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Last active June 23, 2023 10:26
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Have fun editing your local hostsfile
#Requires -PSEdition Core
#Requires -Version 7
function hf {
Update your local hostsfile
Have Fun editing your local hostsfile in High Frequency using minimal keystrokes
This script needs to run as Administrator to be able to write the hostsfile.
This script works on Windows, Linux and Osx (untested).
Import this Module or copy the function into your Powershell Core profile.
code $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts # Edit your Powershell Profile in VsCode
ipmo .\hf.psm1 -Force # Import the module
It might be worth to clean up the default comments added by your OS in your hostsfile when using this script.
As 'hf' outputs the raw hostsfile content. Your hostsfile can be opened in a text editor using 'hf code' or 'hf open' commands.
This single Powershell cmdlet script has multiple commands which are specified in the first positional parameter.
These commands can have a parameters value in the second positional string array parameter, which is a basic regex filter for most commands.
This 'hf <command> <values> -param' syntax is faster than the overly verbose classic powershell <verb>-<noun> syntax.
show / cat -> Output the raw hostsfile content (default command)
list -> Parse hostsfile en list entries including links in a table
set-localhost / localhost / local -> Update hostsfile entries to
set-cluster / cluster / set -> Update hostsfile entries to the value of the -Ip param
set-public / public / disable / comment -> Add a # in front of the hostsfile entries
enable / uncomment -> Remove the # in front of the hostsfile entries
add -> Comma separated array of domains for which to create new hostsfile entries
remove / rm -> Remove entries matching a value
sort -> Sort hostsfile alphabetically
code -> Open hostsfile in VsCode
open / start -> Open hostsfile in you default associated editor
help -> Output this structured help content
A Regex which matches hostnames or ip's to operate on.
Or a comma separated list of (sub)domains for the add command.
The ip to use when updating entries. Can have a default value by setting a HOSTSFILE_DEFAULT_NEW_IP environment variable. This can be a local k8s cluster ingress ip.
.PARAMETER DefaultFilter
Pre filter the hostsfile entries to operate on
.PARAMETER DefaultDomain
The default domain which will be appended when adding new entries. This allow for only specifying subdomain.
The indentation to use for the updated hostsfile entries
Output the hostsfile without saving
Skip confirmations
PS> hf
Shows the raw hostsfile. Same command as show and cat
PS> hf disable .
Provide a . as the value to update all hostsfile entries
PS> hf disable
Running a command without a value will trigger a prompt
PS> hf disable myservice
Filter entries matching *myservice*
PS> hf local . -f -d
Update all entries to localhost without confirmation and output without saving
PS> hf add test1, test2
Add multiple subdomains concatenated by the DefaultDomain
PS> hf add -ip
Add a subdomain with an explicit domain and an explicit ip
PS> hf rm test1.d
Remove all entries matching test1.d
PS> sudo pwsh
Open a nested pwsh terminal in which hf can save the hostsfile.
Requires the sudo cli to be installed on windows.
Original source at
param (
[string] $Command = 'show',
[string[]] $Value,
[string] $Ip = $env:HOSTSFILE_DEFAULT_NEW_IP ?? '',
[string] $DefaultFilter = $env:HOSTSFILE_DEFAULT_FILTER ?? 'local|zone',
[string] $DefaultDomain = $env:HOSTSFILE_DEFAULT_NEW_DOMAIN ?? '',
[int] $Padding = 15,
[switch] $Force,
[switch] $Dry
if($Command -in 'cat') { $Command = 'show' }
if($Command -in 'set-localhost', 'localhost', 'local') { $Command = 'set'; $Ip = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Loopback.IPAddressToString }
if($Command -in 'set-cluster', 'cluster') { $Command = 'set' }
if($Command -in 'set-public', 'public', 'disable') { $Command = 'comment' }
if($Command -in 'enable') { $Command = 'uncomment' }
if($Command -in 'remove', 'rm') { $Command = 'remove' }
$hostsFilePath = Join-Path $Env:WinDir '\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts'
if($Command -in 'open', 'start') { $Command = 'start' }
} elseif($IsLinux) {
$hostsFilePath = '/etc/hosts'
if($Command -in 'open', 'start') { $Command = 'open' }
} elseif($IsMacOS) {
$hostsFilePath = '/private/etc/hosts'
if($Command -in 'open', 'start') { $Command = 'open' }
} else{
throw [NotImplementedException] "OS $([System.Environment]::OSVersion)"
function ParseHostsFile($match = $DefaultFilter) {
$hostsFileContent = Get-Content $hostsFilePath
$entries = @()
[regex]$lineRegex = "(?<IP>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\s+(?<HOSTNAME>\S+)"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $hostsFileContent.Count; $i++) {
$line = $hostsFileContent[$i]
$matched = $lineRegex.Match($line)
$entries += [PSCustomObject]@{
Entry = $line
Ip = $matched.Groups['IP'].Value
Hostname = $matched.Groups['HOSTNAME'].Value
Enabled = !$line.StartsWith('#')
Index = $i
return $entries -match $match
function SaveHostsFile($fileContent){
Write-Host ($"Not writing content to $hostsFilePath in DryRun: `n")
} else {
if((($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) -and $env:USER -ne 'root') -or ($IsWindows -and -not
([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))) {
Write-Host "Force write to $hostsFilePath"
} else {
throw "Script is not running as administrator and didn't write to $hostsFilePath"
$fileContent | Set-Content $hostsFilePath
function ShowEntries() {
ParseHostsFile | Select Entry, @{Name="Link" ;Expression={ "https://$($_.Hostname)"}} | Format-Table
function FilterEntries($entries) {
Write-host "Hosts entries matching '$Value'"
} else {
$entries | Format-Table Entry
$Value = Read-Host -Prompt "Provide filter for entries to update"
$entries | where { $_.Entry -match $Value } | foreach {
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Update" -Value $true
$updateEntries = $entries | where Update
if(-not $updateEntries){
return "No entries matching '$filter'"
function ConfirmEntries($entries) {
$count = ($entries | where Update).Length
if($count -eq 0){
"`nNo hostsfile changes needed"
Break Script
switch ($Command) {
'add' {
$message = "Add these $count hosts entries to $hostsFilePath ?"
'remove' {
$message = "Delete these $count hosts entries in $hostsFilePath ?"
default {
$message = "Update these $count hosts entries in $hostsFilePath ?"
if (-not $Force -and -not ($PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue($message, "Confirm"))) {
function UpdateEntries($entries) {
$entries | where Update | foreach {
$entry = $_
switch ($Command) {
'set' {
$newEntry = "$($Ip.PadRight($Padding)) $($entry.Hostname)"
'uncomment' {
$newEntry = "$($entry.Ip.PadRight($Padding)) $($entry.Hostname)"
'comment' {
$newEntry = "# $($entry.Ip.PadRight($Padding)) $($entry.Hostname)"
'remove' {
$entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Remove" -Value $true
$entry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "NewEntry" -Value $newEntry
function AddEntries($entries) {
if(-not $Value){
$Value = Read-Host -Prompt "Provide comma separated domain names for $IP"
$newEntries = @()
$Value | foreach {
if(-not $DefaultDomain -or $_ -contains '.'){
$newDomain = $_
} else {
$newDomain = "$_.$DefaultDomain"
$existingEntries = $entries | where { $newDomain -eq $_.Hostname}
Write-Host "Skip existing entry $($existingEntries.Ip) $newDomain"
if($existingEntries.Ip -ne $Ip){
throw "Existing $($existingEntries.Ip) and $Ip ip's for $newDomain do not match"
} else {
$newEntries += [PSCustomObject]@{
NewEntry = "$($Ip.PadRight($Padding)) $newDomain"
Update = $true
return $entries += $newEntries
function WriteEntries($entries) {
$hostsFileContent = Get-Content $hostsFilePath
$entries | where Update | foreach {
if($_.Index -eq $null){
$hostsFileContent += $_.NewEntry
} else {
$hostsFileContent[$_.Index] = $_.NewEntry
$lines = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$hostsFileContent
$entries | where Remove | foreach {
$hostsFileContent | where { $_ -eq $entry.Entry } | foreach {
function SortEntries($entries) {
$hostsFileContent = Get-Content $hostsFilePath
$lines = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$hostsFileContent
$entries | sort Hostname | foreach {
$entry = $_.Entry
$hostsFileContent | where { $_ -eq $entry } | foreach {
$lines.Add($entry) | Out-Null
Write-Host ("Sorted $hostsFilePath content: `n")
if (-not $Force -and -not ($PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Save sorted hostsfile?`n", "Confirm"))) {
} else{
switch ($Command) {
'list' {
'show' {
Get-Content $hostsFilePath
({$Command -in 'set','comment','uncomment','remove'}) {
$entries = ParseHostsFile
FilterEntries $entries
UpdateEntries $entries
$entries | where Update | Format-Table Entry, NewEntry
ConfirmEntries $entries
WriteEntries $entries
'add' {
$entries = ParseHostsFile
$entries | Format-Table Entry
$entries = AddEntries $entries
$entries | where { $_.Update } | Format-Table NewEntry
ConfirmEntries $entries
WriteEntries $entries
'sort' {
$entries = ParseHostsFile
SortEntries $entries
'code' {
code $hostsFilePath
'start' {
start $hostsFilePath
'open' {
open $hostsFilePath
'help' {
Get-Help hf -Full
default { throw [NotImplementedException] "Todo $Command" }
sudo pwsh -NoProfile -c "ipmo .\hf.psm1; hf $@"
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