirX := lD - lB
dir.x += dirX * w
lenX = clamp(abs(dirX)/lenX, 0., 1.)
lenX *= lenX
len += lenX * w
// Repeat for the y axis.
lenY := max(abs(lE-lC), abs(lC-lA))
dirY := lE - lA
dir.y += dirY * w
lenY = clamp(abs(dirY)/lenY, 0., 1.)
lenY *= lenY
len += lenY * w
return dir, len
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func FsrEasuF(ip vec2, con0, con1, con2, con3 vec4) vec3 {
// Get position of 'f'.
pp := ip*con0.xy + // Corresponding input pixel/subpixel
fp := floor(pp) // fp = source nearest pixel
pp -= fp // pp = source subpixel
// 12-tap kernel.
// b c
// e f g h
// i j k l
// n o
// Gather 4 ordering.
// a b
// r g
p0 := fp*con1.xy +
// These are from p0 to avoid pulling two constants on pre-Navi hardware.
p1 := p0 + con2.xy
p2 := p0 +
p3 := p0 + con3.xy
// TextureGather is not available on WebGL2
off := vec4(-.5, .5, -.5, .5) * con1.xxyy
// textureGather to texture offsets
// x=west y=east z=north w=south
bC := FsrEasuCF(p0 + off.xw)
bL := bC.g + 0.5*(bC.r+bC.b)
cC := FsrEasuCF(p0 + off.yw)
cL := cC.g + 0.5*(cC.r+cC.b)
iC := FsrEasuCF(p1 + off.xw)
iL := iC.g + 0.5*(iC.r+iC.b)
jC := FsrEasuCF(p1 + off.yw)
jL := jC.g + 0.5*(jC.r+jC.b)
fC := FsrEasuCF(p1 + off.yz)
fL := fC.g + 0.5*(fC.r+fC.b)
eC := FsrEasuCF(p1 + off.xz)
eL := eC.g + 0.5*(eC.r+eC.b)
kC := FsrEasuCF(p2 + off.xw)
kL := kC.g + 0.5*(kC.r+kC.b)
lC := FsrEasuCF(p2 + off.yw)
lL := lC.g + 0.5*(lC.r+lC.b)
hC := FsrEasuCF(p2 + off.yz)
hL := hC.g + 0.5*(hC.r+hC.b)
gC := FsrEasuCF(p2 + off.xz)
gL := gC.g + 0.5*(gC.r+gC.b)
oC := FsrEasuCF(p3 + off.yz)
oL := oC.g + 0.5*(oC.r+oC.b)
nC := FsrEasuCF(p3 + off.xz)
nL := nC.g + 0.5*(nC.r+nC.b)
// Simplest multi-channel approximate luma possible (luma times 2, in 2 FMA/MAD).
// Accumulate for bilinear interpolation.
dir := vec2(0)
len := 0.
dir, len = FsrEasuSetF(dir, len, (1.-pp.x)*(1.-pp.y), bL, eL, fL, gL, jL)
dir, len = FsrEasuSetF(dir, len, pp.x*(1.-pp.y), cL, fL, gL, hL, kL)
dir, len = FsrEasuSetF(dir, len, (1.-pp.x)*pp.y, fL, iL, jL, kL, nL)
dir, len = FsrEasuSetF(dir, len, pp.x*pp.y, gL, jL, kL, lL, oL)
// Normalize with approximation, and cleanup close to zero.
dir2 := dir * dir
dirR := dir2.x + dir2.y
zro := dirR < (1.0 / 32768.0)
dirR = inversesqrt(dirR)
//dirR = zro ? 1.0 : dirR
//dir.x = zro ? 1.0 : dir.x
if zro {
dirR = 1.
dir.x = 1
dir *= vec2(dirR)
// Transform from {0 to 2} to {0 to 1} range, and shape with square.
len = len * 0.5
len *= len
// Stretch kernel {1.0 vert|horz, to sqrt(2.0) on diagonal}.
stretch := dot(dir, dir) / (max(abs(dir.x), abs(dir.y)))
// Anisotropic length after rotation,
// x := 1.0 lerp to 'stretch' on edges
// y := 1.0 lerp to 2x on edges
len2 := vec2(1.+(stretch-1.0)*len, 1.-.5*len)
// Based on the amount of 'edge',
// the window shifts from +/-{sqrt(2.0) to slightly beyond 2.0}.
lob := .5 - .29*len
// Set distance^2 clipping point to the end of the adjustable window.
clp := 1. / lob
// Accumulation mixed with min/max of 4 nearest.
// b c
// e f g h
// i j k l
// n o
min4 := min(min(fC, gC), min(jC, kC))
max4 := max(max(fC, gC), max(jC, kC))
// Accumulation.
aC := vec3(0)
aW := 0.
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(0, -1)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, bC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(1, -1)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, cC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(-1, 1)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, iC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(0, 1)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, jC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(0, 0)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, fC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(-1, 0)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, eC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(1, 1)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, kC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(2, 1)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, lC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(2, 0)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, hC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(1, 0)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, gC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(1, 2)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, oC)
aC, aW = FsrEasuTapF(aC, aW, vec2(0, 2)-pp, dir, len2, lob, clp, nC)
// Normalize and dering.
return min(max4, max(min4, aC/aW))
func Fragment(dst vec4, src vec2, color vec4) vec4 {
origin, _ := imageSrcRegionOnTexture()
uv := src - origin
con0, con1, con2, con3 := FsrEasuCon()
c := FsrEasuF(uv*2, con0, con1, con2, con3)
return vec4(, 1)
fsr1Src = []byte(`
//kage:unit pixels
package main
const FSR_RCAS_LIMIT = (0.25 - (1.0 / 16.0))
// Input callback prototypes that need to be implemented by calling shader
// vec4 FsrRcasLoadF(vec2 p);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func FsrRcasCon(sharpness float) float {
// Transform from stops to linear value.
return exp2(-sharpness)
func FsrRcasF(ip vec2, con float) vec3 {
// Constant generated by RcasSetup().
// Algorithm uses minimal 3x3 pixel neighborhood.
// b
// d e f
// h
sp := vec2(ip)
b := FsrRcasLoadF(sp + vec2(0, -1)).rgb
d := FsrRcasLoadF(sp + vec2(-1, 0)).rgb
e := FsrRcasLoadF(sp).rgb
f := FsrRcasLoadF(sp + vec2(1, 0)).rgb
h := FsrRcasLoadF(sp + vec2(0, 1)).rgb
// Luma times 2.
bL := b.g + .5*(b.b+b.r)
dL := d.g + .5*(d.b+d.r)
eL := e.g + .5*(e.b+e.r)
fL := f.g + .5*(f.b+f.r)
hL := h.g + .5*(h.b+h.r)
// Noise detection.
nz := .25*(bL+dL+fL+hL) - eL
nz = clamp(
abs(nz)/(max(max(bL, dL), max(eL, max(fL, hL)))-min(min(bL, dL), min(eL, min(fL, hL)))),
0., 1.,
nz = 1. - .5*nz
// Min and max of ring.
mn4 := min(b, min(f, h))
mx4 := max(b, max(f, h))
// Immediate constants for peak range.
peakC := vec2(1., -4.)
// Limiters, these need to be high precision RCPs.
hitMin := mn4 / (4. * mx4)
hitMax := (peakC.x - mx4) / (4.*mn4 + peakC.y)
lobeRGB := max(-hitMin, hitMax)
lobe := max(
min(max(lobeRGB.r, max(lobeRGB.g, lobeRGB.b)), 0.),
) * con
// Apply noise removal.
lobe *= nz;
// Resolve, which needs the medium precision rcp approximation to avoid visible tonality changes.
return (lobe*(b+d+h+f) + e) / (4.*lobe + 1.)
func FsrRcasLoadF(p vec2) vec4 {
origin, _ := imageSrcRegionOnTexture()
return imageSrc0UnsafeAt(p + origin)
func Fragment(dst vec4, src vec2, color vec4) vec4 {
origin, size := imageSrcRegionOnTexture()
// Set up constants
sharpness := 0.05 // was 0.2
//division := 0.5 + .3*sin(iTime*.3)
con := FsrRcasCon(sharpness)
// Perform RCAS pass
col := FsrRcasF(src-origin, con)
// Source image
// Bilinear interpolation
// Nearest pixel
//uv1 = (floor(vec2(textureSize(iChannel1,0))*fragCoord/iResolution.xy)+.5)/vec2(textureSize(iChannel1,0));
_ = size
//uv1 := (src - origin)
//col_orig := imageSrc1UnsafeAt(origin + uv1).rgb
//return vec4(col_orig, 1.)
// Comparison tool
/*if (fragCoord.x/iResolution.x > division) col = col_orig;
if (abs(fragCoord.x/iResolution.x - division)<.005) col = vec3(0);*/
return vec4(col, 1)
fsr0Shader *ebiten.Shader
fsr1Shader *ebiten.Shader
func init() {
var err error
fsr0Shader, err = ebiten.NewShader(fsr0Src)
if err != nil {
fsr1Shader, err = ebiten.NewShader(fsr1Src)
if err != nil {
type Game struct{}
func (g *Game) Update() error {
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyEscape) {
return ebiten.Termination
// Save
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyS) {
f, err := os.Create("out.png")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't create output file")
defer f.Close()
err = png.Encode(f, finalImg)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't encode png")
return nil
var (
sourceImg *ebiten.Image
pass0Img *ebiten.Image
finalImg *ebiten.Image
func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
// indices mapping vertices to form a 2D quad
indices := []uint16{0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3}
// quad vertices
vertices := []ebiten.Vertex{
DstX: 0,
DstY: 0,
SrcX: 0,
SrcY: 0,
DstX: float32(pass0Img.Bounds().Dx()),
DstY: 0,
SrcX: float32(sourceImg.Bounds().Dx()),
SrcY: 0,
DstX: 0,
DstY: float32(pass0Img.Bounds().Dy()),
SrcX: 0,
SrcY: float32(sourceImg.Bounds().Dy()),
DstX: float32(pass0Img.Bounds().Dx()),
DstY: float32(pass0Img.Bounds().Dy()),
SrcX: float32(sourceImg.Bounds().Dx()),
SrcY: float32(sourceImg.Bounds().Dy()),
// Pass 0
pass0Img.DrawTrianglesShader(vertices, indices, fsr0Shader, &ebiten.DrawTrianglesShaderOptions{
Images: [4]*ebiten.Image{
// Final pass
// Redefine vertices for second pass
vertices = []ebiten.Vertex{
DstX: 0,
DstY: 0,
SrcX: 0,
SrcY: 0,
DstX: float32(finalImg.Bounds().Dx()),
DstY: 0,
SrcX: float32(pass0Img.Bounds().Dx()),
SrcY: 0,
DstX: 0,
DstY: float32(finalImg.Bounds().Dy()),
SrcX: 0,
SrcY: float32(pass0Img.Bounds().Dy()),
DstX: float32(finalImg.Bounds().Dx()),
DstY: float32(finalImg.Bounds().Dy()),
SrcX: float32(pass0Img.Bounds().Dx()),
SrcY: float32(pass0Img.Bounds().Dy()),
finalImg.DrawTrianglesShader(vertices, indices, fsr1Shader, &ebiten.DrawTrianglesShaderOptions{
Images: [4]*ebiten.Image{
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeySpace) {
screen.DrawImage(finalImg, nil)
} else {
screen.DrawImage(sourceImg, nil)
fmt.Sprintf("Press space to toggle FSR - FPS %.2f",
func (g *Game) Layout(outsideWidth, outsideHeight int) (int, int) {
return ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight
func main() {
var err error
if len(os.Args) <= 1 {
log.Fatal("usage: go run main.go <source_image_file>")
sourceImg, _, err = ebitenutil.NewImageFromFile(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't load source image file")
pass0Img = ebiten.NewImage(sourceImg.Bounds().Dx()*2, sourceImg.Bounds().Dy()*2)
finalImg = ebiten.NewImage(sourceImg.Bounds().Dx()*2, sourceImg.Bounds().Dy()*2)
if err := ebiten.RunGameWithOptions(&Game{}, &ebiten.RunGameOptions{
GraphicsLibrary: ebiten.GraphicsLibraryOpenGL,
}); err != nil {
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