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Created September 13, 2017 07:43
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Simple Auth Service for Nginx Mail Proxy
# This is a basic HTTP server, confirming to the authentication protocol
# required by Nginx's mail module.
require 'logger'
require 'rack'
module MailAuth
# setup a protocol-to-port mapping
Port = {
'smtp' => '25',
'pop3' => '110',
'imap' => '143'
class Handler
def initialize
# setup logging, as a mail server
@log ="| logger -p")
# replacing the normal timestamp by the service name and pid
@log.datetime_format = "nginx_mail_proxy_auth pid: "
# the "Auth-Server" header must be an IP address
@mailhost = ''
# set a maximum number of login attempts
@max_attempts = 3
# our authentication 'database' will just be a fixed hash for
# this example
# it should be replaced by a method to connect to LDAP or a
# database
@auths = {"test:1234" => ""}
def call(env)
# our headers are contained in the environment
@env = env
# set up the request and response objects
@req =
@res =
# pass control to the method named after the Http verb
# with which we're called
# come back here to finish the response when done
def get
# the authentication mechanism
meth = @env['Http_AUTH_METHOD']
# the username (login)
user = @env['Http_AUTH_USER']
# the password, either in the clear or encrypted, depending on
# the authentication mechanism used
pass = @env['Http_AUTH_PASS']
# need the salt to encrypt the cleartext password, used for some
# authentication mechanisms, not in our example
salt = @env['Http_AUTH_SALT']
# this is the protocol being proxied
proto = @env['Http_AUTH_PROTOCOL']
# the number of attempts needs to be an integer
attempt = @env['Http_AUTH_LOGIN_ATTEMPT'].to_i
# not used in our implementation, but these are here for reference
client = @env['Http_CLIENT_IP']
host = @env['Http_CLIENT_HOST']
# fail if more than the maximum login attempts are tried
if attempt > @max_attempts
@res["Auth-Status"] = "Maximum login atempts exceeded"
# for the special case where no authentication is done
# on smtp transactions, the following is in nginx.conf:
# smtp_auth none;
# may want to setup a lookup table to steer certain senders
# to particular SMTP servers
if meth == 'none' && proto == 'smtp'
helo = @env[Http_AUTH_SMTP_HELO]
# want to get just the address from these two here
from = @env['Http_AUTH_SMTP_FROM'].split(/: /)[1]
to = @env['Http_AUTH_SMTP_TO'].split(/: /)[1]
@res["Auth-Status"] = "OK"
@res["Auth-Server"] = @mailhost
# return the correct port for this protocol
@res["Auth-Port"] = MailAuth::Port[proto]"a main from #{from} on #{helo} for #{to}")
# try to authenticate using the headers provided
elsif auth(user, pass)
@res["Auth-Status"] = "OK"
@res["Auth-Server"] = @mailhost
# return the correct port for this protocol
@res["Auth-Port"] = MailAuth::Port[proto]
# if we're using APOP. we need to return the password in cleartext
if meth == 'apop' && proto == 'pop3'
@res["Auth-User"] = user
@res["Auth-Pass"] = pass
end"+ #{user} from #{client}")
# the authentication attempts has fafiled
# if authentication was unsuccessful, we return an appropriate response
@res["Auth-Status"] = "Invalid login or password"
# and set the wait time in seconds before the client may make
# another authentication attempt
@res["Auth-Wait"] = "3"
# we can also set the error code to be returned to the SMTP client
@res["Auth-Error-Code"] = "535 5.7.8""! #{user} from #{client}")
# our authentication method, adapt to fit your environment
def auth(user, pass)
# this simply returns the calue looked-up by the 'user:pass' key
if @auths.key?("#{user}:#{pass}")
@mailhost = @auths["#{user}:#{pass}"]
return @mailhost
return false
# just in case some other process tries to access the service
# and sends something other than a GET
def method_missing(env)
@res.status = 404
end # class MailAuthHandler
end # module MailAuth
# setup Rack middleware
use Rack::ShowStatus
# map the /auth URI to our authentication handler
map "/auth" do
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