80:method Str {self.gist}
655: "[" ~ %!atts.kv.map(-> $k, $v { $k ~ ( $v =:= Whatever ?? "" !! "=$v.gist()" ) }).join(', ') ~ ']' if %!atts
661: " > " ~ .gist(:inside) with $!child
663: " >> " ~ .gist(:inside) with $!gchild
665: " >>> " ~ .gist(:inside) with $!descendant
667: " < " ~ .gist(:inside) with $!parent
669: " << " ~ .gist(:inside) with $!gparent
671: " <<< " ~ .gist(:inside) with $!ascendant
718: "{$name}({callframe(6).code.signature.params.grep(!*.named).skip>>.gist.join: ", "})"
779: print-validator-begin $node, self.gist;
780: POST print-validator-end $node, self.gist, $_;
105: return &.action.gist();
131: %!labels{&route.gist()}++;
132: %!router{&route.gist()} = &route;
140: unless (%!labelers{&route.gist()}:exists) {
141: %!labelers{&route.gist()} = ChainLabel.new();
144: %!labelers{&route.gist()}.add($train.command, $train.args);
110: say "\e[2J" ~ self.gist if $interactive;
123: say "\e[2J" ~ self.gist if $interactive;
69: return "Algorithm::KDimensionalTree(points => {@!points.elems}, distance-function => {$!distance-function.gist})";
73: return self.gist();
77: if $gs.gist {
90: has @.gist-plugins; # any plugins for gist view
30: say "$PROGRAM.basename() {App::Prove6.^ver} with TAP {TAP.^ver} on $RAKU.compiler.gist()";
664: note $warning.gist.lines.grep(!*.starts-with(' in block')).join("\n");
3502: my $gist := .gist;
46: trace "captured " ~ ( $m.gist.subst(/\n/,',',:g) );
52: trace "no match { $buffer.gist } vs { $target.gist }";
514: trace "received a capture: " ~ %h.gist;
51: trace "captured " ~ ( $m.gist.subst(/\n/,',',:g) );
55: trace "no match { $buffer.gist } vs { $target.gist }";
206: my Proc $p1 = shell q[raku -e '"Installed!!! This is $RAKU - specifically: { ($RAKU, $VM, $DISTRO).map({ $.gist })}".say;'];
277: my Proc $p1 = shell q[raku -e '"Installed!!! This is $RAKU - specifically: { ($RAKU, $VM, $DISTRO).map({ $.gist })}".say;'];
56: if @arr.WHAT.gist eq "(Any)" {
462: default { $elem.gist }
522:# note "^ PLAN TASK: ", ($task ~~ Code ?? $task.gist !! nqp::hllize($task));
37: ($data.gist() ~~ Any.gist() ?? "Any" !! $data.Str)
367: my Str $resolved = $schema.WHAT.gist ~ $schema.fullname(); #TODO resolve aliases
372: my Str $key = $schema.WHAT.gist ~ ($schema.?type().gist);
190: :operation("new: Hash %options.gist()"), :type<Hash>,
399: $s = [~] $item.gist, ",";
375: .gist,
400: die "Method $method not found on class " ~ self.WHAT.gist unless self.^method_table{$method}:exists;
62: die "duplicate route: {$route.gist}" if $matches;
167: # say "self: ", self.gist;
168: # say "other: ", $other.gist;
35: self!add-string( join '', @args.map(*.gist), $.nl-out )
8: given $var.WHAT.gist {
187: die "Unsupported attribute $a.gist() with is read
193: die "Unsupported value for is read
trait for $a.gist()";
203: die "Unsupported attribute $a.gist() with is written
209: die "Unsupported value for is written
trait for $a.gist()";
250: "Static data mismatch:\n\tGot: $.got.gist()\n\tExpected: $.expected.gist()";
350: $val = $attr.get_value(self).gist();
395: die "$attr.gist(): read past end of buffer!" if $!pos > $!data.bytes;
435: die "whoa, can't handle a $attr.type.gist() yet :(";
437: die "no reader for $attr.gist()" unless $attr.reader;
450: die "$attr.gist(): read past end of buffer!" if $!pos >= $!data.bytes;
458: die "$attr.gist(): read past end of buffer!" if $!pos >= $!data.bytes;
465: warn "$attr.gist(): read too many bytes: $limit < $!pos - $initial-pos ({+@array} elements)" if $!pos - $initial-pos > $limit;
472: die "no reader for $attr.gist()" unless $attr.reader;
496: die "Unsupported type: $attr.gist(): cannot use native types without length";
499: die "Unsupported type: $attr.gist(): not yet implemented";
503:# die "no reader for $attr.gist()" unless $attr.reader;
509: die "Cannot read an attribute of type $.gist() yet!";
607: die "Cannot write an attribute of type $.gist() yet!";
33: if @CONTEXTS[-1].gist ne $ctx {
219: say $media.resolution.gist; # 300dpi
532: #note "DEBUG: ", $v.gist;
10: $.handle.say: "[$level] @msg.map(*.gist).join('')";
10: say "Running on $*DISTRO.gist().\n";