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Last active December 24, 2017 00:30
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draft version script for delivery-club catalog parsing & filtering
// parse & filter dishes on
// runtime constiables
// e.g.
const path = window.location.pathname.match(/\/srv\/(\w+)\/(?:(\w+)\/)?/)
const params = {
cafe: path[1], // e.g. 'Chajkhona_1',
category: path[2] , // e.g. 'Supy',
// config
const reqParamNames = [
const stopDishesNames = flatten([
['Ролл', 'САШИМИ', 'СУШИ'],
['ПАСТА', 'Макароны', 'Спагетти', 'Равиоли', 'Пенне'],
'Каша пшенная',
['Блинчики', 'Блины'],
['Рис', 'Ризотто'],
'Картофельное пюре',
]).map(name => name.toLowerCase())
const stopIngredients = [
const stopDishesParams = {
'Chajkhona_1': [{'product_id': 94530403}]
const lowPriorityIngredients = [
const highPriorityIngredients = [
const highPriorityCategories = [
const lowPriorityCategories = [
const stopCategories = [
// main
const dishes = getDishes()
const filtered = filter(dishes)
// remove unliked dishes
dishes.filter(dish => !filterDish(dish)).forEach(({ el }) => el.parentNode.removeChild(el) )
// lib
function getStopDishesParams() {
return stopDishesParams[] || [];
function flatten(array) {
return [].concat.apply([], array)
function getDishes () {
return [...document.querySelectorAll('[itemtype=""]')]
.map(item => ({
el: item,
name: getValue(item.querySelector('[itemprop="name"]')),
description: getValue(item.querySelector('[itemprop="description"]')),
price: getValue(item.querySelector('form strong span:first-child')),
function getReqParams (item) {
return reqParamNames.reduce((res, param) => ({...res,
[param]: getValue(item.querySelector(`[name="${ param }"]`))
}), {})
function getValue (el) {
if (!el) return null
const raw = el.value != null ? el.value : el.innerText
const isStr = (raw) => typeof raw === 'string'
const isNum = (raw) => !isNaN(raw)
const toStr = (raw) => raw.trim()
const toNum = (raw) => Number(raw)
if (isNum(raw)) return toNum(raw)
if (isStr(raw)) return toStr(raw)
function filter (dishes) {
return dishes.filter(filterDish)
function filterDish (dish) {
if (!checkName( return false
if (!checkDescription(dish.description)) return false
if (!checkByParams(dish)) return false
// TODO: if (!checkByRecipe(dish)) return false
return true
function checkName (name) {
const name_ = name.toLowerCase()
if (stopDishesNames.some(stopName => name_.includes(stopName))) return false
if (stopIngredients.some((rx) => name_.match(rx))) return false
return true
function checkDescription (text) {
if (!text) return true
const text_ = text.toLowerCase()
return stopIngredients.every((rx) => !text_.match(rx))
function checkByParams(dishParams) {
return getStopDishesParams().every(stopParams => !hasSubset(dishParams, stopParams))
function hasSubset(parent, subset) {
return Object.entries(subset).every(([key, value]) => parent[key] === value)
// output sample
"name": "Борщ Ханский",
"description": "Сытный борщ, приготовленный из овощей и телятины. Подается с домашней сметаной",
"price": 310,
"product_id": 94530394,
"quantity": 1,
"s_id": 23079,
"byWeight": 0,
"name": "Балык Шурпа",
"description": "Легкая уха, приготовленная из филе семги и судака, с добавлением овощей и душистого шафрана",
"price": 475,
"product_id": 94530395,
"quantity": 1,
"s_id": 23079,
"byWeight": 0,
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