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Last active May 26, 2017 15:20
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Front-end app guidelines
* Use create-react-app
* Use bootstrap with a custom theme
* Use prettier
* Avoid semicolons
* 2 space indentation
* Use trailing commas
* Single quotes over double quotes
* Use eslint to enforce prettier styling
* Avoid eslint non-prettier related styling rules
* Use yarn for dependencies
* Use ES6 imports
* Use jest for testing from create-react-app
* async/await, fetch, object.assign, rest/spread come from create-react-app
* Add .travis.yml for testing
* Assume the backend will use CORS
* Use enzyme for testing components
* Use sass if a css preprocessor is wanted
* Use `react-router@v4.x.x` or better
* Use `lodash` if necessary
* Use `moment` if necessary
* Use css/sass over css-in-js
* Use classes only
* Prefix classnames with component name
* .Button-color { color: red; }
* Get team approval before adding dependencies
* Use a modern version of node, v6 or v8 if possible
* Eject create-react-app config if necessary
* Use dynamic `import()`'s for code splitting
* `create-react-app` uses webpack 2
* Require 90% test coverage per file
* Name files based on the thing they export
* Uppercase classes, singletons, and constants exports
* Lowercase single function exports
* export class Button { ... } (Button.js)
* export function doesSomething() { ... } (doesSomething.js)
* Test files are siblings to the files they test
* Name test files based on the file they are testing
* Thing.js / Thing.test.js
Directory Structure Recommendation
* src/
* api (http backend interaction logic)
* components (shared components)
* lib (all other logic files)
* pages
* page1
* ... (page1 specific components and tests)
* page2
* ... (page2 specific components and tests)
* static (static assets with self explanatory folder names)
* fonts
* images
* styles
* ... (project config files)
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andest01 commented May 24, 2017


I still haven't found a unit testing system that I like outside of phantom-js and its respective chrome driver. Jest is still rife with problems trying to debug your unit tests.
Using console.log everywhere in your tests, rather than using chrome's excellent debugging capabilities, makes writting unit tests harder. If they're harder to write, no one will use them.

Also, I think node-inspector is no longer maintained.

If we can find a system that can be run directly in chrome's inspector without having to copy and paste a strange url into the browser for each test run, I'd say we're looking pretty good.

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I recommend using redux and react-redux.

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andest01 commented May 24, 2017

I like embedding styles along with the code that runs them. For this reason, I actually have taken a real shine to css modules.

CSS Modules work great for your own stuff. That being said, it's important to use :global if you're using css to update bootstrap/external library css.

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I like naming tests as siblings to the respective code that they test. I like that a whole bunch.

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Require that each file non-test file is no longer than 350 lines.
Each method is no longer than 30 lines.

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If redux is used, use reselect.
Heavily unit test the redux/reselect architecture.
react should only be used to display values, rather than compute logic.

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Server must use HTTPS.

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@andest01 reconnecting with chrome devtools should be fixed in newer versions of chrome

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Paul Irish is one of the only web bloggers i trust.

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