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Last active August 11, 2019 12:59
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python reference

Python Reference


Python Basics: Data Science

importing data

python 3 (pt 1 of 2)

python 3 (pt 2 of 2)

Numpy Basics



Pandas Basics

Pandas (1 of 2)

Pandas (2 of 2)



Partial list of debugging commands

%pdb on auto-activate debugger on exception
%debug starts the debugger after an errror
%xmode Verbose sets error reporting to verbose %xmode Plain sets error reporting back to default

There are many more available commands for interactive debugging than we've listed here; the following table contains a description of some of the more common and useful ones:

Command Description
list Show the current location in the file
h(elp) Show a list of commands, or find help on a specific command
q(uit) Quit the debugger and the program
c(ontinue) Quit the debugger, continue in the program
n(ext) Go to the next step of the program
<enter> Repeat the previous command
p(rint) Print variables
s(tep) Step into a subroutine
r(eturn) Return out of a subroutine

For more information, use the help command in the debugger, or take a look at ipdb's online documentation.

String Formatting

from and


'1, 2, 3'        '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(1, 2, 3)
'1, 2, 3'        '{}, {}, {}'.format(1, 2, 3)
'1, 2, 3'        '{value1}, {value2}, {value2}'.format(value1=1, value2=2, value3=3)
'second'         '{[1]}'.format(['first', 'second', 'third'])
'<stdin>'        '{.name}'.format(sys.stdin)
'7 9'            '{[a]} {[a]}'.format({'a':7},{'a':9})
'7 9'            '{[1][0]} {[1][2]}'.format([[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
'9'              '{[1][2]}'.format([[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
'9'              '{0[1][2]}'.format([[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
'9'              '{[a][1][2]}'.format({'a':[[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]}) property accessing
'9'              '{a[1][2]}'.format(**{'a':[[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]}) property accessing
'9'              '{a[1][2]}'.format(a=[[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])       property accessing


'ba'             '{:.2}'.format('bar') 


'x    '          '{:5}'.format('x')             implicit left
'x    '          '{:<5}'.format('x')            explicit left
' x  '           '{:^4}'.format('x')            even # chars
'  x  '          '{:^5}'.format('x')            odd  # chars
'    x'          '{:>5}'.format('x')            left padding
'x____'          '{:_<5}'.format('x')           w/chars left
'__x__'          '{:_^5}'.format('x')           w/chars center
'____x'          '{:_>5}'.format('x')           w/chars right
'_b_'            '{:_^3.1}'.format('bar')       w/ truncation

numerical formatting

'33.1'           '{:.3}'.format(33.14159)
'33.141'         '{:.3f}'.format(33.14159)
'      3.14'     '{:10.2f}'.format(3.14159)
'     +3.14'     '{:+10.2f}'.format(3.14159)
'     -3.14'     '{:10.2f}'.format(-3.14159)
'     -3.14'     '{:+10.2f}'.format(-3.14159)
'__-3.14___'     '{:_^10.2f}'.format(-3.14159) implicit sign -
'__-3.14___'     '{:_^+10.2f}'.format(-3.14159) explicit sign -
'__+3.14___'     '{:_^+10.2f}'.format(3.14159)  explicit sign +
'00+3.14000'     '{:0^+10.2f}'.format(3.14159) works with 0's
'+       23'     '{:=+10d}'.format(23)         padding after sign


'1.53'           '{!s}'.format(1.53)              str()
"'foo'"          '{!r}'.format('foo')             repr
'd9f'            '{:x}'.format(3487)              hex
'D9F'            '{:X}'.format(3487)              hex upper
'0xd9f'          '{:#x}'.format(3487)             hexadecimal w/prefix
'0xD9F'          '{:#X}'.format(3487)             hexadecimal w/prefix upper
'1100100'        '{:b}'.format(100)               binary
'0b1100100'      '{#:b}'.format(100)              binary w/ prefix
'100'            '{:d}'.format(100)               decimal
'1,000'          '{:,}'.format(1000)              decimal with commas
'144'            '{:o}'.format(100)               octal
'0o144'          '{:#o}'.format(100)              octal w/ prefix
'1.0e-2'         '{:e}'.format(0.01)              exponent
'1.0E-2'         '{:E}'.format(0.01)              exponent upper E
'66.000000%'     '{:%}'.format(0.66)              percentage
'd'              '{:c}'.format(100)               character
'1'              '{:g}'.format(1)                 general
'1'              '{:g}'.format(1.)
'1.2345'         '{:g}'.format(1.2345)            
'1'              '{:n}'.format(1)                 general with locale-based separator
'1'              '{:n}'.format(1.)
'1.2345'         '{:n}'.format(1.2345)            
'1'              '{:}'.format(1)                  None, like g, but prints at least 1 digit
'1.0'            '{:}'.format(1.)
'1.2345'         '{:}'.format(1.2345)
'1.000000'       '{:f}'.format(1)                 fixed point
'1.000000'       '{:f}'.format(1.)
'1.234500'       '{:f}'.format(1.2345)


'__+3.14___'     '{a[1][0]:_^+10.2f}'.format(a=[[],[3.14159]]) combinations
'_+314.16%_'     '{a[1][0]:_^+10.2%}'.format(a=[[],[3.14159]]) combinations
'    x     '     '{:{align}{width}}'.format('x', align='^', width='10') as params
'xy = 2.7'       '{:{prec}} = {:{prec}}'.format('xyz', 2.7182, prec='.2') as params


'2001-02-03 04:05' '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}'.format(datetime(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5))

special class

class Scare(object):
    def __format__(self, format):
        if (format == 'boo'): return "AHHH!"
        return 'zzzzz'

'AHHH!'          '{:boo}'.format(Scare())
'zzzzz'          '{:notboo}'.format(Scare())


import random
random.randint(0, 5)      # 0|1|2|3|4|5 
random.randrange(0, 5)    # 0|1|2|3|4 
random.randrange(0, 5, 2) # 0|2|4
random.random()           # [0,...,1) num between 0 and 1, excluding 1


list(range(0,5)) # [0,1,2,3,4]
list(range(0,5,2)) # [0,2,4]
# from toolz.functoolz import curry,partial,compose,flip,pipe as datapipe
def cond(predicateFnMatrix):
def condInner(*args):
for (predicate,fn) in predicateFnMatrix:
if predicate(*args):
return fn(*args)
return condInner
all = lambda *fns: lambda *args,**kwargs: reduce((lambda truth,fn:(fn(*args,**kwargs) if truth else truth)),fns,True)
ifElse = lambda predicate,fnTrue,fnFalse: lambda *a,**kw: fnTrue(*a,**kw) if predicate(*a,**kw) else fnFalse(*a,**kw)
# predicates
lt = curry(lambda x,y: y < x)
lte = curry(lambda x,y: y <= x)
gt = curry(lambda x,y: y > x)
gte = curry(lambda x,y: y >= x)
eq = curry(lambda x,y: y == x)
ne = curry(lambda x,y: y != x)
is_ = curry(lambda x,y: x is y)
is_not = curry(lambda x,y: x is not y)
plog = lambda *args: print(*args) or args[0]
def logFn(fn,name=""):
def fn_logger(*args,**kwargs):
return fn(*args,**kwargs)
return fn_logger
def len_minus1(collection): return len(collection) - 1
add = curry(lambda x,y:y+x)
sub = curry(lambda x,y:y-x)
mul = curry(lambda x,y:y*x)
truediv = curry(lambda x,y:y/x)
floordiv = curry(lambda x,y:y//x)
pow = curry(lambda x,y:y**x)
mod = curry(lambda x,y: y % x, arity=2))
divisibleBy = lambda x: pipe(mod(x), eq(0))
#function manipulation
from functools import reduce
pipe = lambda fn1,*fns: lambda arg,*args: reduce(lambda a,f: f(a), fns, fn1(arg,*args))
# or, the verbose version
def pipe(firstFn, *fns):
def pipeInner(lastArg,*args):
lastArg = firstFn(lastArg,*args)
for f in fns:
lastArg = f(lastArg)
return lastArg
return pipeInner
compose = lambda *fns :pipe(*reversed(fns))
fmap = lambda fn: lambda data: (fn(d) for d in data)
mapPipe = compose(fmap,pipe)
spread = lambda fn : lambda iterableArg : fn(*iterableArg)
forkjoin = lambda *fns,mergefn: lambda data:mergefn(*[fn(data) for fn in fns])
nthArg = lambda argNum: lambda *args: args[argNum]
negate = lambda fn: lambda *args,**kwargs:not fn(*args,**kwargs)
over = lambda fns: lambda *args,**kwargs: [f(*args,**kwargs) for f in fns]
def to_transformer(fn,acc):
def inner(acc,v,k,c):
return acc
return inner
transformTo = curry(lambda stubFn,fn,coll:reduce(to_transformer(fn),coll,stubFn()),arity=3)
transToDict = transformTo(dict)
listToArgs = lambda fn: lambda *lst,**kwargs: fn(*lst[0],**kwargs)
argsToList = lambda fn: lambda *args,**kwargs: fn(args,**kwargs)
from functools import partial
def curry(fn,arity=2):
if arity < 1: return fn
def curryInner(*args,**kwargs):
if len(args) >= arity : return fn(*args[:arity],**kwargs)
return curry(partial(fn, *args[:arity],**kwargs), arity=arity-len(args))
return curryInner
# curry tests
lt = curry(lambda x,y: x > y)
assert lt(2,1) == True
assert lt(2)(1) == True
assert lt(2,1,100) == True
assert lt(2)(1,100) == True
assert lt()(2,1,100) == True
# misc utils
identity = lambda x: x
noop = lambda *x: None
constant = lambda x: lambda *ignored: x
stub_0 = constant(0)
stub_True = lambda *x: True
stub_False = lambda *x: False
stub_List = lambda *x: list()
def assign_dicts(dest,*dicts):
for d in dicts:
for k in d.keys():
return dest
def assign_dicts(dest,*dicts):
for d in dicts:
for k in d.keys():
return dest
def analyze_graph(get_adjacent_vertices,collection}):
graph = dict(
vertices={id:dict(id=id,data=data) for v in get_adjacent_vertices('start',collection)},
node = None
queue=[v for v in graph['vertices']]
for (id,data) in get_adjacent_vertices(node['id'],collection):
if(id in graph['vertices']):
pass # visited
# tests for cross, back, forward edges
for (id,vertex) in graph['vertices'].items():
if id not in graph['in_edges']:
return graph
# Deep Dive into recursion and looping solutions for optimization problems
# Written to help me describe optimization functions' parts, and those parts' permutations,
# to facilitate both making choices between them and effectively articulating those choices
# Code Design
# - function parts broken down completely
# - only one thing can change per example. Even identical variable names describe identical things in all examples
# - full word variables to save limited working memory for learning (vs storing variable semantics)
# (1. all functions "jump" from "start_distance" to "goal_distance" in the "fewest_jumps" possible)
# (2. all functions "i" from "a" to "n" in the "x" possible)
# - only the minimum variables necessary for the permutation to run
# - all the code runs (tested with asserts in the file)
# Permutation Definitions
# NOTE: Each function has one permutation of all of these
# If you write a function I haven't added and/or think of a missing permutation, please add them to the comments.
# - PROGRESSION STRATEGY (Recursion|Looping)
# - CACHED (cached) - intermittent results are cached/memoized, or not
# - DIRECTION (bottom-up|top-down)
# - GOAL TEST LOCATION pre|in|post "loop"
# note that "loop" is used twice, once for the test location, and once for the "looping" strategy
# Please comment if you know better language that differentiates the two
# ... Permutations with names and concepts I'm still disentangling
# - ______ ? VARIABLE TYPES I don't know if there are standard names for different types of variables.
# e.g, distance is ____? count is ___? jump_lengths is ___? Maybe Independent vs dependent variables?
# - ______ ? VARIABLE PLACEMENT like dependent in an inner loop and independent in outer (if it matters)
# - _______? ROOT (one|multi) (from a graph standpoint, one or multiple nodes can be a start)
# - _______? TEST STRATEGY___? look behind vs look ahead when testing for the goal... or in recursion, when "wasted" function calls happen
# - _______? ENTRY CONDITIONS (still hashing out what I even mean by this)
# - ____anything-else____?
# Test (Just one, since all examples thus far do the same thing in different ways)
def should_successfully_count_fewest_jumps_to_goal(fn, tests=[(9,2),(13,2),(19,4)],longer_tests=[(34,3),(43,5)]):
for pair in tests:assert(fn(pair[0])==pair[1]);
for pair in longer_tests:assert(fn(pair[0])==pair[1]);
# Constants
BABY_JUMPS = 10000 # the number of jumps a baby took to go some distance. Used for defaults and worst case comparisons.
# ^^ Please ignore ethics and practicality of getting a baby to jump. That many times.
# Functions
## Permutation: recursion|bottom-up|goal-test-pre
def recursion_bottomup_goaltestpre(goal_distance=20, start_distance = 1, jump_lengths = [1,4,5,11]):
def recurse(distance=start_distance, count=0):
if(distance == goal_distance): return count
if(distance > goal_distance): return BABY_JUMPS
return min(recurse(distance + jump, count + 1) for jump in jump_lengths)
jumps_to_goal = recurse()
return jumps_to_goal
## Permutation: recursion|bottom-up|goal-test-in
def recursion_bottomup_goaltestin(goal_distance=20, start_distance = 1, jump_lengths = [1,4,5,11]):
def recurse(distance=start_distance, count=0):
if(distance == goal_distance): return count
return min(recurse((distance+jump,count+1) for jump in jump_lengths if distance+jump <= goal_distance),default=BABY_JUMPS)
jumps_to_goal = recurse()
return jumps_to_goal
## Permutation: recursion|bottom-up|goal-test-post
## Permutation: recursion|top-down|goal-test-pre
## Permutation: recursion|top-down|goal-test-in
## Permutation: recursion|top-down|goal-test-post
## Permutation: (impossible) looping|bottom-up|goal-test-pre
## Permutation: (impossible) looping|bottom-up|goal-test-in
## Permutation: (impossible) looping|bottom-up|goal-test-post
## Permutation: (impossible) looping|top-down|goal-test-pre
## Permutation: (impossible) looping|top-down|goal-test-in
## Permutation: (impossible) looping|top-down|goal-test-post
# These ^^ looping permutations are impossible to get consistent optimal results from.
# Without a cache, they form greedy functions. Why do the recursive ones yield optimal results?
# Recursively nested function scopes implicitly cache all results along their recursion path.
# Each min() call compares the results at each cache distance. (like the combine phase of merge sort)
## Permutation: cached|recursion|bottom-up|goal-test-pre
## Permutation: cached|recursion|bottom-up|goal-test-in
def recursion_cached_bottomup_goaltestin(goal_distance=20, start_distance=1, jump_lengths=[1,4,5,11], fewest_jumps={}):
should_cache = lambda distance,count: distance not in fewest_jumps or count<fewest_jumps[distance]
def recurse (distance=start_distance, count=0):
fewest_jumps[distance] = count
if(distance==goal):return count
return min((recurse(distance+jump, count+1) for jump in jump_lengths if distance<=goal and should_cache(distance+jump,count+1)),default=BABY_JUMPS)
jumps_to_goal = recurse()
return jumps_to_goal
## Permutation: cached|recursion|bottom-up|goal-test-post
## Permutation: cached|recursion|top-down|goal-test-pre
## Permutation: cached|recursion|top-down|goal-test-in
## Permutation: cached|recursion|top-down|goal-test-post
## Permutation: cached|looping|bottom-up|goal-test-pre
## Permutation: cached|looping|bottom-up|goal-test-in
def looping_cached_bottomup_goaltestin(goal_distance=20, start_distance=1, jump_lengths=[1,4,5,11], fewest_jumps={}):
should_cache = lambda distance,count: distance not in fewest_jumps or count<fewest_jumps[distance]
for distance in range(start_distance,goal_distance+1):
for jump in jump_lengths:
if should_cache(distance+jump, count+1): fewest_jumps[distance+jump]=count+1
jumps_to_goal = fewest_jumps[goal_distance]
return jumps_to_goal
## Permutation: cached|looping|bottom-up|goal-test-post
## Permutation: cached|looping|top-down|goal-test-pre
## Permutation: cached|looping|top-down|goal-test-in
## Permutation: cached|looping|top-down|goal-test-post
# def ensureValidStart(goal_distance,start_distance=1,jump_lengths=[1,4,5,11]):
# if(start_distance < 0 or start_distance > goal_distance): raise ValueError("start must be in interval [0,n]")
# if(len(jump_lengths)==0): raise ValueError("jump_lengths cannot be empty")
# if not min(goal_distance % jump for jump in jump_lengths) == 0:
# raise ValueError("goal_distance not reachable from given jump_lengths")
# jump_lengths = sorted(jump_lengths)
# if(goal_distance<jump_lengths[0]): raise ValueError("goal_distance must be >= the smallest jump_length")
# BABY_JUMPS = 10000 # the number of jumps a baby took to get to ___ (used for defaults and worst cases)
# cache = {}
# return goal_distance,start_distance,jump_lengths,BABY_JUMPS,cache
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