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Created May 21, 2020 11:43
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Master Coeurl - ELT
# Mission '鞭髭の猛獣・覚醒級' (8997603)
# Battles
# * マスタークァール
# Monster Info
# Monster マスタークァール (301261002, 301261000)
# Race Beast
# Level 99
# Actions 30-30
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 800000000
# MP 100000
# ATK 2500
# DEF 5800
# MAG 2300
# SPR 5800
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 0%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 0%
# Water 0%
# Wind 0%
# Earth 0%
# Light 0%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Passives
# 全ステ65% (100096) [Passive]
# Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 65%
# Skills
# ブラスター (219478) [None]
# 99% HP damage to all enemies
# Unknown parameters: [99,100,0]
# Inflict Paralyze (100%) on all enemies
# Unknown parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# サンダーバイト (219479) [Physical]
# Physical lightning damage (3x, ATK) to all enemies
# Reduce resistance to Lightning by 50% for 2 turns to all enemies
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 突進 (219480) [Physical]
# Physical damage (3.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 暴れまわる (219481) [Physical]
# Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Remove all buffs from all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# プラズマクロー (219482) [Physical]
# Physical damage (2x, ATK) to one enemy
# Inflict Paralyze (50%) on one enemy
# Unknown parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# フレイムファング (219483) [Physical]
# Physical fire damage (4x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ブリザラ (219484) [Magic]
# Magic ice damage (2.5x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect + Unknown2 -
# ホーリー (219485) [Magic]
# Magic light damage (2x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable + Unknown1 +
# Reflect + Unknown2 -
# サンダーウィップ (219486) [Magic]
# Magic lightning damage (2.5x, MAG) to all enemies
# Reduce resistance to Lightning by 50% for 2 turns to all enemies
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# プラズマショック (219487) [Magic]
# Magic damage (2x, MAG) to one enemy
# Inflict Paralyze (50%) on one enemy
# Unknown parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# アンガーウィップ (219488) [Magic]
# Magic damage (4x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ハザードウィップ (219489) [Magic]
# Magic damage (5.8x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# フォールウィップ (219490) [Magic]
# Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 20% for 2 turns to all enemies
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Magic damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 攻撃態勢を変えた (219491) [None]
# No effect
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 属性攻撃に反応した (219492) [None]
# No effect
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 属性エネルギーをチャージ (219493) [None]
# Increase ATK and MAG by 10% for 2 turns to caster (can not be removed)
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 属性エネルギーをさらにチャージ (219494) [None]
# Increase ATK and MAG by 15% for 2 turns to caster (can not be removed)
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 属性エネルギーが満ちている (219495) [None]
# Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 15% for 2 turns to caster (can not be removed)
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 身構える (219496) [None]
# Increase resistance to all elements by 30% for 2 turns to caster
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 雄叫び (219497) [None]
# Remove all debuffs from caster
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 傷を舐める (219498) [Magic]
# Restore 10% HP to caster
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スピードアップ (219499) [None]
# Dodge 2 physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
# Unknown parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 鞭髭がからみつく (219500) [None]
# Physical* damage (1.2x, ATK) per turn to all enemies for 2 turns
# Unused parameters: [0,0]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if apple == True:
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('physical', 'fire') and sushi == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
sushi = True # persistent
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('magical', 'fire') and sushi == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
sushi = True # persistent
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('physical', 'ice') and bacon == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
bacon = True # persistent
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('magical', 'ice') and bacon == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
bacon = True # persistent
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('physical', 'thunder') and steak == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
steak = True # persistent
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('magical', 'thunder') and steak == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
steak = True # persistent
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('physical', 'water') and salad == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
salad = True # persistent
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('magical', 'water') and salad == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
salad = True # persistent
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('physical', 'aero') and otter == False:
wait() # No action
otter = True # reset next turn
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('magical', 'aero') and otter == False:
wait() # No action
otter = True # reset next turn
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('physical', 'quake') and tiger == False:
wait() # No action
tiger = True # reset next turn
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('magical', 'quake') and tiger == False:
wait() # No action
tiger = True # reset next turn
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('physical', 'light') and mouse == False:
wait() # No action
mouse = True # reset next turn
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('magical', 'light') and mouse == False:
wait() # No action
mouse = True # reset next turn
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('physical', 'dark') and goose == False:
wait() # No action
goose = True # reset next turn
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
elif self.sufferedDamageLastTurn('magical', 'dark') and goose == False:
wait() # No action
goose = True # reset next turn
green += 1
peach = True # reset next turn
elif peach == True:
useSkill(15, 'random') # 属性攻撃に反応した (219492): No effect
peach = False # reset next turn
elif timesExecuted() < 1:
useSkill(22, 'random') # スピードアップ (219499): Dodge 2 physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
elif timesExecuted() < 1:
useSkill(23, 'random') # 鞭髭がからみつく (219500): Physical* damage (1.2x, ATK) per turn to all enemies for 2 turns
elif green >= 4 and white == 1 and berry == False:
useSkill(18, 'random') # 属性エネルギーが満ちている (219495): Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 15% for 2 turns to caster (can not be removed)
white = 0
green = 0
berry = True # reset next turn
honey = True # persistent
elif green >= 2 and white == 1 and berry == False:
useSkill(17, 'random') # 属性エネルギーをさらにチャージ (219494): Increase ATK and MAG by 15% for 2 turns to caster (can not be removed)
white = 0
green = 0
berry = True # reset next turn
honey = True # persistent
elif green >= 1 and white == 1 and berry == False:
useSkill(16, 'random') # 属性エネルギーをチャージ (219493): Increase ATK and MAG by 10% for 2 turns to caster (can not be removed)
white = 0
green = 0
berry = True # reset next turn
honey = True # persistent
elif white == 1 and berry == False:
wait() # No action
white = 0
green = 0
berry = True # reset next turn
honey = True # persistent
elif berry == False:
wait() # No action
white += 1
berry = True # reset next turn
elif honey == True and var_65 == False:
useSkill(22, 'random') # スピードアップ (219499): Dodge 2 physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
var_65 = True # unknown flag type
elif honey == True and var_66 == False:
useSkill(23, 'random') # 鞭髭がからみつく (219500): Physical* damage (1.2x, ATK) per turn to all enemies for 2 turns
var_66 = True # unknown flag type
elif honey == True and ramen == False:
useSkill(14, 'random') # 攻撃態勢を変えた (219491): No effect
var_69 = True # unknown flag type
fries = True # persistent
ramen = True # persistent
honey = False # persistent
elif honey == True and ramen == True:
useSkill(14, 'random') # 攻撃態勢を変えた (219491): No effect
var_69 = True # unknown flag type
fries = True # persistent
ramen = False # persistent
honey = False # persistent
elif var_69 == True:
wait() # No action
var_69 = False # unknown flag type
elif random() <= 0.50 and olive == False:
useSkill(5, 'random') # プラズマクロー (219482): Physical damage (2x, ATK) to one enemy, Inflict Paralyze (50%) on one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif olive == False:
useSkill(10, 'random') # プラズマショック (219487): Magic damage (2x, MAG) to one enemy, Inflict Paralyze (50%) on one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green >= 1 and var_62 == False:
useSkill(19, 'random') # 身構える (219496): Increase resistance to all elements by 30% for 2 turns to caster
var_62 = True # unknown flag type
elif random() <= 0.50 and ramen == False and var_63 == False and self.HP < 0.7 and var_67 == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 突進 (219480): Physical damage (3.5x, ATK) to all enemies
var_63 = True # unknown flag type
mango = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == False and var_64 == False and self.HP > 0.5:
useSkill(2, 'random') # サンダーバイト (219479): Physical lightning damage (3x, ATK) to all enemies, Reduce resistance to Lightning by 50% for 2 turns to all enemies
var_64 = True # unknown flag type
elif random() <= 0.50 and ramen == False and mango == False and var_67 == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 突進 (219480): Physical damage (3.5x, ATK) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == False and lemon == False:
useSkill(2, 'random') # サンダーバイト (219479): Physical lightning damage (3x, ATK) to all enemies, Reduce resistance to Lightning by 50% for 2 turns to all enemies
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == False and grape == False and self.HP < 0.7 and isTurnMod(3):
useSkill(4, 'random') # 暴れまわる (219481): Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies, Remove all buffs from all enemies
var_67 = True # unknown flag type
grape = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.50 and ramen == False and var_68 == False and var_67 == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 突進 (219480): Physical damage (3.5x, ATK) to all enemies
var_68 = True # unknown flag type
mango = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == False and mango == False and var_67 == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 突進 (219480): Physical damage (3.5x, ATK) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == False and melon == False and self.HP < 0.7:
useSkill(6, 'random') # フレイムファング (219483): Physical fire damage (4x, ATK) to all enemies
melon = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.50 and ramen == True and mango == False and self.HP > 0.6:
useSkill(7, 'random') # ブリザラ (219484): Magic ice damage (2.5x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == True and mango == False and self.HP > 0.6:
useSkill(8, 'random') # ホーリー (219485): Magic light damage (2x, MAG) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.50 and ramen == True and grape == False:
useSkill(11, 'random') # アンガーウィップ (219488): Magic damage (4x, MAG) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == True and lemon == False:
useSkill(9, 'random') # サンダーウィップ (219486): Magic lightning damage (2.5x, MAG) to all enemies, Reduce resistance to Lightning by 50% for 2 turns to all enemies
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == True and grape == False:
useSkill(11, 'random') # アンガーウィップ (219488): Magic damage (4x, MAG) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == True and melon == False:
useSkill(13, 'random') # フォールウィップ (219490): Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 20% for 2 turns to all enemies, Magic damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
melon = True # reset next turn
elif self.HP < 0.4 and guava == False and isTurnMod(2) and var_67 == False:
useSkill(12, 'random') # ハザードウィップ (219489): Magic damage (5.8x, MAG) to one enemy
guava = True # reset next turn
elif self.hasDebuff('any') and gourd == False and isTurnMod(4):
useSkill(20, 'random') # 雄叫び (219497): Remove all debuffs from caster
gourd = True # reset next turn
elif self.HP < 0.2 and var_61 == False and isTurnMod(2):
useSkill(1, 'random') # ブラスター (219478): 99% HP damage to all enemies, Inflict Paralyze (100%) on all enemies
var_61 = True # unknown flag type
elif self.HP < 0.3 and var_61 == False and isTurnMod(4):
useSkill(1, 'random') # ブラスター (219478): 99% HP damage to all enemies, Inflict Paralyze (100%) on all enemies
var_61 = True # unknown flag type
elif self.HP < 0.6 and var_64 == False and isTurnMod(6):
useSkill(21, 'random') # 傷を舐める (219498): Restore 10% HP to caster
var_64 = True # unknown flag type
elif fries == True:
wait() # No action
goose = False # reset next turn
mouse = False # reset next turn
tiger = False # reset next turn
otter = False # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
salad = False # persistent
steak = False # persistent
bacon = False # persistent
sushi = False # persistent
wait() # No action
apple = True # reset next turn
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