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Last active May 7, 2023 15:10
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KEF LS50 Wireless 2 control script
#Requires -PSEdition Core
#Requires -Version 7
function kef {
Control a KEF LS50 Wireless II speaker in your local network
Import this Module or copy the kef Function into your Powershell Core profile
ipmo .\kef.psm1 -Force
code $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts
Ensure the KefBaseUrl is set. This url can be found using `kef scan` which scans your local network.
This script uses the poorly designed api of the LS50 II. All commands use http GET's to a single `/api/setData` endpoint.
No authentication required. My Speakers are running at
kef start
kef bluetooth
kef 40
kef up
kef mute
kef browse
kef scan
param (
[string] $Command = 'show',
[string] $KefBaseUrl = $env:KEF_URL ?? '',
[string] $StartSource = 'coaxial'
if($Command -in 'start', 'on') { $Command = $StartSource }
if($Command -in 'stop', 'off') { $Command = 'standby' }
function GetData ($Path) {
Invoke-RestMethod "$KefBaseUrl/api/getData?path=$Path&roles=value"
function SetData ($Path, $Type, $value) {
Invoke-RestMethod "$KefBaseUrl/api/setData?path=$Path&roles=value&value={`"type`":`"$Type`",`"$Type`":`"$value`"}"
switch ($Command) {
'show' {
Write-Host "Device: $((GetData 'settings:/deviceName').string_)"
Write-Host "Source: $((GetData 'settings:/kef/play/physicalSource').kefPhysicalSource)"
Write-Host "Volume: $((GetData 'player:volume')[0].i32_)"
Write-Host "Muted : $((GetData 'settings:/mediaPlayer/mute')[0].bool_)"
({$Command -in 'standby', 'coaxial', 'wifi', 'bluetooth', 'tv', 'optic', 'analog'}) {
$result = SetData 'settings:/kef/play/physicalSource' 'kefPhysicalSource' $Command
Write-Host "Source : $($result.value.kefPhysicalSource)"
({$Command -as [int]}) {
$volume = [int]$Command
if($volume -ge 0 -and $volume -le 100){
$success = SetData 'player:volume' 'i32_' $volume
if($success) {Write-Host "Volume: $volume"}
} else {
Write-Host "Volume '$volume' unknown, use value between 1 and 100"
({$Command -in 'up', 'down'}) {
$volume = (GetData 'player:volume')[0].i32_
if($Command -eq 'up' -and $volume -le 90){
if($Command -eq 'down' -and $volume -ge 10){
$success = SetData 'player:volume' 'i32_' $volume
if($success) {Write-Host "Volume: $volume"}
({$Command -in 'mute', 'unmute'}) {
if($Command -eq 'mute') { $Value = 'True' }
if($Command -eq 'unmute') { $Value = 'False' }
$result = SetData 'settings:/mediaPlayer/mute' 'bool_' $Value
Write-Host "Muted : $($result.value.bool_)"
'browse' {
Start-Process $KefBaseUrl
'scan' {
$gatewayAddress = Get-NetIPConfiguration | ForEach-Object IPv4DefaultGateway | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty NextHop -First 1
$subRange = $gatewayAddress.SubString(0, $gatewayAddress.LastIndexOf('.'))
$range = 0..254
$range | ForEach-Object {
$address = "$subRange.$_"
$webAddress = "http://$address"
Write-Progress "Scanning $subRange.0/24 network subnet" $webAddress -PercentComplete ((($_-$range[0])/$range.Count)*100)
$tcpClient = [System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient]::new()
$tcpClient.ConnectAsync($address, 80).Wait([Timespan]::FromMilliseconds(100)) | Out-Null
$response = Invoke-WebRequest $webAddress -SkipHttpErrorCheck -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($response.Content -match "LS50 Wireless II"){
$env:KEF_URL = $webAddress
Write-Host "Found KEF speakers at $webAddress"
Write-Host "KEF speakers not found in $subRange.0/24 network range"
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