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Last active May 27, 2016 15:45
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JavaScript Engineering Interview Questions

  • What kind of work are you excited about?
  • Tell me about a project/deployment/failure that went majorly wrong and how did you or the team recover and what did you learn from the situation?
  • How do you go about testing web application functionality and components?
  • Do you have working familiarity with any of the major web application frameworks? Can you describe some examples of projects that have used these frameworks?
    • Angular, Ember, React, Backbone?

Experience (what has this person worked on in the past?)

  • What were the greatest challenges you've faced in working on those applications/projects?
  • What kind of tooling have you used in the past to build web applications? What tools are you interested in using?
    • Grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, uglify, Google Closure Tools, Babel
  • Do you have any experience with compile-to-JavaScript languages? Which languages?
  • What prior experience if any do you have with NodeJS?
  • How do you keep current with the changing state of the art in web development?
    • If they do stay current. What are some recent developments that your excited about?
  • Do you actively contribute to any open source projects?

Tech Questions


It's often a mistake or a bug to pass a method as this.methodName to be used as a callback, what possible issues is this pattern subject to and how can it be fixed?

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