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Created March 10, 2023 15:20
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Dark Visions Abyss
# ダークフィコドゥルス (4031810)
# Skills
# 水風土の災厄 (223487) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Water, Wind and Earth by 250% for 2 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの水・風・土属性耐性が大幅ダウン! (223488) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: ディープフラッド (223518)
# 33%: ディープトルネド (223519)
# 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: ディープフラッド (223518)
# 33%: ディープトルネド (223519)
# 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 海魔の吸魂 (223482) [Magic]
# Magic damage (0.1x, MAG) as MP drain (25%) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# マイティガード (223501) [None]
# Increase DEF and SPR by 55% for 3 turns to all allies (can not be removed)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 自身の防御、精神がアップ! (223016) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: Aqua Slash (855151)
# 33%: Earth Slash (855251)
# 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: Aqua Slash (855151)
# 33%: Earth Slash (855251)
# 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 怪水泡 (223500) [None]
# Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 85% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの全ステータスがダウン! (222786) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: ディープフラッド (223518)
# 33%: ディープトルネド (223519)
# 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: ディープフラッド (223518)
# 33%: ディープトルネド (223519)
# 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: Aqua Slash (855151)
# 33%: Earth Slash (855251)
# 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: Aqua Slash (855151)
# 33%: Earth Slash (855251)
# 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: Aqua Slash (855151)
# 33%: Earth Slash (855251)
# 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: Aqua Slash (855151)
# 33%: Earth Slash (855251)
# 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Great Roar (811003) [None]
# Magic* damage (3.6x, MAG) to all enemies
# Inflict Stop (50%) for 2 turns on all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 水風土の災厄 (223487) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Water, Wind and Earth by 250% for 2 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの水・風・土属性耐性が大幅ダウン! (223488) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: ディープフラッド (223518)
# 33%: ディープトルネド (223519)
# 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 33%: ディープフラッド (223518)
# 33%: ディープトルネド (223519)
# 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 水風土の災厄 (223487) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Water, Wind and Earth by 250% for 2 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの水・風・土属性耐性が大幅ダウン! (223488) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Full Erase (840150) [None]
# Remove buffs to ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR from all enemies
# Remove buffs to Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Dark resistance from all enemies
# Remove cover effects from all enemies
# Remove effects 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 from all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Party's positive status effects removed. (222632) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ディープフラッド (223518) [Magic]
# Magic water damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies
# Reduce resistance to Water by 100% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ディープトルネド (223519) [Magic]
# Magic wind damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies
# Reduce resistance to Wind by 100% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ディープクエイク (223520) [Magic]
# Magic earth damage (9x, MAG) to all enemies
# Reduce resistance to Earth by 100% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Aqua Slash (855151) [Physical]
# Physical water damage (2x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Earth Slash (855251) [Physical]
# Physical earth damage (2x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Storm Slash (855201) [Physical]
# Physical wind damage (2x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if isFirstTurn():
useSkill(1, 'random') # 水風土の災厄 (223487): Reduce resistance to Water, Wind and Earth by 250% for 2 turns to all enemies
useSkill(2, 'random') # パーティの水・風・土属性耐性が大幅ダウン! (223488): No effect
useSkill(3, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
useSkill(4, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
useSkill(5, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
elif apple:
elif green == 0:
if not berry:
useSkill(6, 'random') # ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485): Randomly use: 33%: ディープフラッド (223518) 33%: ディープトルネド (223519) 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(7, 'random') # ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485): Randomly use: 33%: ディープフラッド (223518) 33%: ディープトルネド (223519) 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(8, 'random') # 海魔の吸魂 (223482): Magic damage (0.1x, MAG) as MP drain (25%) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(9, 'random') # マイティガード (223501): Increase DEF and SPR by 55% for 3 turns to all allies (can not be removed)
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(10, 'random') # 自身の防御、精神がアップ! (223016): No effect
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(11, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif green == 1:
if not berry:
useSkill(12, 'random') # アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486): Randomly use: 33%: Aqua Slash (855151) 33%: Earth Slash (855251) 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(13, 'random') # アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486): Randomly use: 33%: Aqua Slash (855151) 33%: Earth Slash (855251) 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(14, 'random') # 怪水泡 (223500): Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 85% for 3 turns to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(15, 'random') # パーティの全ステータスがダウン! (222786): No effect
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(16, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(17, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif green == 2:
if not berry:
useSkill(18, 'random') # ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485): Randomly use: 33%: ディープフラッド (223518) 33%: ディープトルネド (223519) 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(19, 'random') # ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485): Randomly use: 33%: ディープフラッド (223518) 33%: ディープトルネド (223519) 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(20, 'random') # アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486): Randomly use: 33%: Aqua Slash (855151) 33%: Earth Slash (855251) 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(21, 'random') # アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486): Randomly use: 33%: Aqua Slash (855151) 33%: Earth Slash (855251) 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(22, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(23, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif green == 3:
if not berry:
useSkill(24, 'random') # アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486): Randomly use: 33%: Aqua Slash (855151) 33%: Earth Slash (855251) 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(25, 'random') # アクアスラッシュorアーススラッシュorストームスラッシュ (223486): Randomly use: 33%: Aqua Slash (855151) 33%: Earth Slash (855251) 34%: Storm Slash (855201)
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(26, 'random') # Great Roar (811003): Magic* damage (3.6x, MAG) to all enemies, Inflict Stop (50%) for 2 turns on all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(27, 'random') # 水風土の災厄 (223487): Reduce resistance to Water, Wind and Earth by 250% for 2 turns to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(28, 'random') # パーティの水・風・土属性耐性が大幅ダウン! (223488): No effect
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(29, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif green == 4:
if not berry:
useSkill(30, 'random') # ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485): Randomly use: 33%: ディープフラッド (223518) 33%: ディープトルネド (223519) 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(31, 'random') # ディープフラッドorディープクエイクorディープトルネド (223485): Randomly use: 33%: ディープフラッド (223518) 33%: ディープトルネド (223519) 34%: ディープクエイク (223520)
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(32, 'random') # 水風土の災厄 (223487): Reduce resistance to Water, Wind and Earth by 250% for 2 turns to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(33, 'random') # パーティの水・風・土属性耐性が大幅ダウン! (223488): No effect
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(34, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(35, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif not grape:
green = 0
elif self.HP < 0.25 and once():
sushi = True # persistent
elif self.HP < 0.5 and once():
ramen = True # persistent
elif self.HP < 0.75 and once():
honey = True # persistent
elif honey:
if once() and sushi and ramen:
useSkill(61, 'random') # Full Erase (840150): Remove buffs to ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR from all enemies, Remove buffs to Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Dark resistance from all enemies, Remove cover effects from all enemies, Remove effects 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 from all enemies
elif not sushi:
if (once() and ramen) or (once() and not ramen):
useSkill(61, 'random') # Full Erase (840150): Remove buffs to ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR from all enemies, Remove buffs to Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Dark resistance from all enemies, Remove cover effects from all enemies, Remove effects 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 from all enemies
# jump to condition below
elif once() and sushi and ramen:
useSkill(62, 'random') # Party's positive status effects removed. (222632): No effect
elif not sushi:
if (once() and ramen) or (once() and not ramen):
useSkill(62, 'random') # Party's positive status effects removed. (222632): No effect
# jump to condition below
# jump to condition below
green += 1
apple = True # reset next turn
# ダークガオケレナ (4111310)
# Skills
# 凋落の花粉 (223479) [None]
# Remove resistances to Poison, Blind, Sleep, Silence, Paralyze, Confusion, Disease and Petrify from all enemies for 999 turns
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの状態異常耐性が低下した! (222846) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 棘のムチ (856006) [Physical]
# Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 棘のムチ (856006) [Physical]
# Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 怪胞子 (223494) [None]
# Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 85% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの全ステータスがダウン! (222786) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 疫病のツタ (223480) [Physical]
# Physical damage (3x, ATK) to all enemies
# Inflict Disease (100%) on all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 棘のムチ (856006) [Physical]
# Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 棘のムチ (856006) [Physical]
# Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 風光の大崩落 (223525) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Wind and Light by 90% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの風・光属性耐性がダウン! (223526) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ギルティレインor切り裂く風 (223481) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 50%: Guilty Rain (220977)
# 50%: Slicing Gale (219169)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Full Erase (840150) [None]
# Remove buffs to ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR from all enemies
# Remove buffs to Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Dark resistance from all enemies
# Remove cover effects from all enemies
# Remove effects 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 from all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Party's positive status effects removed. (222632) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 乱れ触手 (223498) [Physical]
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# デストラクションヴァイン (223495) [Physical]
# Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy)
# Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy)
# Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 凋落の花粉 (223479) [None]
# Remove resistances to Poison, Blind, Sleep, Silence, Paralyze, Confusion, Disease and Petrify from all enemies for 999 turns
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの状態異常耐性が低下した! (222846) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 怪胞子 (223494) [None]
# Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 85% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの全ステータスがダウン! (222786) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 棘のムチ (856006) [Physical]
# Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 棘のムチ (856006) [Physical]
# Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 風光の災厄 (223516) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Wind and Light by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの風・光属性耐性が大幅にダウン! (223517) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# ギルティレインor切り裂く風 (223481) [Physical]
# Randomly use:
# 50%: Guilty Rain (220977)
# 50%: Slicing Gale (219169)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Focusing the great power of shadow! (218852) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 乱れ触手 (223498) [Physical]
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# デストラクションヴァイン (223495) [Physical]
# Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy)
# Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy)
# Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy)
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 胞子乱舞 (223499) [None]
# Magic* damage (4x, MAG) to all enemies
# Inflict 8 random status effects (80%) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Guilty Rain (220977) [Magic]
# Magic light damage (2.5x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 狂騒の花粉 (223497) [None]
# Inflict berserk (+100% ATK) on one enemy for 3 turns
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 風光の災厄 (223516) [None]
# Reduce resistance to Wind and Light by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# パーティの風・光属性耐性が大幅にダウン! (223517) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Self-Repair (217178) [Magic]
# Restore 10% HP to caster
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Slicing Gale (219169) [Magic]
# Magic wind damage (2.5x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# Guilty Rain (220977) [Magic]
# Magic light damage (2.5x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if isFirstTurn():
useSkill(1, 'random') # 凋落の花粉 (223479): Remove resistances to Poison, Blind, Sleep, Silence, Paralyze, Confusion, Disease and Petrify from all enemies for 999 turns
useSkill(2, 'random') # パーティの状態異常耐性が低下した! (222846): No effect
useSkill(3, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
useSkill(4, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
useSkill(5, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
elif apple:
elif green == 0:
if not berry:
useSkill(6, 'random') # 棘のムチ (856006): Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(7, 'random') # 棘のムチ (856006): Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(8, 'random') # 怪胞子 (223494): Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 85% for 3 turns to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(9, 'random') # パーティの全ステータスがダウン! (222786): No effect
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(10, 'random') # 疫病のツタ (223480): Physical damage (3x, ATK) to all enemies, Inflict Disease (100%) on all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(11, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif green == 1:
if not berry:
useSkill(12, 'random') # 棘のムチ (856006): Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(13, 'random') # 棘のムチ (856006): Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(14, 'random') # 風光の大崩落 (223525): Reduce resistance to Wind and Light by 90% for 3 turns to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(15, 'random') # パーティの風・光属性耐性がダウン! (223526): No effect
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(16, 'random') # ギルティレインor切り裂く風 (223481): Randomly use: 50%: Guilty Rain (220977) 50%: Slicing Gale (219169)
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(17, 'random') # Full Erase (840150): Remove buffs to ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR from all enemies, Remove buffs to Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Dark resistance from all enemies, Remove cover effects from all enemies, Remove effects 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 from all enemies
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
elif not guava:
useSkill(18, 'random') # Party's positive status effects removed. (222632): No effect
guava = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif green == 2:
if not berry:
useSkill(19, 'random') # 乱れ触手 (223498): Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies, Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies, Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies, Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies, Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(20, 'random') # デストラクションヴァイン (223495): Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy), Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy), Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy)
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(21, 'random') # 凋落の花粉 (223479): Remove resistances to Poison, Blind, Sleep, Silence, Paralyze, Confusion, Disease and Petrify from all enemies for 999 turns
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(22, 'random') # パーティの状態異常耐性が低下した! (222846): No effect
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(23, 'random') # 怪胞子 (223494): Reduce ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 85% for 3 turns to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(24, 'random') # パーティの全ステータスがダウン! (222786): No effect
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif green == 3:
if not berry:
useSkill(25, 'random') # 棘のムチ (856006): Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(26, 'random') # 棘のムチ (856006): Physical damage (1.5x, ATK) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(27, 'random') # 風光の災厄 (223516): Reduce resistance to Wind and Light by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(28, 'random') # パーティの風・光属性耐性が大幅にダウン! (223517): No effect
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(29, 'random') # ギルティレインor切り裂く風 (223481): Randomly use: 50%: Guilty Rain (220977) 50%: Slicing Gale (219169)
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(30, 'random') # Focusing the great power of shadow! (218852): No effect
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif green == 4:
if not berry:
useSkill(31, 'random') # 乱れ触手 (223498): Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies, Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies, Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies, Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies, Physical damage (0.5x, ATK) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
berry = True # reset next turn
elif not peach:
useSkill(32, 'random') # デストラクションヴァイン (223495): Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy), Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy), Physical damage (180x, ATK) to one enemy (+200% accuracy)
grape = True # reset next turn
peach = True # reset next turn
elif not olive:
useSkill(33, 'random') # 胞子乱舞 (223499): Magic* damage (4x, MAG) to all enemies, Inflict 8 random status effects (80%) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
olive = True # reset next turn
elif not mango:
useSkill(34, 'random') # Guilty Rain (220977): Magic light damage (2.5x, MAG) to all enemies
grape = True # reset next turn
mango = True # reset next turn
elif not lemon:
useSkill(35, 'random') # 狂騒の花粉 (223497): Inflict berserk (+100% ATK) on one enemy for 3 turns
grape = True # reset next turn
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif not melon:
useSkill(36, 'random') # empty skill slot -> wait
melon = True # reset next turn
grape = True # reset next turn
# jump to condition below
elif not grape:
green = 0
elif self.HP < 0.5 and once():
ramen = True # persistent
elif self.HP < 0.75 and once():
honey = True # persistent
elif honey:
if ramen:
if once():
useSkill(61, 'random') # 風光の災厄 (223516): Reduce resistance to Wind and Light by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
# jump to condition below
elif once() and not ramen:
useSkill(61, 'random') # 風光の災厄 (223516): Reduce resistance to Wind and Light by 250% for 3 turns to all enemies
elif once() and ramen:
useSkill(62, 'random') # パーティの風・光属性耐性が大幅にダウン! (223517): No effect
elif not ramen:
if once():
useSkill(62, 'random') # パーティの風・光属性耐性が大幅にダウン! (223517): No effect
# jump to condition below
elif (once() and ramen) or (once() and not ramen):
useSkill(63, 'random') # Self-Repair (217178): Restore 10% HP to caster
# jump to condition below
green += 1
apple = True # reset next turn
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