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Last active May 30, 2020 23:50
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Scorn of the Scorn of the Antenolla
# Mission 'アンテノラ 真降臨・極級' (8993203)
# Enemy has first strike!
# Battles
# * アンテノラ 花
# Monster Info
# Monster アンテノラ 花 A (411001005, 411001011)
# Race Plant
# Level 99
# Actions 15-15
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 800000000
# MP 200000
# ATK 4000
# DEF 15000
# MAG 4000
# SPR 15000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 99%
# Ice 99%
# Lightning 99%
# Water 99%
# Wind 99%
# Earth 99%
# Light 99%
# Dark 99%
# Non-Elemental 60%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 100%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Break
# Hit points 4500
# Duration 2
# Damage
# Dagger 5
# Sword 5
# Great Sword 5
# Katana 100
# Staff 5
# Rod 100
# Bow 5
# Axe 5
# Hammer 5
# Spear 5
# Instrument 5
# Whip 100
# Throwing 5
# Gun 5
# Mace 5
# Fist 5
# Broken Form
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 0
# MP 0
# ATK 2000
# DEF 8000
# MAG 2000
# SPR 8000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire -50%
# Ice -50%
# Lightning 49%
# Water 49%
# Wind 49%
# Earth 49%
# Light 49%
# Dark 49%
# Non-Elemental 60%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 100%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Passives
# 水属性吸収 (100006) [Passive]
# Absorb Water elemental attacks
# 光属性吸収 (100012) [Passive]
# Absorb Light elemental attacks
# 精神50% (100101) [Passive]
# Increase SPR by 50%
# 攻撃魔力50% (100025) [Passive]
# Increase ATK and MAG by 50%
# Skills
# 晴天:花粉予報 (219511) [None]
# No effect
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 曇天:防御反応 (219512) [None]
# Reduce damage taken by 50% to caster for one turn (can not be removed)
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 雨天:寄生行動 (219513) [None]
# Reduce DEF and SPR by 50% and ATK and MAG by 90% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 快晴:灼熱予報 (219514) [None]
# No effect
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 七色の強花粉 (219515) [None]
# Inflict all status effects (100%) on all enemies
# Unknown parameters: [1]
# Reduce resistance to Fire and Earth by 100% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 花粉爆発 (219516) [Magic]
# Magic fire damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 岩石飛ばし (219517) [Magic]
# Magic earth damage (3x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 地震 (219518) [Magic]
# Magic damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 雲隠れ (219519) [None]
# Dodge 1 physical attacks for 3 turns to caster
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 強打 (219520) [Physical]
# Physical damage (6x, ATK) to one enemy
# Reduce ATK and DEF by 50% for 3 turns to one enemy
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 真空鞭 (219521) [Magic]
# Magic damage (6x, MAG) to one enemy
# Reduce MAG and SPR by 50% for 3 turns to one enemy
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 二連陽光ビーム (219522) [Magic]
# Magic damage (4x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 栄養分配 (219523) [None]
# Restore 30% HP to the rest of the party
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if apple == True:
elif once():
wait() # No action
apple = True # reset next turn
elif azure == 5 and guava == False:
wait() # No action
azure = 0
guava = True # reset next turn
elif guava == False:
wait() # No action
azure += 1
elif conditionNotImplemented('breaking:0') and honey == True and gourd == False:
wait() # No action
gourd = True # reset next turn
elif conditionNotImplemented('breaking:0') and honey == False and gourd == False:
wait() # No action
gourd = True # reset next turn
honey = True # persistent
elif honey == True and gourd == False:
useSkill(13, 'random') # 栄養分配 (219523): Restore 30% HP to the rest of the party
gourd = True # reset next turn
honey = False # persistent
elif green == 2 and white == 2 and berry == False:
useSkill(4, 'random') # 快晴:灼熱予報 (219514): No effect
white = 0
green = 0
berry = True # reset next turn
ramen = True # persistent
elif green == 1 and white == 2 and berry == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 雨天:寄生行動 (219513): Reduce DEF and SPR by 50% and ATK and MAG by 90% for 3 turns to all enemies
white = 0
green += 1
berry = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and white == 2 and berry == False:
useSkill(2, 'random') # 曇天:防御反応 (219512): Reduce damage taken by 50% to caster for one turn (can not be removed)
white = 0
green += 1
berry = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == True and peach == False:
useSkill(12, 'random') # 二連陽光ビーム (219522): Magic damage (4x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif ramen == True and olive == False:
useSkill(12, 'random') # 二連陽光ビーム (219522): Magic damage (4x, MAG) to all enemies
olive = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
ramen = False # persistent
elif green == 0 and berry == False:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 晴天:花粉予報 (219511): No effect
berry = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and peach == False:
useSkill(5, 'random') # 七色の強花粉 (219515): Inflict all status effects (100%) on all enemies, Reduce resistance to Fire and Earth by 100% for 3 turns to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and olive == False:
useSkill(6, 'random') # 花粉爆発 (219516): Magic fire damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and isTurnMod(2) and mango == False:
useSkill(6, 'random') # 花粉爆発 (219516): Magic fire damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
mango = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and lemon == False:
useSkill(7, 'random') # 岩石飛ばし (219517): Magic earth damage (3x, MAG) to one enemy
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and grape == False:
useSkill(7, 'random') # 岩石飛ばし (219517): Magic earth damage (3x, MAG) to one enemy
grape = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and melon == False:
useSkill(7, 'random') # 岩石飛ばし (219517): Magic earth damage (3x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
melon = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and berry == False:
useSkill(2, 'random') # 曇天:防御反応 (219512): Reduce damage taken by 50% to caster for one turn (can not be removed)
berry = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and peach == False:
useSkill(8, 'random') # 地震 (219518): Magic damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and isTurnMod(2) and olive == False:
useSkill(8, 'random') # 地震 (219518): Magic damage (3x, MAG) to all enemies
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and mango == False:
useSkill(9, 'random') # 雲隠れ (219519): Dodge 1 physical attacks for 3 turns to caster
white += 1
mango = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and berry == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 雨天:寄生行動 (219513): Reduce DEF and SPR by 50% and ATK and MAG by 90% for 3 turns to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and peach == False:
useSkill(10, 'random') # 強打 (219520): Physical damage (6x, ATK) to one enemy, Reduce ATK and DEF by 50% for 3 turns to one enemy
peach = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and olive == False:
useSkill(10, 'random') # 強打 (219520): Physical damage (6x, ATK) to one enemy, Reduce ATK and DEF by 50% for 3 turns to one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and mango == False:
useSkill(10, 'random') # 強打 (219520): Physical damage (6x, ATK) to one enemy, Reduce ATK and DEF by 50% for 3 turns to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and lemon == False:
useSkill(11, 'random') # 真空鞭 (219521): Magic damage (6x, MAG) to one enemy, Reduce MAG and SPR by 50% for 3 turns to one enemy
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and grape == False:
useSkill(11, 'random') # 真空鞭 (219521): Magic damage (6x, MAG) to one enemy, Reduce MAG and SPR by 50% for 3 turns to one enemy
grape = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and melon == False:
useSkill(11, 'random') # 真空鞭 (219521): Magic damage (6x, MAG) to one enemy, Reduce MAG and SPR by 50% for 3 turns to one enemy
white += 1
melon = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
# Monster Info
# Monster アンテノラ 蔦 B (411001005, 411001012)
# Race Plant
# Level 99
# Actions 15-15
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 100000000
# MP 200000
# ATK 4000
# DEF 10000
# MAG 4000
# SPR 10000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 50%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 0%
# Water 0%
# Wind 0%
# Earth 0%
# Light 0%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 100%
# DEF 100%
# MAG 100%
# SPR 100%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Skills
# 蔦が花の魔力をアップした (219524) [None]
# Increase MAG by 25% for one turn to one ally (can not be removed)
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 蔦が暴走した! (219525) [None]
# No effect
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 蔦が暴走している (219526) [Physical]
# Physical damage (4x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if apple == True:
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('alive') and berry == False:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 蔦が花の魔力をアップした (219524): Increase MAG by 25% for one turn to one ally (can not be removed)
berry = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and once():
useSkill(2, 'random') # 蔦が暴走した! (219525): No effect
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and timesExecuted() < 6:
wait() # No action
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and berry == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 蔦が暴走している (219526): Physical damage (4x, ATK) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
# Monster Info
# Monster アンテノラ 根 C (411001005, 411001013)
# Race Plant
# Level 99
# Actions 15-15
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 100000000
# MP 200000
# ATK 4000
# DEF 10000
# MAG 4000
# SPR 10000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 0%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 0%
# Water 50%
# Wind 0%
# Earth 0%
# Light 0%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 100%
# DEF 100%
# MAG 100%
# SPR 100%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Passives
# 水属性吸収 (100006) [Passive]
# Absorb Water elemental attacks
# Skills
# 根が花の攻撃をアップした (219527) [None]
# Increase ATK by 25% for one turn to one ally (can not be removed)
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 根が暴走した! (219528) [None]
# No effect
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 根が暴走している (219529) [Physical]
# Physical damage (4x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if apple == True:
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('alive') and berry == False:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 根が花の攻撃をアップした (219527): Increase ATK by 25% for one turn to one ally (can not be removed)
berry = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and once():
wait() # No action
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and once():
useSkill(2, 'random') # 根が暴走した! (219528): No effect
peach = True # reset next turn
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and timesExecuted() < 5:
wait() # No action
peach = True # reset next turn
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and green == 2 and peach == False:
wait() # No action
green = 0
peach = True # reset next turn
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and peach == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and berry == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 根が暴走している (219529): Physical damage (4x, ATK) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
# Monster Info
# Monster アンテノラ 葉 D (411001005, 411001014)
# Race Plant
# Level 99
# Actions 15-15
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 100000000
# MP 200000
# ATK 4000
# DEF 10000
# MAG 4000
# SPR 10000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 0%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 0%
# Water 0%
# Wind 0%
# Earth 0%
# Light 50%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 50%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 100%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 100%
# DEF 100%
# MAG 100%
# SPR 100%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Passives
# 光属性吸収 (100012) [Passive]
# Absorb Light elemental attacks
# Skills
# 葉が花の防御・精神をアップした (219530) [None]
# Increase DEF and SPR by 50% for one turn to one ally (can not be removed)
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 葉が暴走した! (219531) [None]
# No effect
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 葉が暴走している (219532) [Physical]
# Physical damage (4x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if apple == True:
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('alive') and berry == False:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 葉が花の防御・精神をアップした (219530): Increase DEF and SPR by 50% for one turn to one ally (can not be removed)
berry = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and timesExecuted() < 2:
wait() # No action
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and once():
useSkill(2, 'random') # 葉が暴走した! (219531): No effect
peach = True # reset next turn
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and timesExecuted() < 4:
wait() # No action
peach = True # reset next turn
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and green == 5 and peach == False:
wait() # No action
green = 0
peach = True # reset next turn
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and peach == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
elif unit('2:ally:411001005').is('dead') and berry == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 葉が暴走している (219532): Physical damage (4x, ATK) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
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