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Created September 1, 2018 05:14
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declare var AWSAppSyncClientVersionNumber: number;
declare var AWSAppSyncClientVersionString: interop.Reference<number>;
declare var AWSAppSyncVersionNumber: number;
declare var AWSAppSyncVersionString: interop.Reference<number>;
declare class AWSIoTMQTTClient<AWSSRWebSocketDelegate, NSStreamDelegate> extends NSObject {
static alloc<AWSSRWebSocketDelegate, NSStreamDelegate>(): AWSIoTMQTTClient<AWSSRWebSocketDelegate, NSStreamDelegate>; // inherited from NSObject
static new<AWSSRWebSocketDelegate, NSStreamDelegate>(): AWSIoTMQTTClient<AWSSRWebSocketDelegate, NSStreamDelegate>; // inherited from NSObject
associatedObject: NSObject;
autoResubscribe: boolean;
baseReconnectTime: number;
clientDelegate: AWSIoTMQTTClientDelegate;
clientId: string;
isMetricsEnabled: boolean;
maximumReconnectTime: number;
minimumConnectionTime: number;
readonly mqttStatus: AWSIoTMQTTStatus;
publishRetryThrottle: number;
constructor(o: { delegate: AWSIoTMQTTClientDelegate; });
connectWithClientIdCleanSessionConfigurationKeepAliveWillTopicWillMsgWillQoSWillRetainFlagStatusCallback(clientId: string, cleanSession: boolean, configuration: AWSServiceConfiguration, theKeepAliveInterval: number, willTopic: string, willMsg: NSData, willQoS: number, willRetainFlag: boolean, callback: (p1: AWSIoTMQTTStatus) => void): boolean;
connectWithClientIdPresignedURLStatusCallback(clientId: string, presignedURL: string, callback: (p1: AWSIoTMQTTStatus) => void): boolean;
connectWithClientIdToHostPortCleanSessionCertificateIdKeepAliveWillTopicWillMsgWillQoSWillRetainFlagStatusCallback(clientId: string, host: string, port: number, cleanSession: boolean, certificateId: string, theKeepAliveInterval: number, willTopic: string, willMsg: NSData, willQoS: number, willRetainFlag: boolean, callback: (p1: AWSIoTMQTTStatus) => void): boolean;
disconnect(): void;
initWithDelegate(delegate: AWSIoTMQTTClientDelegate): this;
publishDataOnTopic(data: NSData, topic: string): void;
publishDataQosOnTopic(data: NSData, qos: number, topic: string): void;
publishDataQosOnTopicAckCallback(data: NSData, qos: number, topic: string, ackCallback: () => void): void;
publishStringOnTopic(str: string, topic: string): void;
publishStringQosOnTopic(str: string, qos: number, topic: string): void;
publishStringQosOnTopicAckCallback(str: string, qos: number, topic: string, ackCallback: () => void): void;
subscribeToTopicQosExtendedCallback(topic: string, qos: number, callback: (p1: NSObject, p2: string, p3: NSData) => void): void;
subscribeToTopicQosExtendedCallbackAckCallback(topic: string, qos: number, callback: (p1: NSObject, p2: string, p3: NSData) => void, ackCallback: () => void): void;
subscribeToTopicQosMessageCallback(topic: string, qos: number, callback: (p1: NSData) => void): void;
subscribeToTopicQosMessageCallbackAckCallback(topic: string, qos: number, callback: (p1: NSData) => void, ackCallback: () => void): void;
unsubscribeTopic(topic: string): void;
unsubscribeTopicAckCallback(topic: string, ackCallback: () => void): void;
interface AWSIoTMQTTClientDelegate {
connectionStatusChangedClient(status: AWSIoTMQTTStatus, client: AWSIoTMQTTClient<any, any>): void;
receivedMessageDataOnTopic(data: NSData, topic: string): void;
declare var AWSIoTMQTTClientDelegate: {
prototype: AWSIoTMQTTClientDelegate;
declare const enum AWSIoTMQTTQoS {
MessageDeliveryAttemptedAtMostOnce = 0,
MessageDeliveryAttemptedAtLeastOnce = 1
declare class AWSIoTMQTTQueueMessage extends NSObject {
static alloc(): AWSIoTMQTTQueueMessage; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): AWSIoTMQTTQueueMessage; // inherited from NSObject
ackCallback: () => void;
message: NSData;
qos: number;
topic: string;
declare const enum AWSIoTMQTTStatus {
Unknown = 0,
Connecting = 1,
Connected = 2,
Disconnected = 3,
ConnectionRefused = 4,
ConnectionError = 5,
ProtocolError = 6
declare class AWSIoTMQTTTopicModel extends NSObject {
static alloc(): AWSIoTMQTTTopicModel; // inherited from NSObject
static new(): AWSIoTMQTTTopicModel; // inherited from NSObject
callback: (p1: NSData) => void;
extendedCallback: (p1: NSObject, p2: string, p3: NSData) => void;
qos: number;
topic: string;
declare class AppSyncLogHelper extends NSObject {
static alloc(): AppSyncLogHelper; // inherited from NSObject
static logDebugFileFuncionLine(message: string, file: string, _function: string, line: number): void;
static logErrorFileFuncionLine(message: string, file: string, _function: string, line: number): void;
static logInfoFileFuncionLine(message: string, file: string, _function: string, line: number): void;
static logVerboseFileFuncionLine(message: string, file: string, _function: string, line: number): void;
static logWarnFileFuncionLine(message: string, file: string, _function: string, line: number): void;
static new(): AppSyncLogHelper; // inherited from NSObject
declare const enum ClientNetworkAccessState {
Online = 0,
Offline = 1
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