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Created January 23, 2017 07:08
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<# Object initializer syntax ( $config = @{ … } ) produces a Hashtable.
Unlike this, the ConvertFrom-Json function returns PSCustomObject instead.
This may be inconvenient if you keep configuration both in JSON files and in PS1 files.
To keep uniformity, convert object to Hashtable using this function
function ConvertTo-Hashtable {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
# handle collections of PSObject
if ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable] -and $InputObject -isnot [String]) {
$collection = @(
foreach ($object in $InputObject) {
ConvertTo-Hashtable $object
Write-Output -NoEnumerate $collection
# handle PSObjects
elseif ($InputObject -is [PSObject]) {
$h = @{}
$InputObject.PSObject.Properties | %{
$h[$_.Name] = ConvertTo-Hashtable $_.Value
return $h
else {
return $InputObject
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