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Created August 15, 2019 14:21
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How to Convert Mat object to NDArray object using Boost Python, Numpy, OpenCV.
* This example code is made for describe how to convert OpenCV's Mat class to Boost Numpy's ndarray class and vice versa.
* As far as I know, there was some library or boilerplate code about converting Mat to ndarray. But to me those methods were too expensive and difficult to understand.
* Recently, I have found that Boost Python has Numpy extension and it gives ndarray class properly.
* No other modules are used for conversion, only Boost Python, Boost Numpy, and OpenCV. (Version : Windows7, Python3.5, BoostPython 1.68, OpenCV 4.0.0)
* This code is designed to show you a specific case like converting 'CV_8UC3' type Mat image to 'uint8' dtype ndarray. And it contains a minimum of code to explain.
* I hope you get the idea of converting ndarray to fit your case properly through this example.
#define BOOST_LIB_NAME "boost_numpy35"
//#include <boost/config/auto_link.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/numpy.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
namespace py = boost::python;
namespace np = boost::python::numpy;
void Init() {
// set your python location.
wchar_t str[] = L"D:\\Anaconda3\\envs\\tensorflow_vision";
np::ndarray ConvertMatToNDArray(const cv::Mat& mat) {
py::tuple shape = py::make_tuple(mat.rows, mat.cols, mat.channels());
py::tuple stride = py::make_tuple(mat.channels() * mat.cols * sizeof(uchar), mat.channels() * sizeof(uchar), sizeof(uchar));
np::dtype dt = np::dtype::get_builtin<uchar>();
np::ndarray ndImg = np::from_data(, dt, shape, stride, py::object());
return ndImg;
cv::Mat ConvertNDArrayToMat(const np::ndarray& ndarr) {
//int length = ndarr.get_nd(); // get_nd() returns num of dimensions. this is used as a length, but we don't need to use in this case. because we know that image has 3 dimensions.
const Py_intptr_t* shape = ndarr.get_shape(); // get_shape() returns Py_intptr_t* which we can get the size of n-th dimension of the ndarray.
char* dtype_str = py::extract<char *>(py::str(ndarr.get_dtype()));
// variables for creating Mat object
int rows = shape[0];
int cols = shape[1];
int channel = shape[2];
int depth;
// you should find proper type for c++. in this case we use 'CV_8UC3' image, so we need to create 'uchar' type Mat.
if (!strcmp(dtype_str, "uint8")) {
depth = CV_8U;
else {
std::cout << "wrong dtype error" << std::endl;
return cv::Mat();
int type = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channel); // CV_8UC3
cv::Mat mat = cv::Mat(rows, cols, type);
memcpy(, ndarr.get_data(), sizeof(uchar) * rows * cols * channel);
return mat;
int main()
using namespace std;
// initialize boost python and numpy
// import module
py::object main_module = py::import("__main__");
py::object print = main_module.attr("__builtins__").attr("print"); // this is for printing python object
// get image
cv::Mat img;
img = cv::imread("Lenna.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
if (img.empty())
std::cout << "can't getting image" << std::endl;
return -1;
// convert Mat to NDArray
cv::Mat cloneImg = img.clone(); // converting functions will access to same data between Mat and NDArray. so we should clone Mat object. This may important in your case.
np::ndarray ndImg = ConvertMatToNDArray(cloneImg);
// You can check if it's properly converted.
// convert NDArray to Mat
cv::Mat matImg = ConvertNDArrayToMat(ndImg); // also you can convert ndarray to mat.
// add 10 brightness to converted image
for (int i = 0; i < matImg.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < matImg.cols; j++) {
for (int c = 0; c < matImg.channels(); c++) {<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[c] += 10;
// show image
cv::imshow("original image", img);
cv::imshow("converted image", matImg);
catch (py::error_already_set&)
return 0;
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Thank you so much!!! You saved my day!

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