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Last active October 21, 2022 21:56
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April Equipment Enhancement Event - 1F
# Mission 'April Equipment Enhancement Event - 1F' (11020101)
# BattleScript: 110201011
# Battles
# * ダークエルフ, ソル
# * ベヒーモス
# * バハムート
# Monster Info
# Monster ダークエルフ (205381002)
# Race Human
# Level 99
# Actions 18-18
# Stats
# HP 5000000000
# MP 10000
# ATK 20000
# DEF 1500000
# MAG 20000
# SPR 1500000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 100%
# Ice 100%
# Lightning 100%
# Water 100%
# Wind 100%
# Earth 100%
# Light 100%
# Dark 100%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+10% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Skills
# 闇の禍難 (820354) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Dark by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの闇属性耐性がダウン! (222585) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 水の禍難 (820154) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Water by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの水属性がダウン! (222607) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# カーズLv7 (800541) [None]
# Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 70% for 3 turns to one enemy
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect + Unknown2 -
# パーティの全ステータスがダウン! (222786) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# デスLv9 (800530) [Magic]
# [Death]
# Instant KO (50%) to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect + Unknown2 -
# Dark Breath (810350) [None]
# Magic* dark damage (2x, MAG) to all enemies
# Inflict Disease (100%) on all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Aqua Breath (810150) [None]
# Magic* water damage (2x, MAG) to all enemies
# Inflict Poison (100%) on all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Darkga (800352) [Magic]
# Magic dark damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect + Unknown2 -
# Waterga (800152) [Magic]
# Magic water damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect + Unknown2 -
# Flood (800154) [Magic]
# Magic water damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies
# Reduce resistance to Water by 100% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect + Unknown2 -
# アポカリプス (800354) [Magic]
# Magic dark damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Disaster (825052) [Magic]
# Inflict Blind, Sleep and Confusion (100%) on all enemies
# Magic damage (0.1x, MAG) as MP drain (100%) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if end_turn:
elif green == 0:
if not berry:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(10, 'random') # Darkga (800352): Magic dark damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Waterga (800152): Magic water damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(11, 'random') # Waterga (800152): Magic water damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
useSkill(10, 'random') # Darkga (800352): Magic dark damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(7, 'random') # デスLv9 (800530): [Death], Instant KO (50%) to all enemies
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(5, 'random') # カーズLv7 (800541): Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 70% for 3 turns to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(6, 'random') # パーティの全ステータスがダウン! (222786): No effect
green += 1
lemon = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 1:
if not berry:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(10, 'random') # Darkga (800352): Magic dark damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Waterga (800152): Magic water damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(12, 'random') # Flood (800154): Magic water damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies, Reduce resistance to Water by 100% for 3 turns to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(14, 'random') # Disaster (825052): Inflict Blind, Sleep and Confusion (100%) on all enemies, Magic damage (0.1x, MAG) as MP drain (100%) to all enemies
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(8, 'random') # Dark Breath (810350): Magic* dark damage (2x, MAG) to all enemies, Inflict Disease (100%) on all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
useSkill(9, 'random') # Aqua Breath (810150): Magic* water damage (2x, MAG) to all enemies, Inflict Poison (100%) on all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 闇の禍難 (820354): Reduce resistance to Dark by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
used_skill_820354_this_turn = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
useSkill(3, 'random') # 水の禍難 (820154): Reduce resistance to Water by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
used_skill_820154_this_turn = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif used_skill_820354_this_turn:
useSkill(2, 'random') # パーティの闇属性耐性がダウン! (222585): No effect
green += 1
end_turn = True # reset next turn
elif used_skill_820154_this_turn:
useSkill(4, 'random') # パーティの水属性がダウン! (222607): No effect
green += 1
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 2:
if random() <= 0.50 and not berry:
useSkill(13, 'random') # アポカリプス (800354): Magic dark damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 闇の禍難 (820354): Reduce resistance to Dark by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
used_skill_820354_this_turn = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
useSkill(3, 'random') # 水の禍難 (820154): Reduce resistance to Water by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
used_skill_820154_this_turn = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif used_skill_820354_this_turn:
useSkill(2, 'random') # パーティの闇属性耐性がダウン! (222585): No effect
green += 1
end_turn = True # reset next turn
elif used_skill_820154_this_turn:
useSkill(4, 'random') # パーティの水属性がダウン! (222607): No effect
green += 1
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 3:
if not berry:
useSkill(7, 'random') # デスLv9 (800530): [Death], Instant KO (50%) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(5, 'random') # カーズLv7 (800541): Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 70% for 3 turns to one enemy
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(6, 'random') # パーティの全ステータスがダウン! (222786): No effect
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(8, 'random') # Dark Breath (810350): Magic* dark damage (2x, MAG) to all enemies, Inflict Disease (100%) on all enemies
green += 1
mango = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
useSkill(9, 'random') # Aqua Breath (810150): Magic* water damage (2x, MAG) to all enemies, Inflict Poison (100%) on all enemies
green += 1
mango = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 4:
if not berry:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(10, 'random') # Darkga (800352): Magic dark damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Waterga (800152): Magic water damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(12, 'random') # Flood (800154): Magic water damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies, Reduce resistance to Water by 100% for 3 turns to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(14, 'random') # Disaster (825052): Inflict Blind, Sleep and Confusion (100%) on all enemies, Magic damage (0.1x, MAG) as MP drain (100%) to all enemies
green = 0
olive = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
# Monster Info
# Monster ソル (205531010)
# Race Human
# Level 99
# Actions 18-18
# Stats
# HP 5000000000
# MP 10000
# ATK 20000
# DEF 1500000
# MAG 20000
# SPR 1500000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 100%
# Ice 100%
# Lightning 100%
# Water 100%
# Wind 100%
# Earth 100%
# Light 100%
# Dark 100%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+10% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Skills
# 火の禍難 (820004) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Fire by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの火属性耐性がダウン! (222560) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 光の禍難 (820304) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Light by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの光属性耐性がダウン! (222721) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Sage's Wisdom (164060) [Magic]
# Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 50% for 3 turns to one ally
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 自身の全ステータスをアップ! (222787) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# デスペガ (800614) [None]
# Remove all buffs and debuffs from all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティのステータスアップ効果を解除 (222725) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Mind Blast (815502) [Magic]
# Magic damage (1.25x, MAG) to all enemies
# Inflict Paralyze (80%) on all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Banishga (800302) [Magic]
# Magic light damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect + Unknown2 -
# Firaga (800002) [Magic]
# Magic fire damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect + Unknown2 -
# メルトン (800006) [Magic]
# Magic damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies
# Magic damage (9x, MAG) to all allies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ホーリー (800431) [Magic]
# Magic light damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Ultima (800404) [None]
# Magic* damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Focusing enormous magic power! (218260) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# アトミックレイ (815003) [Magic]
# Magic fire damage (5x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if end_turn:
elif green == 0:
if not berry:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(10, 'random') # Banishga (800302): Magic light damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Firaga (800002): Magic fire damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(11, 'random') # Firaga (800002): Magic fire damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
useSkill(10, 'random') # Banishga (800302): Magic light damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 火の禍難 (820004): Reduce resistance to Fire by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
useSkill(3, 'random') # 光の禍難 (820304): Reduce resistance to Light by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
lemon = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif mango:
useSkill(2, 'random') # パーティの火属性耐性がダウン! (222560): No effect
green += 1
end_turn = True # reset next turn
elif lemon:
useSkill(4, 'random') # パーティの光属性耐性がダウン! (222721): No effect
green += 1
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 1:
if not berry:
useSkill(9, 'random') # Mind Blast (815502): Magic damage (1.25x, MAG) to all enemies, Inflict Paralyze (80%) on all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(16, 'random') # アトミックレイ (815003): Magic fire damage (5x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(5, 'random') # Sage's Wisdom (164060): Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 50% for 3 turns to one ally
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(6, 'random') # 自身の全ステータスをアップ! (222787): No effect
green += 1
mango = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 2:
if not berry:
useSkill(12, 'random') # メルトン (800006): Magic damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies, Magic damage (9x, MAG) to all allies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(13, 'random') # ホーリー (800431): Magic light damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(7, 'random') # デスペガ (800614): Remove all buffs and debuffs from all enemies
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(8, 'random') # パーティのステータスアップ効果を解除 (222725): No effect
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(15, 'random') # Focusing enormous magic power! (218260): No effect
green += 1
lemon = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 3 and not berry:
useSkill(14, 'random') # Ultima (800404): Magic* damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies
green = 0
berry = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# Monster Info
# Monster ベヒーモス (401051005)
# Race Beast
# Level 99
# Actions 18-18
# Stats
# HP 5000000000
# MP 10000
# ATK 30000
# DEF 1500000
# MAG 25000
# SPR 1500000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 100%
# Ice 100%
# Lightning 100%
# Water 100%
# Wind 100%
# Earth 100%
# Light 100%
# Dark 100%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+10% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Skills
# 火の禍難 (820004) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Fire by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの火属性耐性がダウン! (222560) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 雷の禍難 (820104) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Lightning by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの雷属性耐性がダウン! (222569) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# メテオ (800406) [Magic]
# Magic damage (12x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# フレア (800430) [Magic]
# Magic damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Toss Up (163910) [Physical]
# Physical damage (2.2x, ATK) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# The behemoth's howl freed it of all curses. (218781) [None]
# Remove all debuffs from caster
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 自身のステータスダウン効果解除 (222620) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 破滅の痛打 (854511) [Physical]
# Physical damage (6x, ATK) to all enemies
# Inflict Paralyze (100%) on all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Claw (850900) [Physical]
# Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy
# Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy
# Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy
# Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy
# Reduce DEF by 35% for 3 turns to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Heave (854500) [Physical]
# [Death]
# Physical damage (9x, ATK) to one enemy
# Instant KO (50%) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Charge (851408) [Physical]
# Physical damage (3x, ATK) to all enemies (30% chance to miss)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Blaze (811100) [None]
# Magic* fire damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Lightning Crash (811202) [None]
# Magic* lightning damage (2x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Mighty Guard (835471) [None]
# Increase DEF and SPR by 300% for 3 turns to all allies (can not be removed)
# Reduce damage taken by 50% to all allies for 3 turns (can not be removed)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 自身の防御、精神をアップ! (222788) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# デスペガ (800614) [None]
# Remove all buffs and debuffs from all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティのステータスアップ効果を解除 (222725) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ベヒーモスは狂気を身に宿した (222789) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Rampage (218779) [Physical]
# Physical damage (2.7x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 荒れくるう猛攻!かばうことは不可能! (222790) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Venom Horn (218775) [Physical]
# Physical damage (1x, ATK) to all enemies
# Inflict Poison (100%) on all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Frenzied Charge (851410) [Physical]
# Physical damage (9x, ATK) to all enemies (20% chance to miss)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if end_turn:
elif self.HP < 0.5 and once():
useSkill(20, 'random') # ベヒーモスは狂気を身に宿した (222789): No effect
used_skill_222789 = True # persistent
elif used_skill_222789:
if oncePerTurn():
useSkill(22, 'random') # 荒れくるう猛攻!かばうことは不可能! (222790): No effect
elif oncePerTurn():
useSkill(21, 'random') # Rampage (218779): Physical damage (2.7x, ATK) to all enemies
# jump to next outer condition
elif not used_skill_800406_this_turn and unit('1:ally:any').sufferedDamageLastTurn('magical', 'none|fire|ice|thunder|water|aero|quake|light|dark'):
useSkill(5, 'random') # メテオ (800406): Magic damage (12x, MAG) to all enemies
used_skill_800406_this_turn = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0:
if not berry:
useSkill(16, 'random') # Mighty Guard (835471): Increase DEF and SPR by 300% for 3 turns to all allies (can not be removed), Reduce damage taken by 50% to all allies for 3 turns (can not be removed)
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(17, 'random') # 自身の防御、精神をアップ! (222788): No effect
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
if random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(12, 'random') # Heave (854500): [Death], Physical damage (9x, ATK) to one enemy, Instant KO (50%) to one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(7, 'random') # Toss Up (163910): Physical damage (2.2x, ATK) to one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Claw (850900): Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Reduce DEF by 35% for 3 turns to one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not grape:
if random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(12, 'random') # Heave (854500): [Death], Physical damage (9x, ATK) to one enemy, Instant KO (50%) to one enemy
grape = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(7, 'random') # Toss Up (163910): Physical damage (2.2x, ATK) to one enemy
grape = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Claw (850900): Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Reduce DEF by 35% for 3 turns to one enemy
grape = True # reset next turn
elif not gourd:
useSkill(13, 'random') # Charge (851408): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to all enemies (30% chance to miss)
gourd = True # reset next turn
elif not var_61:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 火の禍難 (820004): Reduce resistance to Fire by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
used_skill_222560_this_turn = True # reset next turn
var_61 = True # reset next turn
useSkill(3, 'random') # 雷の禍難 (820104): Reduce resistance to Lightning by 200% for 3 turns to all enemies
used_skill_222569_this_turn = True # reset next turn
var_61 = True # reset next turn
elif used_skill_222560_this_turn:
useSkill(2, 'random') # パーティの火属性耐性がダウン! (222560): No effect
green += 1
end_turn = True # reset next turn
elif used_skill_222569_this_turn:
useSkill(4, 'random') # パーティの雷属性耐性がダウン! (222569): No effect
green += 1
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 1:
if not berry:
useSkill(10, 'random') # 破滅の痛打 (854511): Physical damage (6x, ATK) to all enemies, Inflict Paralyze (100%) on all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(6, 'random') # フレア (800430): Magic damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(6, 'random') # フレア (800430): Magic damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(14, 'random') # Blaze (811100): Magic* fire damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
useSkill(15, 'random') # Lightning Crash (811202): Magic* lightning damage (2x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(8, 'random') # The behemoth's howl freed it of all curses. (218781): Remove all debuffs from caster
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not grape:
useSkill(9, 'random') # 自身のステータスダウン効果解除 (222620): No effect
green += 1
grape = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 2:
if not berry:
if random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(12, 'random') # Heave (854500): [Death], Physical damage (9x, ATK) to one enemy, Instant KO (50%) to one enemy
berry = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(7, 'random') # Toss Up (163910): Physical damage (2.2x, ATK) to one enemy
berry = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Claw (850900): Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Reduce DEF by 35% for 3 turns to one enemy
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(12, 'random') # Heave (854500): [Death], Physical damage (9x, ATK) to one enemy, Instant KO (50%) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(7, 'random') # Toss Up (163910): Physical damage (2.2x, ATK) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Claw (850900): Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Reduce DEF by 35% for 3 turns to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif oncePerTurn():
useSkill(24, 'random') # Frenzied Charge (851410): Physical damage (9x, ATK) to all enemies (20% chance to miss)
elif oncePerTurn():
useSkill(18, 'random') # デスペガ (800614): Remove all buffs and debuffs from all enemies
elif not gourd:
useSkill(19, 'random') # パーティのステータスアップ効果を解除 (222725): No effect
green += 1
gourd = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 3:
if not berry:
useSkill(6, 'random') # フレア (800430): Magic damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(6, 'random') # フレア (800430): Magic damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(14, 'random') # Blaze (811100): Magic* fire damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
olive = True # reset next turn
useSkill(15, 'random') # Lightning Crash (811202): Magic* lightning damage (2x, MAG) to all enemies
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(8, 'random') # The behemoth's howl freed it of all curses. (218781): Remove all debuffs from caster
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(9, 'random') # 自身のステータスダウン効果解除 (222620): No effect
green += 1
lemon = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 4:
if not berry:
useSkill(10, 'random') # 破滅の痛打 (854511): Physical damage (6x, ATK) to all enemies, Inflict Paralyze (100%) on all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(12, 'random') # Heave (854500): [Death], Physical damage (9x, ATK) to one enemy, Instant KO (50%) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.33:
useSkill(7, 'random') # Toss Up (163910): Physical damage (2.2x, ATK) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Claw (850900): Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Physical damage (0.6x, ATK) to one enemy, Reduce DEF by 35% for 3 turns to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(22, 'random') # 荒れくるう猛攻!かばうことは不可能! (222790): No effect
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(23, 'random') # Venom Horn (218775): Physical damage (1x, ATK) to all enemies, Inflict Poison (100%) on all enemies
green = 0
lemon = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
# Monster Info
# Monster バハムート (407031108)
# Race Dragon
# Level 99
# Actions 18-18
# Stats
# HP 20000000000
# MP 10000
# ATK 40000
# DEF 1500000
# MAG 45000
# SPR 1500000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 100%
# Ice 100%
# Lightning 100%
# Water 100%
# Wind 100%
# Earth 100%
# Light 100%
# Dark 100%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+10% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Skills
# バハムートは全力で息を吸い込んだ (222765) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 3 (222766) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 2 (222767) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 1 (222768) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Megaflare (166370) [Magic]
# Magic damage (21x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Draconic Rage (220770) [Physical]
# Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Flames (220768) [Magic]
# Reduce resistance to Fire by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Magic fire damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Snowstorm (220769) [Magic]
# Reduce resistance to Ice by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Magic ice damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Downpour (220771) [Magic]
# Reduce resistance to Water by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Magic water damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Squall (220772) [Magic]
# Reduce resistance to Wind by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Magic wind damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Earthquake (220773) [Magic]
# Reduce resistance to Earth by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Magic earth damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Light Cannon (220774) [Magic]
# Reduce resistance to Light by 250% for 3 turns to one enemy
# Magic light damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Dark Cannon (220775) [Magic]
# Reduce resistance to Dark by 250% for 3 turns to one enemy
# Magic dark damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Nihility (166440) [Magic]
# Remove all buffs and debuffs from all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティのステータスアップ効果を解除 (222725) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# アトミックレイ (815003) [Magic]
# Magic fire damage (5x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if end_turn:
elif green == 0:
if not berry:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not used_draconic_rage_this_turn:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
used_draconic_rage_this_turn = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(8, 'random') # Flames (220768): Reduce resistance to Fire by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic fire damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
useSkill(9, 'random') # Snowstorm (220769): Reduce resistance to Ice by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic ice damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(17, 'random') # アトミックレイ (815003): Magic fire damage (5x, MAG) to all enemies
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not grape:
useSkill(2, 'random') # 3 (222766): No effect
green += 1
grape = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 1:
if not berry:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not used_draconic_rage_this_turn:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
used_draconic_rage_this_turn = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(10, 'random') # Downpour (220771): Reduce resistance to Water by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic water damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
useSkill(11, 'random') # Squall (220772): Reduce resistance to Wind by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic wind damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(17, 'random') # アトミックレイ (815003): Magic fire damage (5x, MAG) to all enemies
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not grape:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 2 (222767): No effect
green += 1
grape = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 2:
if not berry:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not used_draconic_rage_this_turn:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
used_draconic_rage_this_turn = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(8, 'random') # Flames (220768): Reduce resistance to Fire by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic fire damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
useSkill(12, 'random') # Earthquake (220773): Reduce resistance to Earth by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic earth damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(15, 'random') # Nihility (166440): Remove all buffs and debuffs from all enemies
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not grape:
useSkill(16, 'random') # パーティのステータスアップ効果を解除 (222725): No effect
grape = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(4, 'random') # 1 (222768): No effect
green += 1
melon = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 3:
if not berry:
useSkill(1, 'random') # バハムートは全力で息を吸い込んだ (222765): No effect
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(5, 'random') # Megaflare (166370): Magic damage (21x, MAG) to all enemies
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 4:
if not berry:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not used_draconic_rage_this_turn:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
used_draconic_rage_this_turn = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(13, 'random') # Light Cannon (220774): Reduce resistance to Light by 250% for 3 turns to one enemy, Magic light damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
useSkill(14, 'random') # Dark Cannon (220775): Reduce resistance to Dark by 250% for 3 turns to one enemy, Magic dark damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(9, 'random') # Snowstorm (220769): Reduce resistance to Ice by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic ice damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
lemon = True # reset next turn
useSkill(10, 'random') # Downpour (220771): Reduce resistance to Water by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic water damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not grape:
useSkill(15, 'random') # Nihility (166440): Remove all buffs and debuffs from all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(16, 'random') # パーティのステータスアップ効果を解除 (222725): No effect
green += 1
melon = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
elif green == 5:
if not berry:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not used_draconic_rage_this_turn:
useSkill(6, 'random') # Draconic Rage (220770): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to one enemy (+70% accuracy)
used_draconic_rage_this_turn = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(11, 'random') # Squall (220772): Reduce resistance to Wind by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic wind damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
useSkill(12, 'random') # Earthquake (220773): Reduce resistance to Earth by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies, Magic earth damage (10x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
if random() <= 0.50:
useSkill(13, 'random') # Light Cannon (220774): Reduce resistance to Light by 250% for 3 turns to one enemy, Magic light damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
green = 0
lemon = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
useSkill(14, 'random') # Dark Cannon (220775): Reduce resistance to Dark by 250% for 3 turns to one enemy, Magic dark damage (10x, MAG) to one enemy
green = 0
lemon = True # reset next turn
end_turn = True # reset next turn
# jump to next outer condition
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