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Last active July 10, 2018 17:48
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State Machine
// MARK: - Read-Write Queue
class ReadWriteQueue {
private let specificKey = DispatchSpecificKey<String>()
private let queue: DispatchQueue
private var isAlreadyInQueue: Bool {
return DispatchQueue.getSpecific(key: specificKey) == queue.label
init(label: String = "read-write.queue") {
queue = DispatchQueue(label: label, attributes: .concurrent)
queue.setSpecific(key: specificKey, value: label)
deinit {
queue.setSpecific(key: specificKey, value: nil)
// solving readers-writers problem: any amount of readers can access data at a time, but only one writer is allowed at a time
// - reads are executed concurrently on executing queue, but are executed synchronously on a calling queue
// - write blocks executing queue, but is executed asynchronously on a calling queue so it doesn't have to wait
// note:
// it's fine to have async write, and sync reads, because write blocks queue and reads are executed synchronously;
// so if we want ro read after writing, we'll still be waiting (reads are sync) for write to finish and allow reads to execute;
func write(_ work: @escaping () -> Void) {
if isAlreadyInQueue {
} else {
queue.async(flags: .barrier, execute: work)
// if we're already executing inside queue, then no need to add task there synchronosuly since it can lead to a deadlock
func read<T>(_ work: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
if isAlreadyInQueue {
return try work()
} else {
return try queue.sync(execute: work)
// MARK: - State Machine
class StateMachine<State, Event> {
typealias Schema = (State, Event) -> State?
private let queue = ReadWriteQueue(label: "state-machine.queue")
private let schema: Schema
private var _state: State
var state: State {
return { _state }
// Handlers
var shouldTransit: ((State, Event, State) -> Bool)?
var didTransit: ((State, Event, State) -> Void)?
// Initialize
init(initialState: State, schema: @escaping Schema) {
_state = initialState
self.schema = schema
// Handle Event
func handle(_ event: Event, callback: ((State?) -> Void)? = nil) {
queue.write { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
guard let newState = strongSelf.schema(strongSelf._state, event) else {
if let shouldTransit = strongSelf.shouldTransit {
if shouldTransit(strongSelf._state, event, newState) {
strongSelf.changeState(to: newState, withEvent: event)
} else {
} else {
strongSelf.changeState(to: newState, withEvent: event)
private func changeState(to newState: State, withEvent event: Event) {
let fromState = _state
_state = newState
didTransit?(fromState, event, newState)
// Force reset to State
func reset(to state: State) {
queue.write { [weak self] in
self?._state = state
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a-voronov commented Jul 10, 2018


enum Number {
    case one
    case two
    case three

enum Operation {
    case increment
    case decrement

let sm = StateMachine<Number, Operation>(initialState: .one, schema: { (state, event) in
    switch (state, event) {
    case (.one, .increment): return .two

    case (.two, .increment): return .three
    case (.two, .decrement): return .one

    case (.three, .decrement): return .two

    default: return nil

sm.state // .two

sm.reset(to: .one)

sm.state // .one

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