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Last active January 18, 2019 10:32
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stash changes > fetch all branches > pull all branches from remote > merge each local branch with master > pop stash > enjoy!
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo -e "πŸ€–$I starting sync.. $E";
CURRENT_BRANCH="`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`"
STASH_RESULT="`git stash push -u -m AUTO_STASH | grep Saved`"
if [ -n "$STASH_RESULT" ]; then
echo -e "πŸ€–$I stashed changes to AUTO_STASH $E";
git fetch --all -p
LOCAL_BRANCHES=`git branch | cut -c 3-`;
BRANCHES_WITH_REMOTES=`git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short):%(upstream:short)' 'refs/heads' | grep -v ':$'`;
echo $BRANCHES_WITH_REMOTES | while IFS=: read local remote; do
echo -e "πŸ€–$I running git checkout $local $E"
git checkout $local || return 1;
echo -e "πŸ€–$I running git pull $E"
git pull;
echo $LOCAL_BRANCHES | while IFS=: read local; do
echo -e "πŸ€–$I running git checkout $local $E"
git checkout $local || return 1;
echo -e "πŸ€–$I merging $local with master $E"
git merge master || return 1;
echo -e "πŸ€–$I checkingout starting branch $CURRENT_BRANCH $E"
git checkout $CURRENT_BRANCH
if [ -n "$STASH_RESULT" ]; then
git stash pop;
echo -e "πŸ€–$I no changes found. skipping stash pop $E";
echo -e "πŸ€–$I All good πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ $E";
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