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Last active May 10, 2016 08:53
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godvile game authorizer for R
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import random
import string
from twisted.internet import reactor
from autobahn.websocket import connectWS, WebSocketClientFactory, WebSocketClientProtocol
URL = ""
{"action": "punish"} # сделать плохо
action = {"action": "encourage"}
data = {"a": "VALUE_FROM_KEYS", "b": prepare_args(json.dumps(action))}
def gcv_encode(a):
a = a.decode('utf-8')
for char in a:
c =
while (j < a.length)
c = a.charCodeAt(j++), d = a.charCodeAt(j++), e = a.charCodeAt(j++), f = c >> 2, g = (c & 3) << 4 | d >> 4, h = (d & 15) << 2 | e >> 6, i = e & 63, isNaN(d) ? h = i = 64 : isNaN(e) && (i = 64), b = b + this._keyStr.charAt(f) + this._keyStr.charAt(g) + this._keyStr.charAt(h) + this._keyStr.charAt(i);
return b
def randomstring(n):
return "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for _ in xrange(n)])
def prepare_args(arg):
return randomstring(5) + gcv_encode(arg) + randomstring(3)
KEYS = {u'3hOqa3hA2Gjh7tEWSD5T': u'9W1f6FIbcM8jgpgaKZy5',
u'54pcE5UCp82zxcEQcBwj': u'Vy0FUsHs0T6sqqDFobCW',
u'5JgMUahE1BYdtf7quoWz': u'YFQT8EtYAQwiIgmiUA2V', # сделать хорошо
u'66LpWTKQaNrTqvRxNCvW': u'bYadpk6N29nhUVojiH34',
u'7Ub7bq4b4fKpsydXuVOm': u'3GGcSQqPm4DC1ynsBr8l',
u'AJ53peA1Kl3eoRv1fnbW': u'ywCvjEbxoW9YSaLT7vKD',
u'ARKYteoAvq5ne3JfYpcV': u'UZayz1EYe6TLXl5Xbyxa',
u'Bja2XQ1F4t9uo9YNkrTH': u'ulcZnxiDtNpgwrFSHHYC',
u'G4LFOuNINtvAFR1pJXTy': u'GDz5mXXypczssAYGjAty',
u'GJyYqhQtKRYCWFp1UwM5': u'm7q8iLgRil1tzkjfG0x5',
u'IPzdqJ1FIhISEEKnlYrl': u'77b3f1WgtjPlNfuyUAjN',
u'KztXWDej9YxdBu0LCMUf': u'SO9ibG1N6FlxSvmZpUjt',
u'QBx5eknHRruO94WLhxCR': u'LGyLLcJCYKHurUUgtNQN',
u'QCFRPkOrNhNB5tAZhEy5': u'pkZ8dUzy0spUvy5XyYs4',
u'QfW08b8BVphsw65Adv5D': u'dp9iHgnA8OonwksM1I88',
u'R2jD74ywz4d7QXjcQ75r': u'QPxZTriOpbZ2uQ220Y2a',
u'VLL6RhIsTFlKlHly3rUb': u'F3fmZRhSir9QJJe8PPHn',
u'W9jcR9yqvGlLvyfCi12v': u'l3SMK7bFCCy2XnbOnFrt',
u'WzCGcLhzgkHj35wake2c': u'OcRy0XlLkHJVL16opNws',
u'agQHqM4rCoT0CaDvq44I': u'2ahcM6oMrfS4DfuMyv1g',
u'bk1yXKUzxwWKvsQOtpt5': u'wEUvcdWI5QM29n74dMkT',
u'dg3yOKCzGwdKvsTOtdt4': u'iNCaDWOi15wJs4uFJJvI',
u'fjQtRFHERdTEvAbY3p2m': u'A33kQDcbmpBC39ocBMVU',
u'lvBuKwP7tQetJZNXXQx7': u'9tUdvaq6kWLAKOMcadwv',
u'm5S1KBfBxKhNWuu61EjC': u'OZGK7ior8w2omUIsNhZ6',
u'nYrBGlddZVxNgxJLFffQ': u'MRsaFLGpTaPol6FFhAtS',
u'oTSzzK6ZYFu0a4N7lDu1': u'PH36fkU0nUsrs0e8LiF5',
u'u2iZlzPPsST6a7jhFg4y': u'jka7nYaMz1ZIhYwQ2Pge',
u'vS9Mnm48PCKUaKPuwod6': u'KwkC3rjUcffkbpCIaxfO',
u'xAZqO7epAERoAsmUTDFj': u'15d2cp5A2iv5YLX55d0Q',
u'z0uVDOyRiCLKIBhDnnVw': u'f7dbXWvYXCCPfQLIfvmt'}
class GodvilleProtocol(WebSocketClientProtocol):
def onOpen(self):
"""docstring for onOpen"""
print "Connection opened"
def onMessage(self, msg, binary):
"""docstring for onMessage"""
print msg
someid, js = msg.split("{", 1)
js = "{" + js
js = json.loads(js)
with open("reversegodville", 'a') as f:
json.dump(js, f)
except Exception, e:
print e
def onClose(self, wsaClean, code, reason):
"""docstring for onClose"""
print "closed"
SESSION_ID = "СОДЕРЖИМОЕ cookie god_session_id"
cookies = {'god_session_id': SESSION_ID}
factory = WebSocketClientFactory("ws://", useragent="Mozilla",
cookies=cookies, debug=True, debugCodePaths=True)
factory.protocol = GodvilleProtocol
if __name__ == '__main__':
from twisted.application import internet, service
wsclient = internet.TCPClient("", 82, factory)
application = service.Application("GodvilleClient")
loginurl <- ''
logouturl <- ''
dataurl <- ''
LOGIN <- '…@….com'
NAME <- '…'
login.params <- list('username' = LOGIN,
'password' = PASSWORD,
'commit' = 'Login')
agent="curl/7.35.0" #or whatever
curl = getCurlHandle()
curlSetOpt(curl = curl,
#cookiejar = "gv-cookies.txt",
cookiejar = "",
useragent = agent,
followlocation = F)
html = postForm(loginurl,
.params = login.params,
curl = curl,
style= 'post')
data.params <- list('a' = 'MteOywCvjEbxoW9YSaLT7vKDCJSRr')
html = postForm(dataurl,
.params = data.params,
curl = curl,
style= 'post')
html = postForm(logouturl,
curl = curl,
style= 'post')
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