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Created October 15, 2012 00:39
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Save a-r-d/3890297 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dealing with Screen Resolution in FLEX android apps
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ViewNavigatorApplication name="DodgeABroApp"
xmlns:s="library://" firstView="views.DodgeABroHomeView"
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<fx:Style source="dodgeABro.css"/>
import flash.sensors.Accelerometer;
protected function tabbedviewnavigatorapplication1_applicationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
// we can set scale based on application window size
var baseX:Number = 320;
var baseY:Number = 460; // was 480 you lose a bit
if(Accelerometer.isSupported) {
Constants.debugMode = false;
if(!Constants.debugMode && Constants.androidMode) {
// e.g. - for kindle fire x = 600, y - 1024.
* see:
var dpi:Number = Capabilities.screenDPI;
var dpiFactor:Number = this.applicationDPI / dpi;
var scaleFactorY:Number = (stage.stageHeight / baseY);
var scaleFactorX:Number = (stage.stageWidth / baseX);
navigator.scaleX = scaleFactorX * (dpiFactor );
navigator.scaleY = scaleFactorY * (dpiFactor );
Constants.scaleX = scaleFactorX;
Constants.scaleY = scaleFactorY;
Constants.canvasHeight = navigator.measuredHeight;
Constants.canvasWidth = navigator.measuredWidth;
} else if(Constants.debugMode){
// This is for PC
Constants.canvasHeight = navigator.measuredHeight;
Constants.canvasWidth = navigator.measuredWidth;
} else {
// this is for iphone
Constants.canvasHeight = navigator.measuredHeight;
Constants.canvasWidth = navigator.measuredWidth;
trace("Printing from MXML file APP file (too many dimensions):");
trace("Stage.height: " + stage.height);
trace("Stage.width: " + stage.width);
trace("Stage.stageHeight: " + stage.stageHeight);
trace("Stage.stageWidth: " + stage.stageWidth);
trace("Stage.fullscreenheight: " + stage.fullScreenHeight);
trace("Stage.fullscreenWidth: " + stage.fullScreenWidth);
trace("Navigator.height: " + navigator.height);
trace("Navigator.width: " + navigator.width);
trace("This.height (main MXML app file) " + this.height);
trace("This.width (main MXML app file) " + this.width);
trace("This.scaleX (main MXML app file) " + this.scaleX);
trace("This.scaleY (main MXML app file) " + this.scaleY);
trace("navigator.measuredHeight " + navigator.measuredHeight);
trace("navigator.measuredWidth " + navigator.measuredWidth);
trace("Navigator Max Height: " + navigator.maxHeight);
trace("Navigator Max Width: " + navigator.maxWidth);
trace("Navigator ScaleX: " + navigator.scaleX);
trace("Navigator ScaleY: " + navigator.scaleY);
trace("Capabils screen res X: " + Capabilities.screenResolutionX);
trace("Capabils screen res Y: " + Capabilities.screenResolutionY);
// subtract the buffer height:
Constants.canvasHeight = Constants.canvasHeight - Constants.canvasHeightBuffer;
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