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Created December 25, 2020 19:59
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Scorn of Ymir
# Mission '真降臨ユミール・中級' (8998201)
# Enemy has first strike!
# Battles
# * ユミール(本体), ユミール(貝殻)
# Monster Info
# Monster ユミール(本体) (403141000)
# Race Aquatic
# Level 99
# Actions 30-30
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 3000000000
# MP 10000
# ATK 2250
# DEF 6000
# MAG 1500
# SPR 8000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire -50%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 200%
# Water 200%
# Wind 200%
# Earth 0%
# Light -50%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 80%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 100%
# SPR 100%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Skills
# スネイルローラー (221249) [None]
# Fixed damage (8000) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルマジック (221250) [Magic]
# Magic damage (1.8x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 触角たたき (221251) [Physical]
# Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns
# Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 触角なぎはらい (221252) [Physical]
# Increase Accuracy by 100% to caster for 3 turns
# Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルファイア (221253) [Magic]
# Magic fire damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルブリザド (221254) [Magic]
# Magic ice damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルサンダー (221255) [Magic]
# Magic lightning damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルエアロ (221256) [Magic]
# Magic wind damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 死の触角 (221257) [None]
# [Death]
# Remove all buffs from one enemy
# Instant KO (100%) to one enemy
# Unknown parameters: [1,0]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 遠くに気を取られている! (221258) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if apple == True:
elif once():
wait() # No action
apple = True # reset next turn
elif unit('3:ally:2:ユミール(貝殻)').is('dead') and var_61 == False and once():
wait() # No action
var_61 = True # reset next turn
honey = True # persistent
elif var_61 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_61 = True # reset next turn
elif var_62 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_62 = True # reset next turn
elif var_63 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_63 = True # reset next turn
elif var_64 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_64 = True # reset next turn
elif var_65 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_65 = True # reset next turn
elif var_66 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_66 = True # unknown flag type (66)
elif var_67 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_67 = True # unknown flag type (67)
elif var_68 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_68 = True # unknown flag type (68)
elif unit('5:enemy:any').inBattlefield() and berry == False:
useSkill(10, 'random') # 遠くに気を取られている! (221258): No effect
berry = True # reset next turn
elif berry == False:
useSkill(1, 'random') # スネイルローラー (221249): Fixed damage (8000) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and peach == False:
useSkill(2, 'random') # スネイルマジック (221250): Magic damage (1.8x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and olive == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and mango == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and lemon == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and grape == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
grape = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and peach == False:
useSkill(2, 'random') # スネイルマジック (221250): Magic damage (1.8x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and olive == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and mango == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and lemon == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and grape == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
grape = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and white == 4 and olive == False:
wait() # No action
white = 0
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and peach == False:
useSkill(4, 'random') # 触角なぎはらい (221252): Increase Accuracy by 100% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.35 and green == 2 and olive == False:
useSkill(5, 'random') # スネイルファイア (221253): Magic fire damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif random() <= 0.45 and green == 2 and olive == False:
useSkill(6, 'random') # スネイルブリザド (221254): Magic ice damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif random() <= 0.55 and green == 2 and olive == False:
useSkill(7, 'random') # スネイルサンダー (221255): Magic lightning damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif green == 2 and olive == False:
useSkill(8, 'random') # スネイルエアロ (221256): Magic wind damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif green == 3 and white == 4 and olive == False:
wait() # No action
white = 0
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 3 and peach == False:
useSkill(4, 'random') # 触角なぎはらい (221252): Increase Accuracy by 100% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.35 and green == 3 and olive == False:
useSkill(5, 'random') # スネイルファイア (221253): Magic fire damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif random() <= 0.45 and green == 3 and olive == False:
useSkill(6, 'random') # スネイルブリザド (221254): Magic ice damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif random() <= 0.55 and green == 3 and olive == False:
useSkill(7, 'random') # スネイルサンダー (221255): Magic lightning damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif green == 3 and olive == False:
useSkill(8, 'random') # スネイルエアロ (221256): Magic wind damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif self.HP < 0.5 and melon == False:
useSkill(9, 'random') # 死の触角 (221257): [Death], Remove all buffs from one enemy, Instant KO (100%) to one enemy
melon = True # reset next turn
elif guava == False and green == 3:
wait() # No action
green = 0
guava = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
elif guava == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
guava = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
# Monster Info
# Monster ユミール(貝殻) (403141100)
# Race Aquatic
# Level 99
# Actions 30-30
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 3000000000
# MP 10000
# ATK 100
# DEF 10000
# MAG 100
# SPR 10000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 0%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 0%
# Water 0%
# Wind 0%
# Earth 0%
# Light 0%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 80%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Break
# Hit points 20000 (+0 after first BREAK)
# Duration 100
# Damage
# Dagger 100
# Sword 100
# Great Sword 100
# Katana 100
# Staff 100
# Rod 100
# Bow 100
# Axe 100
# Hammer 100
# Spear 303
# Instrument 100
# Whip 100
# Throwing 100
# Gun 100
# Mace 100
# Fist 100
# Broken Form
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 0
# MP 0
# ATK 100
# DEF 100
# MAG 100
# SPR 10000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 0%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 0%
# Water 0%
# Wind 0%
# Earth 0%
# Light 0%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 80%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Skills
# 本体をかばった! (221259) [None]
# Unknown active effect type '142': [1,0,0,100,10,1,0,0]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 貝殻にこもる (221260) [None]
# Reduce damage taken by 100% to one ally for one turn (can not be removed)
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if apple == True:
elif unit('3:ally:1:ユミール(本体)').is('alive') and berry == False:
useSkill(2, 'random') # 貝殻にこもる (221260): Reduce damage taken by 100% to one ally for one turn (can not be removed)
berry = True # reset next turn
elif peach == False:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 本体をかばった! (221259): Unknown active effect type '142': [1,0,0,100,10,1,0,0]
peach = True # reset next turn
wait() # No action
apple = True # reset next turn
# Mission '真降臨ユミール・上級' (8998202)
# Enemy has first strike!
# Battles
# * ユミール(本体), ユミール(貝殻)
# Monster Info
# Monster ユミール(本体) (403141001)
# Race Aquatic
# Level 99
# Actions 30-30
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 3000000000
# MP 10000
# ATK 7500
# DEF 80000
# MAG 3000
# SPR 150000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire -50%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 200%
# Water 200%
# Wind 200%
# Earth 0%
# Light -50%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 80%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 100%
# SPR 100%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Skills
# スネイルローラー (221249) [None]
# Fixed damage (8000) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルマジック (221250) [Magic]
# Magic damage (1.8x, MAG) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 触角たたき (221251) [Physical]
# Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns
# Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 触角なぎはらい (221252) [Physical]
# Increase Accuracy by 100% to caster for 3 turns
# Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to all enemies
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルファイア (221253) [Magic]
# Magic fire damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルブリザド (221254) [Magic]
# Magic ice damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルサンダー (221255) [Magic]
# Magic lightning damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# スネイルエアロ (221256) [Magic]
# Magic wind damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 死の触角 (221257) [None]
# [Death]
# Remove all buffs from one enemy
# Instant KO (100%) to one enemy
# Unknown parameters: [1,0]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 遠くに気を取られている! (221258) [None]
# No effect
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if apple == True:
elif once():
wait() # No action
apple = True # reset next turn
elif unit('3:ally:2:ユミール(貝殻)').is('dead') and var_61 == False and once():
wait() # No action
var_61 = True # reset next turn
honey = True # persistent
elif var_61 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_61 = True # reset next turn
elif var_62 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_62 = True # reset next turn
elif var_63 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_63 = True # reset next turn
elif var_64 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_64 = True # reset next turn
elif var_65 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_65 = True # reset next turn
elif var_66 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_66 = True # unknown flag type (66)
elif var_67 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_67 = True # unknown flag type (67)
elif var_68 == False and honey == False:
wait() # No action
var_68 = True # unknown flag type (68)
elif unit('5:enemy:any').inBattlefield() and berry == False:
useSkill(10, 'random') # 遠くに気を取られている! (221258): No effect
berry = True # reset next turn
elif berry == False:
useSkill(1, 'random') # スネイルローラー (221249): Fixed damage (8000) to all enemies
berry = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and peach == False:
useSkill(2, 'random') # スネイルマジック (221250): Magic damage (1.8x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and olive == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and mango == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and lemon == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif green == 0 and grape == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
grape = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and peach == False:
useSkill(2, 'random') # スネイルマジック (221250): Magic damage (1.8x, MAG) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and olive == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and mango == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
mango = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and lemon == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
lemon = True # reset next turn
elif green == 1 and grape == False:
useSkill(3, 'random') # 触角たたき (221251): Increase Accuracy by 50% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to one enemy
grape = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and white == 4 and olive == False:
wait() # No action
white = 0
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 2 and peach == False:
useSkill(4, 'random') # 触角なぎはらい (221252): Increase Accuracy by 100% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.35 and green == 2 and olive == False:
useSkill(5, 'random') # スネイルファイア (221253): Magic fire damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif random() <= 0.45 and green == 2 and olive == False:
useSkill(6, 'random') # スネイルブリザド (221254): Magic ice damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif random() <= 0.55 and green == 2 and olive == False:
useSkill(7, 'random') # スネイルサンダー (221255): Magic lightning damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif green == 2 and olive == False:
useSkill(8, 'random') # スネイルエアロ (221256): Magic wind damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif green == 3 and white == 4 and olive == False:
wait() # No action
white = 0
olive = True # reset next turn
elif green == 3 and peach == False:
useSkill(4, 'random') # 触角なぎはらい (221252): Increase Accuracy by 100% to caster for 3 turns, Physical damage (1.6x, ATK) to all enemies
peach = True # reset next turn
elif random() <= 0.35 and green == 3 and olive == False:
useSkill(5, 'random') # スネイルファイア (221253): Magic fire damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif random() <= 0.45 and green == 3 and olive == False:
useSkill(6, 'random') # スネイルブリザド (221254): Magic ice damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif random() <= 0.55 and green == 3 and olive == False:
useSkill(7, 'random') # スネイルサンダー (221255): Magic lightning damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif green == 3 and olive == False:
useSkill(8, 'random') # スネイルエアロ (221256): Magic wind damage (1.8x, MAG) to one enemy
white += 1
elif self.HP < 0.5 and melon == False:
useSkill(9, 'random') # 死の触角 (221257): [Death], Remove all buffs from one enemy, Instant KO (100%) to one enemy
melon = True # reset next turn
elif black == 3 and melon == False:
useSkill(9, 'random') # 死の触角 (221257): [Death], Remove all buffs from one enemy, Instant KO (100%) to one enemy
black = 0
melon = True # reset next turn
elif gourd == False:
wait() # No action
black += 1
gourd = True # reset next turn
elif guava == False and green == 3:
wait() # No action
green = 0
guava = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
elif guava == False:
wait() # No action
green += 1
guava = True # reset next turn
apple = True # reset next turn
# Monster Info
# Monster ユミール(貝殻) (403141101, 403141100)
# Race Aquatic
# Level 99
# Actions 30-30
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 3000000000
# MP 10000
# ATK 100
# DEF 200000
# MAG 100
# SPR 200000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 0%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 0%
# Water 0%
# Wind 0%
# Earth 0%
# Light 0%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 80%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Break
# Hit points 30000 (+0 after first BREAK)
# Duration 100
# Damage
# Dagger 100
# Sword 100
# Great Sword 100
# Katana 100
# Staff 100
# Rod 100
# Bow 100
# Axe 100
# Hammer 100
# Spear 303
# Instrument 100
# Whip 100
# Throwing 100
# Gun 100
# Mace 100
# Fist 100
# Broken Form
# NEW DAMAGE FORMULA! (5, 25, 185)
# Stats
# HP 0
# MP 0
# ATK 100
# DEF 2000
# MAG 100
# SPR 200000
# Damage resist
# physical 0%
# magical 0%
# Element resist
# Fire 0%
# Ice 0%
# Lightning 0%
# Water 0%
# Wind 0%
# Earth 0%
# Light 0%
# Dark 0%
# Non-Elemental 0%
# Status resist (+80% / application)
# Poison 80%
# Blind 100%
# Sleep 100%
# Silence 100%
# Paralyze 100%
# Confusion 100%
# Disease 100%
# Petrify 100%
# Debuff resist
# ATK 0%
# DEF 0%
# MAG 0%
# SPR 0%
# Stop 100%
# Charm 100%
# Berserk 100%
# Immunity
# Death +
# Gravity +
# Skills
# 本体をかばった! (221259) [None]
# Unknown active effect type '142': [1,0,0,100,10,1,0,0]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# 貝殻にこもる (221260) [None]
# Reduce damage taken by 100% to one ally for one turn (can not be removed)
# Unused parameters: [1]
# Sealable - Unknown1 +
# Reflect - Unknown2 -
# AI
if apple == True:
elif unit('3:ally:1:ユミール(本体)').is('alive') and berry == False:
useSkill(2, 'random') # 貝殻にこもる (221260): Reduce damage taken by 100% to one ally for one turn (can not be removed)
berry = True # reset next turn
elif peach == False:
useSkill(1, 'random') # 本体をかばった! (221259): Unknown active effect type '142': [1,0,0,100,10,1,0,0]
peach = True # reset next turn
wait() # No action
apple = True # reset next turn
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