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Created October 23, 2021 06:00
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Carla Simulator Scripts for EmoCaps
@REM start ../CarlaUE4.exe
@echo OFF
rem How to run a Python script in a given conda environment from a batch file.
rem It doesn't require:
rem - conda to be in the PATH
rem - cmd.exe to be initialized with conda init
rem Define here the path to your conda installation
set CONDAPATH=C:\Users\aadim\miniconda3
rem Define here the name of the environment
set ENVNAME=emocaps
rem The following command activates the base environment.
rem call C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3
rem Activate the conda environment
rem Using call is required here, see:
call %CONDAPATH%\Scripts\activate.bat %ENVPATH%
rem Run a python script in that environment
start python ./
start /b python ./ -n 30 -w 50
start python ./
@REM start python ./
rem Deactivate the environment
call conda deactivate
@REM call conda activate emocaps
@REM python examples/
@REM call conda deactivate
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