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Last active December 11, 2015 07:49
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Save a-r-d/4568953 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AS3- using quick sort algorithm to sort on an arbitrarily specified attribute of a typed vector.
* Some constants we use to choose sorting methods.
public static const SORT_BY_DATE_START:String = "DATE_START";
public static const SORT_BY_ID_ASC:String = "ID_ASC";
* Example function that calls the quick sort on a vector of some beans
public static function getTopLevelTasks( taskList:Vector.<Task2>, sortBy:String = SORT_BY_ID_ASC ):Vector.<Task2> {
var topLevelTasks:Vector.<Task2> = new Vector.<Task2>();
for( var i:int = 0; i < taskList.length; i++) {
if( taskList[i].parentTaskID == 0 || taskList[i].parentTaskID == -1) {
topLevelTasks.push( taskList[i] );
if( sortBy == SORT_BY_DATE_START ) {
topLevelTasks = vectorQuickSortByAttr( topLevelTasks, "dateStart" );
} else if( sortBy == SORT_BY_ID_ASC ) {
topLevelTasks = vectorQuickSortByAttr( topLevelTasks, "task_id" );
return topLevelTasks;
* Wamp wamp implement quick sort...
public static function vectorQuickSortByAttr(tosort:Vector.<Task2>, sortAttr:String):Vector.<Task2> {
if( tosort.length <= 1)
return tosort;
var pivot_index:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (tosort.length - 1));
var pivot:Task2 = tosort[ pivot_index ];
// remove pivot from the vector:
tosort.splice(pivot_index, 1);
var l_list:Vector.<Task2> = new Vector.<Task2>();
var g_list:Vector.<Task2> = new Vector.<Task2>();
for( var i:int = 0; i < tosort.length; i++ ) {
if( tosort[i][sortAttr] > pivot[sortAttr] ) {
g_list.push( tosort[i] );
} else {
l_list.push( tosort[i] );
// return l_list + pivot + g_list
l_list.push( pivot )
return l_list.concat( g_list );
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