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Last active January 17, 2023 10:19
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Adding observations to an existing dataframe
if (!require('PostcodesioR')) {
postcodeSet.df <- postcode_lookup("EC1N 2HT")
mahSubset <- subset(postcodeSet.df, select=c(postcode, nhs_ha))
# demo 1 row...
# rbind is the bit that adds extra data rows to the data frame...
# (Note that this is not an efficient way, and we need to look at
# bulk equivalents of postcode_lookup if your data set gets large)
postcodeSet.df <- rbind(postcodeSet.df, postcode_lookup("G41 4NB"))
postcodeSet.df <- rbind(postcodeSet.df, postcode_lookup("PL1 1LE"))
postcodeSet.df <- rbind(postcodeSet.df, postcode_lookup("CV1 1FL"))
# demo total of 4 rows (1 original, plus 3 added...)
mahSubset2 <- subset(postcodeSet.df, select=c(postcode, nhs_ha))
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