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Last active September 24, 2020 01:34
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js module notes for team dojo
different kinds of modules through JS history
name year sync async encapsulatable immutable dependency defs dep resolution code example
namespaces 2000: yes no no no none manual var App = {};
revealing module 2005: yes no yes no global variables manual var myModule = (function($){return {fetch:$.get}})(jQuery)
CommonJS 2009: yes no yes yes file names graph module.exports={foo:'bar'} const foo = require('foo').foo
AMD 2009: no yes yes no file names graph define(['jQuery','Application'],($,App)=>{}), require('foo',(foo)=>{...use foo...})
ES modules 2016: yes yes yes yes sub-file parts graph import {foo} from 'foo', export const foo='bar'; import('foo').then((module)=>
* note that programmatic dependency graph resolution is what enables code completion
different ways of identifying modules
e.g, commonjs = *.cjs or *.js
e.g, amd = *.js
e.g, es = *.mjs or *.js
e.g, iife js = *.mjs or *.js
package.json "type" field, and "exports" field, and "main" field and "module" field (and others)
there differences in how different module loaders load them
there differences in in each module loader's version
and differences in browser and node version
differences in browser tags, like <script type="text/javascript"> and <script type="module">
async timing:
<script async>, <script defer>, import(), AMD's require()
handlerbars templates need transpile to js
typescript needs transpile to js
certain es6 features transpiled to es5 for certain browsers
"module": (revisit this based on modules table I created afterward)
encapsulated code, with defined api
module: "1 file with 1-n purposes exported" (static file in the file system, that has never executed)
^ may be imported from other files and reexported
builds nowdays make a dependency graph of purposes for tree shaking (dead code elimination)
"Immutable purposes available on an object when it loads"
e.g. (things that would make app a module even when static),
App could import other files, and export their purposes (get every purpose on app, but everything needs to load immediately)
Other files could import app (app has smaller api, and other files use its functionality)
what we do (namespace):
An object you can mutate at runtime
other files import app and break its encapsulation by mutating it (and its other properties)
(breaks code completion (which depends on static analysis), and makes us dig around to find things that "app" does.)
sync/async importing modules to the browser or node
Hot Module Loading:
n modules to 1 "bundle" file
code splitting:
Per webpack docs: Split your code into various bundles which can then be loaded on demand or in parallel. It can be used to achieve smaller bundles and control resource load prioritization which, if used correctly, can have a major impact on load time.
tree shaking:
Per webpack docs: Tree shaking is a term commonly used in the JavaScript context for dead-code elimination. It relies on the static structure of ES2015 module syntax, i.e. import and export. The name and concept have been popularized by the ES2015 module bundler rollup.
lazy loading:
What does snowpack do?
How to play with repo?
how to load files differently
setting up graph based and manual loading
load order, manual vs graph-based
bundling dev loading raw files
Use react components in current framework
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