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Created August 25, 2017 08:54
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Service Provider class for a custom CKEditor configuration (concrete5 8.x)
namespace Concrete\Package\XXX\Src\Support;
use Concrete\Core\Editor\CkeditorEditor;
use Concrete\Core\Editor\Plugin;
use Concrete\Core\Editor\PluginManager;
use Concrete\Core\Foundation\Service\Provider as ServiceProvider;
* $editor = Core::make('simple_editor');
* echo $editor->outputPageInlineEditor('content', 'some text');
* Register service provider in a pkg controller:
* $list = new ProviderList($this->app);
* $list->registerProvider(new Src\Support\Editor($this->app));
class Editor extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
function ($app) {
$config = $app->make('site')->getSite()->getConfigRepository();
$pluginManager = new PluginManager();
$editor = new CkeditorEditor($config, $pluginManager, []);
return $editor;
protected function registerCkeditorPlugins(PluginManager $pluginManager)
$pluginList = array(
array('key' => 'about', 'name' => t('About')),
array('key' => 'autogrow', 'name' => t('Auto Grow')),
array('key' => 'a11yhelp', 'name' => t('Accessibility Help')),
array('key' => 'basicstyles', 'name' => t('Basic Styles')),
array('key' => 'bidi', 'name' => t('BiDi (Text Direction)')),
array('key' => 'blockquote', 'name' => t('Blockquote')),
array('key' => 'clipboard', 'name' => t('Clipboard')),
array('key' => 'colorbutton', 'name' => t('Color Button')),
array('key' => 'colordialog', 'name' => t('Color Dialog')),
array('key' => 'contextmenu', 'name' => t('Context Menu')),
array('key' => 'dialogadvtab', 'name' => t('Advanced Tab for Dialogs')),
array('key' => 'div', 'name' => t('Div Container Manager')),
array('key' => 'divarea', 'name' => t('Div Editing Area')),
array('key' => 'elementspath', 'name' => t('Elements Path')),
array('key' => 'enterkey', 'name' => t('Enter Key')),
array('key' => 'entities', 'name' => t('Escape HTML Entities')),
array('key' => 'find', 'name' => t('Find / Replace')),
array('key' => 'flash', 'name' => t('Flash Dialog')),
array('key' => 'floatingspace', 'name' => t('Floating Space')),
array('key' => 'font', 'name' => t('Font Size and Famiy')),
array('key' => 'format', 'name' => t('Format')),
array('key' => 'forms', 'name' => t('Form Elements')),
array('key' => 'horizontalrule', 'name' => t('Horizontal Rule')),
array('key' => 'htmlwriter', 'name' => t('HTML Output Writer')),
array('key' => 'image', 'name' => t('Image')),
array('key' => 'image2', 'name' => t('Enhanced Image')),
array('key' => 'indentblock', 'name' => t('Indent Block')),
array('key' => 'indentlist', 'name' => t('Indent List')),
array('key' => 'justify', 'name' => t('Justify')),
array('key' => 'language', 'name' => t('Language')),
array('key' => 'list', 'name' => t('List')),
array('key' => 'liststyle', 'name' => t('List Style')),
array('key' => 'magicline', 'name' => t('Magic Line')),
array('key' => 'maximize', 'name' => t('Maximize')),
array('key' => 'newpage', 'name' => t('New Page')),
array('key' => 'pagebreak', 'name' => t('Page Break')),
array('key' => 'pastetext', 'name' => t('Paste As Plain Text')),
array('key' => 'pastefromword', 'name' => t('Paste from Word')),
array('key' => 'placeholder', 'name' => t('Placeholder')),
array('key' => 'preview', 'name' => t('Preview')),
array('key' => 'removeformat', 'name' => t('Remove Format')),
array('key' => 'resize', 'name' => t('Editor Resize')),
array('key' => 'scayt', 'name' => t('SpellCheckAsYouType (SCAYT)')),
array('key' => 'selectall', 'name' => t('Select All')),
array('key' => 'showblocks', 'name' => t('Show Blocks')),
array('key' => 'showborders', 'name' => t('Show Table Borders')),
array('key' => 'smiley', 'name' => t('Insert Smiley')),
array('key' => 'sourcearea', 'name' => t('Source Editing Area')),
array('key' => 'sourcedialog', 'name' => t('Source Dialog')),
array('key' => 'specialchar', 'name' => t('Special Characters')),
array('key' => 'stylescombo', 'name' => t('Styles Combo')),
array('key' => 'tab', 'name' => t('Tab Key Handling')),
array('key' => 'table', 'name' => t('Table')),
array('key' => 'tableresize', 'name' => t('Table Resize')),
array('key' => 'tabletools', 'name' => t('Table Tools')),
array('key' => 'templates', 'name' => t('Content Templates')),
array('key' => 'toolbar', 'name' => t('Editor Toolbar')),
array('key' => 'undo', 'name' => t('Undo')),
array('key' => 'wsc', 'name' => t('WebSpellChecker')),
array('key' => 'wysiwygarea', 'name' => t('IFrame Editing Area')),
foreach ($pluginList as $plugin) {
$editorPlugin = new Plugin();
private function registerCorePlugins(PluginManager $pluginManager)
$coreAssetDir = 'js/ckeditor4/core/';
$vendorAssetDir = 'js/ckeditor4/vendor/';
$assetList = \AssetList::getInstance();
$vendorAssetDir . 'ckeditor.js'
$coreAssetDir . 'ckeditor.css'
$vendorAssetDir . 'adapters/jquery.js'
array('javascript', 'editor/ckeditor4'),
array('css', 'editor/ckeditor4'),
array('javascript', 'editor/ckeditor4/jquery_adapter')
$coreAssetDir . 'concrete5inline/register.js'
$coreAssetDir . 'concrete5inline/styles.css'
array('javascript', 'editor/ckeditor4/concrete5inline'),
array('css', 'editor/ckeditor4/concrete5inline')
$coreAssetDir . 'concrete5filemanager/register.js'
$coreAssetDir . 'concrete5filemanager/styles.css'
array('javascript', 'editor/ckeditor4/concrete5filemanager'),
array('css', 'editor/ckeditor4/concrete5filemanager'),
$coreAssetDir . 'concrete5uploadimage/register.js'
array('javascript', 'editor/ckeditor4/concrete5uploadimage'),
$coreAssetDir . 'concrete5link/register.js'
array('javascript', 'editor/ckeditor4/concrete5link'),
$coreAssetDir . 'normalizeonchange/register.js'
array('javascript', 'editor/ckeditor4/normalizeonchange'),
$coreAssetDir . 'concrete5styles/register.js'
$coreAssetDir . 'concrete5styles/styles.css'
array('javascript', 'editor/ckeditor4/concrete5styles'),
array('css', 'editor/ckeditor4/concrete5styles'),
$plugin = new Plugin();
$plugin->setName(t('concrete5 Inline'));
$plugin = new Plugin();
$plugin->setName(t('concrete5 File Browser'));
$plugin = new Plugin();
$plugin->setName(t('concrete5 Upload Image'));
$plugin = new Plugin();
$plugin->setName(t('concrete5 Link'));
$plugin = new Plugin();
$plugin->setName(t('Normalize On Change'));
$plugin = new Plugin();
$plugin->setName(t('concrete5 Styles'));
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