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Last active April 12, 2017 13:25
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Small library to create rss feed


require_once './EasyRss.class.php';

$rss = EasyRss::create()->
    description('GitHub is the best place to build software together. Over 4 million people use GitHub to share code.')->
    addItem( RssItem::create()->
                title(EasyRss::wrapWithCDATA( htmlentities('News: ' . $title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') ))->
                link('' . $link)->
                custom('<dc:creator>' . $author . '</dc:creator>')->
    show(); // set rss+xml content type and prints data
require_once './RssItem.class.php';
* Rss-feed generator.
* @author aNNiMON
class EasyRss {
/** Create neww rss from scratch or fill by config */
public static function create($channel = array()) {
return new EasyRss($channel);
/** Wrap HTML text with CDATA */
public static function wrapWithCDATA($string) {
return '<![CDATA[' . $string . ']]>';
/** Namespace of feed */
private $namespace;
/** Channel config */
private $channel;
/** Feeds array */
private $items;
private function __construct($channel) {
$this->channel = $channel;
$this->items = array();
$this->namespace = '';
/** Optional. Defines one or more categories for the feed */
public function category($category, $domain = '') {
$this->channel['category'][] = array('category' => $category, 'domain' => $domain);
return $this;
/** Required. Describes the channel */
public function description($description) {
$this->channel['description'] = $description;
return $this;
/** Optional. Specifies the language the feed is written in */
public function language($language) {
$this->channel['language'] = $language;
return $this;
/** Required. Defines the hyperlink to the channel */
public function link($link) {
$this->channel['link'] = $link;
return $this;
/** Optional. Defines the last publication date for the content of the feed */
public function pubDate($pubDate) {
$this->channel['pubDate'] = $pubDate;
return $this;
/** Optional. Defines the last publication date for the content of the feed */
public function pubDateByTimestamp($timestamp) {
$this->channel['pubDate'] = date(DATE_RSS, $timestamp);
return $this;
/** Required. Defines the title of the channel */
public function title($title) {
$this->channel['title'] = $title;
return $this;
/** Adds custom element to rss channel */
public function custom($custom) {
$this->channel['custom'] = $custom;
return $this;
public function addItem(RssItem $feed) {
$this->items[] = $feed;
return $this;
public function setNamespace($namespace) {
$this->namespace = ' ' . $namespace;
return $this;
public function show() {
header("Content-Type: application/rss+xml");
echo $this->build();
public function build() {
// Add required elements
$out = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
. '<rss version="2.0"' . $this->namespace . '>'
. '<channel>'
. '<title>' . $this->channel['title'] . '</title>'
. '<link>' . $this->channel['link'] . '</link>'
. '<description>' . $this->channel['description'] . '</description>'
. '<generator>EasyRss</generator>';
// Fill optional items if exists
if (!empty($this->channel['category'])) {
foreach ($this->channel['category'] as $category) {
$out .= '<category';
if (!empty($category['domain'])) {
$out .= ' domain="' . $category['domain'] . '"';
$out .= '>' . $category['category'] . '</category>';
if (!empty($this->channel['language'])) {
$out .= '<language>' . $this->channel['language'] . '</language>';
if (!empty($this->channel['pubDate'])) {
$out .= '<pubDate>' . $this->channel['pubDate'] . '</pubDate>';
if (!empty($this->channel['custom'])) {
$out .= $this->channel['custom'];
// Add items
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
$out .= $item->build();
$out .= '</channel></rss>';
return $out;
* Rss-feed item.
* @author aNNiMON
class RssItem {
/** Create rss item from scratch or fill by config */
public static function create($item = array()) {
return new RssItem($item);
/** Item config */
protected $item;
private function __construct($item) {
$this->item = $item;
/** Optional. Specifies the e-mail address to the author of the item */
public function author($author) {
$this->item['author'] = $author;
return $this;
/** Optional. Defines one or more categories the item belongs to */
public function category($category, $domain = '') {
$this->item['category'][] = array('category' => $category, 'domain' => $domain);
return $this;
/** Optional. Allows an item to link to comments about that item */
public function comments($comments) {
$this->item['comments'] = $comments;
return $this;
/** Required. Describes the item */
public function description($description) {
$this->item['description'] = $description;
return $this;
/** Optional. Allows a media file to be included with the item */
public function enclosure($url, $length, $type) {
$this->item['enclosure'] = array(
'url' => $url,
'length' => $length,
'type' => $type
return $this;
/** Optional. Defines a unique identifier for the item */
public function guid($guid, $isPermaLink = true) {
$this->item['guid'] = array(
'guid' => $guid,
'isPermaLink' => $isPermaLink
return $this;
/** Required. Defines the hyperlink to the item */
public function link($link) {
$this->item['link'] = $link;
return $this;
/** Optional. Defines the last-publication date for the item */
public function pubDate($pubDate) {
$this->item['pubDate'] = $pubDate;
return $this;
/** Optional. Defines the last-publication date for the item */
public function pubDateByTimestamp($timestamp) {
$this->item['pubDate'] = date(DATE_RSS, $timestamp);
return $this;
/** Optional. Specifies a third-party source for the item */
public function source($url, $title = '') {
$this->item['source'] = array(
'url' => $url,
'title' => $title
return $this;
/** Required. Defines the title of the item */
public function title($title) {
$this->item['title'] = $title;
return $this;
/** Adds custom element to rss item */
public function custom($custom) {
$this->item['custom'] = $custom;
return $this;
public function build() {
// Add required elements
$out = '<item>'
. '<title>' . $this->item['title'] . '</title>'
. '<link>' . $this->item['link'] . '</link>'
. '<description>' . $this->item['description'] . '</description>';
// Fill optional items if exists
if (!empty($this->item['author'])) {
$out .= '<author>' . $this->item['author'] . '</author>';
if (!empty($this->item['category'])) {
foreach ($this->item['category'] as $category) {
$out .= '<category';
if (!empty($category['domain'])) {
$out .= ' domain="' . $category['domain'] . '"';
$out .= '>' . $category['category'] . '</category>';
if (!empty($this->item['comments'])) {
$out .= '<comments>' . $this->item['comments'] . '</comments>';
if (!empty($this->item['pubDate'])) {
$out .= '<pubDate>' . $this->item['pubDate'] . '</pubDate>';
if (!empty($this->item['guid'])) {
$guid = $this->item['guid'];
$out .= '<guid';
if ($guid['isPermaLink'] === false) {
$out .= ' isPermaLink="false"';
$out .= '>' . $guid['guid'] . '</guid>';
if (!empty($this->item['source'])) {
$source = $this->item['source'];
$out .= '<source url="' . $source['url'] . '">' . $source['title'] . '</source>';
if (!empty($this->item['enclosure'])) {
$enclosure = $this->item['enclosure'];
$out .= '<enclosure url="' . $enclosure['url']
. '" length="'. $enclosure['length']
. '" type="' . $enclosure['type'] . '" />';
if (!empty($this->item['custom'])) {
$out .= $this->item['custom'];
$out .= '</item>';
return $out;
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