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Last active January 1, 2020 18:28
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Simple Step by Step Nginx setup
# 01 - build your web app
# 02 - build the production version of your app into dist folder
# 03 - use express to create a simple server like below
const express = require('express')
const webpack = require('webpack')
const path = require('path')
const webpackMiddleware = require('webpack-dev-middleware')
const webpackconfig = require('./webpack.config.js')
const app = express()
const port = 8000
const dist = path.join(__dirname , 'dist')
app.get('*', (req,res) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(dist, 'index.html'))
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log('Listening at port ' + port + '...')
-> note that we use wbpack here as middle ware
-> and passing webpack.config.js to it
-> note that we use the builded index.html as a fallback to other urls
-> if we dont do this then user can't load directly from a link like
-> then as usual use port to listen to
# 04 install nodemon (this is only for working with express in local)
# 05 create the coressponding command in pkg.json file
-> like this one: "_dev": "nodemon server.js --ignore client"
# 06 run the command to see the result in browser -> nom run _dev
# 07 if there was no error the go to the next step , else fix it
# 08 if everything was OK so far , then create the zip file to upload
-> note that you dont need to include node_modules folder in zip file
# 09 open filezilla and connect to the server
# 10 find the location that points to the domain or sub domain and then upload it there
# 11 use unzip filename to unzip files to there
# 12 after unzipping , run npm install
# 13 if you havent installed pm2 , then go ahead and install it
# 14 if you havent installed nginx , install it
# 15 if you havent installed nodejs , install it
# 16 head over to directory that you uploaded the zip file and then run -> pm2 start server.js
-> server.js is the file that contains express
-> now your application runs at the port that you specified in the express app port
-> lets consider it as 8000
-> now if the your server's os (in your case centos) was like your computer
-> you could lunch the browser and head over to localhost:8000 to see your app
-> by that i mean that your app is runing on the machin currenlty and it is working , if you havent messed up something so far
# 17 all after from on , is about nginx
# 18 go to /etc/nginx folder
-> it is where you can find the nginx.conf file
-> it contains some description and after them one events { ... } & one http { ... }
-> all server code goes under https block
-> basically you need to add the server code here
-> this code :
# The default server
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name _;
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
# Load configuration files for the default server block.
include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf;
location / {
error_page 404 /404.html;
location = /40x.html {
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
-> basic description of it :
-> listen is the port (80 is default)
-> server_name is the domains that you want to connect to ( [one space, nothing else] (you can put subdomain like
-> root is where your files exsits on the machin (address from root -> /home/username/public_html;
-> for now just dont mess with error_pages part
-> BUT
-> if you look close it has a include line to conf.d directory that includes every .conf file
-> i mean this motherfucker line here
-> include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
-> basically it means that it imports its server configs from conf.d folder
# 19 go to -> cd ../ and go inside of conf.d
# 20 you will found cuple of server configuration files
# 22 you need to duplicate default.conf file with the name of your website (to prevent confution later)
# 23 use cp duplicate.conf example.conf to firstly create and then copy the configuration file
-> now if you ls in the directory you will see the example.conf file that contains what ever that default.conf has
# 24 use nano example.conf to edit the file
# 25 listen should stay at 80
-> b/c we want to be the default port
-> in apache services it is the default port
-> but we use nginx here for a specifc domain
-> then it should listen on port 80 , the default port
-> if not user has to input the port number with the domain name like to see the website
# 26 server_name is the domain names
-> put both with and with out www
# 27 root is the location of files that you serving
-> the folder , not specific file like app.js or index.html
# 28 location part is where that the magic happens
-> now you need to ask yourself that which port my application was running -> 8000
-> here we glas to introduce the one and only rever porxy part of nginx
-> basically we create a tunnel from point a (the domain) to point b (the files location on server)
-> all http requests would use this tunnel to connect
-> add this line to location
-> proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
-> you see ? we connecting the localhost to the domain name here
# 29 dont fuck with other stuff untill furder notation
# 30 save the file and close it
# 31 use nginx -s reload to inform nginx from changes
adding subdomain
# 32 for subdomain you need to add the subdomain from , your websites control panel
# 33 then the whole proccess is the same
-> except that
-> when we adding domain name on server_name in your cserver configuration , you gonna add sub domain name as well
-> like
# 34 that is it ...
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