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Created April 30, 2012 21:13
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Example of programmatic interaction with java
package foo;
public class RunMallet {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// create the command line parser
CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
// create the Options
Options options = new Options();
options.addOption( "t", "test", true, "testing path" );
options.addOption( "r", "train", true, "training path" );
options.addOption( "f", "feature", true, "feature file" );
options.addOption( "e", "evaluate", false, "evaluate ouput against gold standard data from input if available");
options.addOption( "o", "output", true, "output data" );
options.addOption( "c", "classifier", true, "path to classifier" );
options.addOption( "h", "help", false, "usage" );
options.addOption( "k", "gazetteerinput", true, "create gazetteer file from *.a2 files" );
options.addOption( "g", "gazetteer", true, "path to gazetteer file- give filename" );options.addOption( "g", "gazetteer", true, "path to gazetteer file" );
options.addOption( "n", "trainthreshold", true, "minimum number of feature to use feature - training" );
options.addOption( "m", "testthreshold", true, "minimum number of feature to use feature - testing" );
String trainPath=null;
String testPath=null;
String outputPath=null;
String classifierPath=null;
String featurePath=null;
String[] trainGazetteerPath=null;
String gazetteerPath=null;
int trainThreshold=0;
int testThreshold = 0;
try {
// parse the command line arguments
CommandLine line = parser.parse( options, args );
// validate that block-size has been set
if( line.hasOption( "help" ) ) {
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp( "x", options );
if( line.hasOption( "output" ) ) {
outputPath = line.getOptionValue( "output" );
if( line.hasOption( "classifier" ) ) {
classifierPath = line.getOptionValue( "classifier" );
if( line.hasOption( "feature" ) ) {
featurePath = line.getOptionValue( "feature" );
if( line.hasOption( "test" ) ) {
testPath = line.getOptionValue( "test" );
if( line.hasOption( "train" ) ) {
trainPath = line.getOptionValue( "train" );
if( line.hasOption( "gazetteer" ) ) {
gazetteerPath = line.getOptionValue( "gazetteer" );
if( line.hasOption( "gazetteerinput" ) ) {
trainGazetteerPath = line.getOptionValues("gazetteerinput");
if( line.hasOption( "trainthreshold" ) ) {
trainThreshold = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("trainthreshold"));
if( line.hasOption( "testthreshold" ) ) {
testThreshold = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("testthreshold"));
catch( ParseException exp ) { System.out.println( "Unexpected exception:" + exp.getMessage() ); }
// 2 Workflows
// 1. Train Gazetteer
// 2. Train and test classifier
Classifier classifier = null;
// To train gazetteer, use -k command line option, for example
// -k /home/nico/Projects/bionlp/data/system/training-system
// multiple files can be given but they each need to have -k option preceding ie -k file1 -k file2 -k file3
Corpus c = new Corpus();
for(String path:trainGazetteerPath){
System.out.println("Gazetteer path:"+path);
System.out.println("writing gazetteer...");
Gazetteer g = new Gazetteer(c);
System.out.println("Gazetteer created:"+gazetteerPath);
else if(testPath!=null){
trainThreshold = 2; // minimum occurrence of a feature is > 2
testThreshold = 0;
// load gazetteer
Gazetteer g = new Gazetteer(gazetteerPath);
File train = createVector(trainPath, outputPath, featurePath, g, "train.vectors", trainThreshold);
File test = createVector(testPath, outputPath, featurePath, g, "test.vectors", testThreshold); // no threshold for test
//File test
File trainV = new File(outputPath+"train.vectors");
File testV = new File(outputPath+"test.vectors");
InstanceList[] x0 = info2Vectors(train, trainV, null);
InstanceList[] x1 = info2Vectors(test, testV, trainV);
InstanceList testList = x1[0];
InstanceList trainList = x1[1];
classifier = trainClassifier(trainList);
private static InstanceList[] info2Vectors(File inputFile, File outputFile, File usePipeFromVectorsFile) throws Exception {
// Step 2: get the pipe
Pipe instancePipe;
InstanceList previousInstanceList = null;
if (usePipeFromVectorsFile==null) {
instancePipe = new SerialPipes (new Pipe[] {
new Target2Label (),
(Pipe) new CharSequence2TokenSequence(CharSequenceLexer.LEX_NONWHITESPACE_TOGETHER),
// 572: replace two pipes
(Pipe) new TokenSequence2FeatValueSequence(),
(Pipe) new FeatValueSequence2AugmentableFeatureVector(),
// or FeatureSequence2FeatureVector
//new PrintInputAndTarget ()
else {
previousInstanceList = InstanceList.load (usePipeFromVectorsFile);
instancePipe = previousInstanceList.getPipe();
InstanceList ilist = new InstanceList (instancePipe);
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader (inputFile);
ilist.addThruPipe( new CsvIterator (fileReader, Pattern.compile("^(\\S*)[\\s,]*(\\S*)[\\s,]*(.*)$"),
3, 2, 1));
ObjectOutputStream oos;
if (outputFile.toString().equals ("-"))
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(System.out);
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile));
// *rewrite* vector file used as source of pipe in case we changed the alphabet(!)
if (usePipeFromVectorsFile!=null){
System.out.println(" output usepipe ilist pipe instance id =" + previousInstanceList.getPipe().getInstanceId());
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(usePipeFromVectorsFile));
InstanceList[] x = {ilist,previousInstanceList};
return x;
InstanceList[] x = {ilist};
return x;
private static void classifyData(InstanceList test, Classifier classifier, String outputPath) throws Exception {
Trial testTrial = new Trial (classifier, test);
ConfusionMatrix x = new ConfusionMatrix (testTrial);
File fClass = new File(outputPath+"trigger.classification");
BufferedWriter classFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fClass));
Iterator<Classification> iterator = testTrial.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
// Get classification info for a particular entity
Classification c =;
String name = c.getInstance().getName().toString();
Labeling l = c.getLabeling();
String[] nameArr = name.split("_"); // form is DOC_SENTENCE_TOKEN easy cheezy
for(String s: nameArr)
int numClasses = l.numLocations();
for(int i=0;i<numClasses;i++){
String cls = l.getLabelAtRank(i).toString();
double val = l.getValueAtRank(i);
* Train classifier on instance list
* @param train training data
* @return classifier
* @throws Exception
private static Classifier trainClassifier(InstanceList train) throws Exception {
ClassifierTrainer trainer = new MaxEntTrainer();
Classifier classifier = trainer.train(train);
Trial trainTrial = new Trial (classifier, train);
ConfusionMatrix x = new ConfusionMatrix (trainTrial);
return classifier;
* Createa Mallet input vector file
* @param inputPath
* @param outputPath
* @param featurePath
* @param g
* @param vector
* @param threshold
* @return
* @throws Exception
private static File createVector(String inputPath, String outputPath, String featurePath, Gazetteer g, String vector, int threshold) throws Exception{
if( inputPath.equals(null) )
throw new Exception("Empty input path");
if( outputPath.equals(null) )
throw new Exception("Empty output path");
// Read input data
Corpus corpus = new Corpus();
corpus.loadAllFiles(inputPath); // requires .dep, .morph, .a1, .a2
System.out.println("Loading features");
ArrayList<Feature> features = Feature.parseConfigFile(featurePath);
System.out.println("Generating features");
ArrayList<classifyTriggers.Instance> featureForToken = Feature.generateForToken(corpus, features, g, threshold);
// print out vector
String vectorFile = outputPath+vector+".txt";
File fVec = new File(vectorFile);
System.out.println("Printing vector file: "+fVec.toString());
return fVec;
* Print out accuracy per class (and micro/macro) for a trial
* @param t trial
private static void printPerClassAccuracy(Trial t){
ArrayList classifications;
int[][] values;
classifications = t;
Labeling tempLabeling = ((Classification)classifications.get(0)).getLabeling();
int numClasses = tempLabeling.getLabelAlphabet().size();
values = new int[numClasses][numClasses];
LabelAlphabet labelAlphabet = t.getClassifier().getLabelAlphabet();
// Get the numbers of classifications per label
for(int i=0; i < classifications.size(); i++)
LabelVector lv =
Instance inst = ((Classification)classifications.get(i)).getInstance();
int bestIndex = lv.getBestIndex();
int correctIndex = inst.getLabeling().getBestIndex();
assert(correctIndex != -1);
//System.out.println("Best index="+bestIndex+". Correct="+correctIndex);
// Get the max label length so we can nicely format the confusion matrix
int maxLabelNameLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {
int len = labelAlphabet.lookupLabel(i).toString().length();
if (maxLabelNameLength < len)
maxLabelNameLength = len;
// calculate p/r per class and micro/macro
double pMacro = 0;
double rMacro = 0;
double sumTP = 0;
double sumFP = 0;
double sumFN = 0;
// get per class counts
for (int c = 0; c < numClasses; c++) {
String labelName = labelAlphabet.lookupLabel(c).toString();
int total = MatrixOps.sum(values[c]);
HashMap<Integer,Integer> map = new HashMap();
for (int c2 = 0; c2 < numClasses; c2++) {
map.put(c2, values[c][c2]);
double precision = 0;
double recall = 0;
int tp = map.get(c);
int fp = -tp;
for (int c2 = 0; c2 < numClasses; c2++)
fp += values[c2][c];
int fn = -tp;
for (int c2 = 0; c2 < numClasses; c2++)
fn += values[c][c2];
precision = (double)tp/((double)tp+(double)fp);
recall = (double)tp/((double)tp+(double)fn);
// print the per class accuracy and recall
int tpfp = tp+fp;
int tpfn = tp+fn;
for (int i = 0; i < maxLabelNameLength-labelName.length(); i++) System.out.print(' ');
// print macro and micro
double pMicro = sumTP/(sumTP+sumFP);
double rMicro = sumTP/(sumTP+sumFN);
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