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Last active November 11, 2023 10:57
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Comment from 2022-06-20 on The REASON Google Translate FAILS at Japanese from 2022


Looks like Google translate has improved since 2020 - it's no longer inventing puppy ramen out of nowhere, and it's using more correct pronouns. Or someone at Google was embarrassed after watching this video, and made the necessary bug fixes. Still, I'd give DeepL a slight edge when compared to Google Translate.

I also tried using GPT-3 using the prompt "Translate the following restaurant review: Japanese: [TEXT] English: ", and it's arguably even better than DeepL:

  1. 隣の駐車場に停めていたらここのおばさんらしき人に何か言われた何を言っているのかは分からなかったが怒った口調だった。とても不愉快。 Google Translate: When I was parked in the parking lot next door, I didn't know what the aunt-like person was saying, but I was angry. She is very unpleasant. DeepL: When I parked in the parking lot next door, someone who looked like the lady here said something to me, I didn't understand what she was saying, but her tone was angry. I didn't know what she was saying, but she sounded angry. GPT-3: I was parked in the parking lot next door when I was approached by a woman who I assumed to be the owner of the restaurant. I couldn't understand what she was saying, but she sounded angry. It was very unpleasant.

2.腹いっぱい頂きました Google Translate: I was full DeepL: We had a full meal. GPT-3: I was very full after eating here.

  1. ひどい。店員はチャラついてるし。星一つすら付けたくあいません。 Google Translate: terrible. The clerk is crazy. I don't want to even have one star. DeepL: It's terrible. The waitresses are flirtatious. I don't even want to give them one star. GPT-3: It's terrible. The staff are rude and I wouldn't even give it one star.

  2. 禁煙になったのは残念でした!何とかお腹を満たした! Google Translate:It was a pity that I quit smoking! I managed to fill my stomach! DeepL: Too bad they banned smoking! We managed to fill our bellies! GPT-3: I was disappointed that the restaurant went smoke-free! I managed to get full, though!

  3. 毎月10日は豚骨の日でおっぺしゃんラーメンが500円で食べることができます Google translate: The 10th of every month is Tonkotsu Day, and you can eat Oppeshan Ramen for 500 yen. DeepL: On the 10th of every month, on Pork Bone Day, you can eat Oppeshan Ramen for 500 yen! GPT-3: On the 10th of every month, you can eat 500 yen worth of pork bone ramen at Oppeschan. Note: It's possible that the 500 yen discount only applies to "pork bone ramen", but the original review doesn't state it - only that it's possible to eat ramen for 500 yen on this day every month.


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