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Created January 29, 2024 19:51
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Tech Stack


Java - Spring Framework (1st release was in 2002)
Relational DB - PostgreSQL (Started in 1986, most populat open source DB with several TB deployments, Yahoo in fact had a 2PB deployment in 2008)
Mobile - React / Flutter / Cordova - maybe Xamarin

Big Data

Hadoop (2002, based on Google File System paper, in 2007, Yahoo successfully tests Hadoop on a 1000 node cluster, a year later Apache Software Foundation successfully tested a 4000 node cluster)
Accumullo (Based on Google Bigtable, created in 2008 by US National Security Agency)
Spark (Research Project in 2009, 80% of Fortune 500 use Spark with over 2,000 contributors from industry to academia)
Spark Libraries - GeoMesa + Sedona


NiFi (Niagra Files, 2006 developed by US NSA, now also commercially available from Hortonworks/Cloudera)


Kafka (2011 LinkedIn, processes over 7 trillion messages a day in 2019)
Flink ()
Beam (Unified Model for Flink & Spark)

ML / AI / Statistical Models

Images - YOLO (other options available)
Keywords - Spark
Human Insights / Profiles




Druid (Metamarkets, 2011 to power their analytics product, adopted by many eBay, Netflix, Yahoo, Cisco, Twiiter, Airbnb etc)
Presto / Trino (Facebook, 2012 to run queries against 300PB of Hadoop data)

Routing & Maps

Openstreetmap or Commercial Solution
OSRM (Openstreetmap Routing Machine)


Lago (Open Source w/ commercial option metering and usage-based billing engine)

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