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Created May 19, 2019 21:06
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Gradle snippets for tools
sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
targetCompatibility = '1.8'
compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': mainClassName,
'Class-Path': configurations.compile.collect { it.getName() }.join(' '),
'Implementation-Version': version
// cleanup dist extra files
clean.doFirst {
// cleanup everything.
delete fileTree(dir: '/src/dist', include: ['**/*'])
// delete fileTree(dir: '/src/dist/conf', include: ['*.ddl']) // selective cleanup, in case some file need to be present in the distribution.
// delete fileTree(dir: '/src/dist/conf', include: ['*.yml'])
// startScripts are called before buildZip and buildTar
startScripts {
doLast {
println "Executing after startScripts"
// copy the start shell script
copy {
from './'
include '*.sh'
into '/src/dist'
// copy readme
copy {
from './'
include ''
into '/src/dist'
// copy changelog
copy {
from './'
include 'changelog.txt'
into '/src/dist'
// copy ddls (to the conf) to have them on the server too
copy {
from './'
include '*.ddl'
into '/src/dist/conf/'
// copy some initial SQL files to have them on the server too
copy {
from './'
include '*.sql'
into '/src/dist/conf/'
// copy some initial CSV files (if any)
copy {
from 'data/'
include '**/*.csv'
into '/src/dist/data/'
// copy the empty cache DB (you need to make sure that locally this is clean
copy {
from 'data/in/'
include ''
into '/src/dist/data/in/'
// copy the config file
// NOTE: when the build will be automatic, this needs to be removed, since the config file does not belong in a repo
copy {
from './'
include 'conf*.yml'
into '/src/dist/conf/'
/// -----------NOTE------------------------------------------------------
// Build distributions without version in name (until we use the UI)
distZip {
archiveName "${baseName}.zip"
doLast {
distTar {
archiveName "${baseName}.tar"
doLast {
/// -----------END---------------------------------------------------------
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