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Last active January 9, 2024 13:34
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Spatial Queries

GeoMesa Spark




st_contains(ST_PolygonFromText('POLYGON(( 28.1833495 -26.0544965, 28.2527973 -26.0118373, 28.1833495 -26.0544965 ))'), geom)

Create Events by Label

val sqlQuery = """ WITH linestr ( -- order asc and calculate delta time SELECT deviceId, geom, accuracy, timestamp, bigint(to_timestamp(lead(timestamp, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY deviceId ORDER BY timestamp ASC))) - bigint(to_timestamp(timestamp)) duration FROM points --WHERE deviceId = 'D9A82640-8D3D-46CF-BD36-760D3B762959' ORDER BY timestamp ASC ), line_calc ( -- filter out duplicate points, calculate distance and speed SELECT deviceId, geom, st_distanceSphere(geom, lead(geom, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY deviceId ORDER BY timestamp ASC)) distance, st_distanceSphere(geom, lead(geom, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY deviceId ORDER BY timestamp ASC))/duration speed, accuracy, timestamp, duration FROM linestr WHERE duration > 0 ), line_label ( -- label linestr type SELECT *, CASE WHEN distance < accuracy OR distance < 8 THEN 'Stationary' WHEN distance > 8 AND speed < 50 THEN 'Moving' WHEN speed > 50 THEN 'Invalid' END status FROM line_calc ), determine_event ( -- new event if linestr type changed SELECT *, CASE WHEN status = lag(status, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY deviceId ORDER BY timestamp ASC) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END is_new_event FROM line_label ), line_group ( -- index points into groups SELECT *, SUM(is_new_event) OVER (PARTITION BY deviceId ORDER BY timestamp ASC) group FROM determine_event ), event_linestr ( -- aggregate the event SELECT deviceId, collect_list(geom) linestr, SUM(distance) distance, AVG(speed) speed, COUNT(geom)+1 points, AVG(accuracy) accuracy, MIN(timestamp) timestamp, SUM(duration) duration, status, group FROM line_group GROUP BY deviceId, status, group ORDER BY group ) SELECT -- add the end point to the linestring deviceId, st_makeLine(concat(linestr, array(lead(linestr[0], 1) OVER (PARTITION BY deviceId ORDER BY timestamp ASC)))) linestr, points, distance, speed, accuracy, timestamp, duration, status, group FROM event_linestr """


st_contains (admin level (wkb geometry)

FROM events ez, za_admin_0 za
WHERE st_contains(za.wkb_geometry, st_setsrid(ez.geom, 4326));

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