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Last active December 10, 2015 06:18
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Struct library
-- The problem:
-- Lua has a problem whenever you want to define a C-like struct.
-- For instance, when I want to define a point structure without having
-- to define a new class I can create a table like so:
-- {x = number, y = number}
-- And a function that does something to points can use them like this:
-- function dist(p1, p2)
-- local dx, dy = p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y
-- return math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
-- end
-- The problem with this is that whenever I have to create a new point
-- I have to create a naked table like in line 6 and it feels "loose".
-- There's no indication of what type that table is before I have to
-- read its contents and there's also no feedback when I try to access
-- p1.z on dist, for instance.
-- The solution:
-- An ideal solution would allow me to detect access on undefined
-- fields and to specify a type for the struct I am creating, like this:
-- local Point = struct('x', 'y')
-- local p1 = Point(1, 1) -- OK
-- local p2 = Point(1, 2, 3) -- error, unknown argument #3
-- p1.x = 3 -- OK
-- print(p1.x) -- OK
-- print(p1.z) -- error, unknown field 'z'
-- p1.w = 1 -- error, unknown field 'w'
struct = setmetatable({}, {
__call =
function(struct_table, ...)
local fields = {...}
for _, field in ipairs(fields) do
if type(field) ~= "string" then error("Struct field names must be strings.") end
local struct_table = setmetatable({}, {
__call =
function(struct_table, ...)
local params = {...}
local instance_table = setmetatable({}, {
__index =
function(struct_table, key)
for _, field in ipairs(fields) do
if field == key then return rawget(struct_table, key) end
error("Unknown field '" .. key .. "'")
__newindex =
function(struct_table, key, value)
if key == "uguu~" then
rawset(struct_table, key, value)
for _, field in ipairs(fields) do
if field == key then
rawset(struct_table, key, value)
error("Unknown field '" .. key .. "'")
__tostring =
local result = "("
for _, field in ipairs(fields) do
result =
result .. field .. "=" ..
tostring(struct_table[field]) .. ", "
result = string.sub(result, 1, -3) .. ")"
return result
for i = 1, table.maxn(params) do
if fields[i] then instance_table[fields[i]] = params[i]
else error("Unknown argument #" .. tostring(i)) end
instance_table["uguu~"] = fields -- unlikely field name
return instance_table
return struct_table
function struct.unpack(instance_table)
local values = {}
local fields = instance_table["uguu~"]
for _, field in ipairs(fields) do
table.insert(values, instance_table[field])
return unpack(values)
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