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Created April 7, 2022 03:34
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Demo example for reactiveVal() with observeEvent() - Create dependency on actionButton - Subset data on click of actionButton and display in datatable
# Demo example for reactiveVal with observeEvent()
# Create dependency on a button to reflect user input changes to the rendered output
library(shiny) # for Shiny components
library(dplyr) # for piping
my = mtcars %>%
mutate(cyl = as.factor(cyl))
ui <- fluidPage(
h4("Demo of using reactiveVal() along with observeEvent() in R Shiny to subset data and display on click of action Button"),
# SliderInput
sliderInput(inputId = "miles",
label ="Select miles per gallon range",
dragRange = TRUE,
min= min(my$mpg),
max = max(my$mpg),
value = c(15, 25)
radioButtons(inputId = "cyl" ,
label ="Select the cylinder #" ,
choices =levels((my$cyl)) ,
selected = 4,
inline = TRUE),
# Action button
actionButton(inputId ="show" ,label = "Show Data"),
# Data Table
# Plot
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# initialize the reactive data object using reactiveVal
sub = reactiveVal()
# filtering / subsetting within the reactive function on click of action Button
observeEvent(eventExpr = input$show,
# update the data object based on use inputs
mpg>=input$miles[1] & mpg<=input$miles[2])),
ignoreNULL = FALSE # so as to get the datatable displayed with initial selections
# display the subset data
output$table <- renderTable({
shinyApp(ui, server)
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