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Created May 9, 2014 11:04
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import sys
import math
from collections import defaultdict
# ideally, we need to minimize the state changes
# so we need to track the transitions
s =
rle = []
freq = defaultdict(int)
maxrun = defaultdict(int)
transition = defaultdict(int)
lastc = None
run = 1
for c in s:
freq[c] += 1
if c == lastc:
run += 1
maxrun[c] = max(maxrun[c], run)
if lastc is not None:
a = chr(ord(min(lastc, c)))
b = chr(ord(max(lastc, c)))
if run > 10:
transition[(-1, a)] += 1
transition[(-1, b)] += 1
transition[(a, b)] += 1
rle.append((lastc, run))
run = 1
lastc = c
rle.append((lastc, run))
print rle
chars = freq.keys()
N = len(chars)
freq = sorted([(f, c) for c, f in freq.iteritems()], reverse=True)
maxrun = sorted([(f, c) for c, f in maxrun.iteritems()], reverse=True)
print "chars", chars
print "freq", freq
print "maxrun", maxrun
edgelist = sorted([(f, c) for c, f in transition.iteritems()], reverse=True)
print "edgelist", edgelist
best = 1e30
def tfreq(c1, c2):
a = chr(ord(min(c1, c2)))
b = chr(ord(max(c1, c2)))
return transition[(a, b)]
def optimalseq(soln, n, score):
global best
bestsoln = None
if n == N:
if score < best:
best = score
print score, soln
return soln
return None
for c in chars:
if c in soln:
prevscore = score
for i in range(n):
score += abs(i-n) * tfreq(soln[i], c)
score += 2 * (n+1) * transition[(-1, c)]
if score < best:
s = optimalseq(soln, n+1, score)
if s is not None:
bestsoln = s[:]
score = prevscore
return bestsoln
# first, output optimal sequence
soln = optimalseq([], 0, 0)
print soln
def factor(n):
f1 = int(math.sqrt(n))
while f1 > 0:
f2 = n/f1
if f1*f2 == n:
return max(f1, f2), min(f1, f2)
f1 += 1
return n, 1
def factor2(n):
bestl = None
f1 = int(math.sqrt(n))
bestf1, bestf2, bestf3 = None, None, None
while f1 <= n:
f2 = n/f1
f3 = n - f1*f2
l = f1+f2+f3
if bestl is None or l < bestl:
bestl = l
bestf1, bestf2, bestf3 = f1, f2, f3
f1 += 1
return bestf1, bestf2, bestf3
def incrbatch(target, bfmem, n):
cmds = []
limit = len(bfmem)
while limit > 0 and bfmem[limit-1] == target[limit-1]:
limit -= 1
if limit == 0:
for i in range(limit):
if bfmem[i] < target[i]:
cmds.append('<' * limit)
return ''.join(cmds)
def incrloop(target, bfmem, f1, f2):
cmds = []
cmds.append(incrbatch(target, bfmem, f2))
return ''.join(cmds)
def initbfmem():
# now, we need to initialize these memory cells (hm, but if the frequency
# is low enough for some characters, is it worth it?)
bfmem = [0] * N
targetmem = map(ord, soln)
acc = 0
while True:
left = [x for x in targetmem if x > acc]
if len(left) == 0:
m = min(left) - acc
if m == 0:
f1, f2 = factor(m)
# print m, f1, f2, bfmem
if f2 == 1:
print incrbatch(targetmem, bfmem, f1)
print incrloop(targetmem, bfmem, f1, f2)
for i in range(N):
if bfmem[i] < targetmem[i]:
bfmem[i] += m
acc += m
print bfmem
# that works, but kind of sucks. to optimize, we need to generate the shortest
# sequence of:
# [k1, [k2], [k3]] where each memory location i is incremented by
# k1*k2[i] + k3[i] (where k2[i] and k3[i] can be zero)
# once k1 is determined, k2 and k3 are unique, so we need to find the optimal sequence of [k1,...]
# the length of the encoding is sum(k1[i]), sum(k2[i][j]) + sum(k3[i][j]) + m*len(k1)
# we could also have k2 or k3 be negative
# actually we shoudl definitely consider k3<0
# and actually k3 only applies at the end of the sequence for each one anyway
# as there is nothing to be gained from putting it earlier
# so, hmm
# we want the largest k1 at each stage
def factorall(arr):
mostppl = 0
bestk1 = None
bestk2 = None
n = min(arr)
while n >= 1:
k2 = [x/n for x in arr]
ppl = float(sum((x*n for x in k2)))/(n+sum(k2))
# progress per length
# print n, ppl, k2
if ppl > mostppl:
mostppl, bestk1, bestk2 = ppl, n, k2
n -= 1
a = [bestk2[i]*bestk1 for i in range(len(arr))]
return a, bestk1, bestk2
arr, bestk1, bestk2 = factorall(map(ord, soln))
print bestk1, bestk2, arr
init = ['+'*bestk1, '[']
for k in bestk2:
print ''.join(init)
cursor = -1
output = []
for c, runlen in rle:
idx = soln.index(c)
cdiff = idx - cursor
# to do RLE: move cursor to -1, '+'*f1, '[', '>'*index, '.'*f2, '<'*index, '-]'
if runlen > 2:
f1, f2, f3 = factor2(runlen)
rlelen = cursor+1 + f1 + 3*idx + f2 + 3
if f3 != 0:
rlelen += f3
if rlelen < abs(cdiff)+runlen and ord(c) == arr[idx]: # can only do this after the memory locations are set
if f3 != 0:
cursor = idx
cursor = -1
if cdiff < 0:
output.append('<' * (-cdiff))
elif cdiff > 0:
output.append('>' * cdiff)
cursor += cdiff
residue = ord(c) - arr[cursor]
if residue > 0:
output.append('+' * residue)
elif residue < 0:
output.append('-' * (-residue))
arr[cursor] += residue
print ''.join(output)
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