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Created May 10, 2024 09:44
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Simple interactive viewer for seismic data built with python+streamlit+segyio
# seismic_viewer_app_demo
# testing streamlit for a seismic viewer app
# using Near stack subcube from Per Avseth's QSI dataset
# to run:
# $ streamlit run
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import streamlit as st
import os
import requests
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import segyio
def st_load_seismic():
remote_file = ''
response = requests.get(remote_file)
# raise an HTTPError if the download fails
if response.raise_for_status() is False:
st.print('error while downloading {}'.format(remote_file))
return None, None, None, None
# create a temporary file to save the downloaded SEGY file
with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp:
local_file =
with, iline=41, xline=21) as f:
ntraces = f.tracecount
n_inl = f.ilines.size
n_crl = f.xlines.size
sr =
nsamples = f.samples.size
twt = f.samples
data =
os.remove(local_file) # remove local files
seis = data.T
z, crl, inl = seis.shape
return seis, nsamples, n_crl, n_inl
def st_get_section(data, line_type, line):
if line_type == 'inline':
section = data[:,:,line]
section = data[:,line,:]
return section
def st_plot_section(data, line_type, line, z, ztop=None, zbot=None,
cmap='bwr_r', clip=None, interpolation='spline16',
add_colorbar=True, square=True):
''' modified from squit.plot.model_seis() '''
n_traces = data.shape[1]
if ztop is None: ztop = z.min()
if zbot is None: zbot = z.max()
# calculate upper/lower clips value for color palette
if clip is None:
clip = np.nanpercentile(data, 100)
c1, c2 = -clip, +clip
elif isinstance(clip, list) or isinstance(clip, tuple):
c1, c2 = clip
c1, c2 = -clip, +clip
# make plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, constrained_layout=True)
extents = [0, n_traces, z[-1], z[0]]
opt = dict(extent=extents, cmap=cmap,
vmin=c1, vmax=c2,
aspect='auto', interpolation=interpolation)
im = ax.imshow(data, **opt)
if add_colorbar:
cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')'x-small')
title = '{} {}'.format(line_type, line)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize='large')
ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize='x-small')
ax.set_ylim(ztop, zbot)
if square:
ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
opt = dict(ztop=ztop, zbot=zbot, cmap=colormap, clip=clip)
st.pyplot(fig=fig, use_container_width=True)
st.set_page_config(page_title='Simple Seismic Viewer', layout="centered")
colormap_list = [
'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'bwr_r', 'coolwarm_r', 'seismic_r',
'gray_r' or 'gist_gray_r'
st.header('Simple Seismic Viewer')
seis, z, crl, inl = st_load_seismic()
widg_load = st.columns(2)
with widg_load[0]:
line_type = st.selectbox('inline or crossline', ('inline', 'crossline'))
with widg_load[1]:
min_line = 0
if line_type == 'inline':
max_line = inl
max_line = crl
opt_line = dict(min_value=min_line, max_value=max_line, format='%i')
line = st.slider('{} #'.format(line_type), **opt_line)
section = st_get_section(seis, line_type, line)
z_vect = np.arange(z)
clip000, clip100 = np.percentile(np.abs(section), (1, 100))
clip099 = np.percentile(np.abs(section), 99)
widg_a = st.columns(3)
with widg_a[0]:
colormap = st.selectbox('colormap', colormap_list, label_visibility="collapsed",placeholder='colormap')
with widg_a[1]:
opt_clip = dict(min_value=clip000, max_value=clip100, value=clip099)
clip = st.number_input('clip', **opt_clip, label_visibility="collapsed")
with widg_a[2]:
square = st.checkbox('1:1 aspect ratio')
widg_b = st.columns(2)
opt_z = dict(min_value=z_vect.min(), max_value=z_vect.max(), step=10, format='%i')
with widg_b[0]:
ztop = st.slider('top window', value=z_vect.min(), **opt_z)
with widg_b[1]:
zbot = st.slider('bot window', value=z_vect.max(), **opt_z)
if zbot <= ztop:
zbot = ztop+100
opt = dict(ztop=ztop, zbot=zbot, cmap=colormap, clip=clip, square=square)
st_plot_section(section, line_type, line, z_vect, **opt)
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